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We are well underway, and everyone is settling in nicely. We are looking forward to a fun, rewarding, and productive school year here at St. Patrick School. Thank you for entrusting your children with us!



05 Labor Day - No School

06 Preschool Pictures

07 PK-8 Pictures

15 Spirit Day-Noon Dismissal-Aftercare available until 6pm

RSVP to Valerie and Bring Lunch

16 Fall Festival - No School

17 Fall Festival

19-23 Iowa Assessments

26 Cookie Dough Fundraiser Kicks Off

28 Picture Retakes



Picture Day is:

September 6th- Preschool

September 7th-PreK-8th gr.

Your child will come home with an "access card" on their picture day. Using the information on the card, you can view your child's pictures once they are uploaded and place your order online. 

**Please note the dress-out guidelines below**


The following are guidelines to be followed for specially designated Free Dress Days. This would include birthday, picture day, and any other special day as designated by the administration.

● All shirts must be long enough to be tucked into pants or skirts and

● Necklines should not be revealing or form fitting.

● Pants must be acceptable, pants - loose-fitting only i.e khakis, dress slacks, jeans, and athletic pants.

● Skirts or shorts should be no shorter than two inches above the knee.

● Leggings are only acceptable if worn under appropriate length dress or skirt; leggings are not to be worn with tunics or long shirts.

● Socks of some sort must be worn.

● Shoes must fit snuggly and stay on feet when walking. Boots without heels and slip-on shoes such as Vans, Sperry or flats are only allowed on Free Dress Days. (Athletic shoes must be worn for P.E. classes.).

● All clothing worn on free dress days must be in good taste and must be able to be worn for all normal school activities.

The following are NEVER PERMITTED:

● Clothing and/or personal possessions that reference drugs, alcohol, sexual connotations or exhibit double meanings; advertise alcoholic beverages, tobacco, bars, rock bands and their activities; promote gangs, political movements or a political candidate or party; or promote values contrary to the Catholic Church.

● Tight fitting or revealing tops, pants, shorts, or clothing of any kind. (i.e. body suits, leggings, yoga pants, tight jeggings)

● Low-cut, off-the-shoulder, spaghetti strap, tank, or t-strap shirts or dresses

● Skirts or shorts shorter than 2 inches above the middle of the knee

● Clothing with holes, frays, or stains

● Pajama pants

● Sandals, open backed shoes with or without straps, and heels higher than one inch. 


Police officers from Wentzville Police Department came to talk to our three kindergarten classes this week. They told them who to call in an emergency, answered many, MANY questions, and even showed them their police car with all of its lights and sirens!


Volunteers are still needed! It takes over 300 people to make this event successful. Please sign up below!

Sign up to Volunteer!



It is imperative that ALL Back to School documents are returned to the office by Monday, August 29th, 2022. 

Starting Monday, technology privileges will not be given to those students without a returned agreement, and it is crucial for us to know who to contact for your child in case of an emergency. 


Mrs. Elizabeth Gebelein, from Saint Louis Counseling, is the therapist for St. Patrick School that is available every Monday for our students needing this resource. If you are interested in your child receiving services, please contact the office for paperwork to be sent home with your student.


Starting next week August 31st, EVERY WEDNESDAY, if you are picking up at 4:45 or after, you will need to go to the glass double-doors to the right of the cafeteria. The doors will be marked accordingly. This change will be for Wednesdays ONLY moving forward.


Congratulations to our St. Patrick Students that participated in the Summer Reading Challenge through St. Charles City-County Library: 

Evan Graslie

Collin & Mia Earnest

Molly & Madi Scherr

Gregory & Thomas Rowland

Lilly & Henry Zak

Avelyn Hoernig

Lexie Cross

Addison Jones

Liam Gould

Evan & Avery Reininger

Max Brown

Charlotte Buchheit

Brinlee, Cambree & Adelyn Yanick

Emma & Olivia Baker

Iris & Zachary Kneib

Wyatt Smith

Luke & Ella Hagenhoff

Josie Meyer


Thank you to those who have already signed up to volunteer!

At this time, we are still looking for coverage for

September 1st.

We are in need of one volunteer to help with playground and lunchroom supervision from 10:55-12:40 each day lunch is scheduled. If you are able to help, please email [email protected] or call the school office.

Note: Every volunteer must be compliant with Protecting God's Children and Prevent & Protect. Thank you for all your help.


There is a part-time cafeteria position available if you or someone you know are interested. Please Contact Rita at [email protected].

There is a part-time maintenence position available for the school year as well. If you are interested, please call Mike at 314-393-6460 or email [email protected].


 If you intend to volunteer for any school events like class parties, help with coaching, attend Field Day or chaperone your child's fieldtrip, YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED Protecting God's Children as well as Prevent & Protect!

There is a class at St. Patrick this coming Thursday if you are looking for a convenient option. It will fill quickly!

Protecting God's Children Class

Thursday, September 1, 2022 @ 6 PM

St. Patrick Social Hall

All volunteers need protecting Gods children and prevent and protect. Sign up for protecting Gods children at

Prevent and protect instructions are attached below.

Please contact Home and School with any questions at [email protected] 



***A copy of the 2022-2023 School Calendar is also available online on the school webpage under Quick Links.***


We know that there are several families that are still waiting on their orders from Fischer's Uniform. If you are in need of uniform items in the meanwhile, there have been some items dropped off at the office. Please feel free to stop in and see if there is anything you need.

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Visit our online store to order uniform tops, shorts, and spirit wear! Remember, orders placed between September 1-31 will be delivered by October 20.

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Our Back to School Kick-Off event, organized by our Home and School Association, was great fun for all. Several food trucks were present to provide some delicious treats and the kids were so excited to see each other and celebrate the school year gearing-up!

Welcome KINDERGARTENERS! We can't wait to see what is store for you as you begin your journey at St. Patrick!

Home and School graciously provided a Boo-Hoo Breakfast for the families of our incoming kindergarteners to allow them to get to know each other as they sent their kindergarteners off to their classrooms on the first day.  A Chick-Fil-A breakfast and tissues were provided.

Thank you to all of our Room Moms Who have volunteered for the 2022-2023 School Year!

PS Reinhardt- Paige Burns
PS Lang- Cassie Ellison 
PK Lang- Ashley Reininger 
PK Reinhardt- Lindsay Gintz
PK McKenzie- Lindsey Kloeppel
PK Essmyer- Meghann Rocha 
KA- Kayla Prenger
KS- Gina Rewolinski
KW- Trisha Brown
1S- Kim Franer
1L- Kelli Dickson
2D- Melissa Jacobsmeyer 
2O- Angela Conner 
3B- Jen Morris
3M- Sarah Burrus 
4B- Katie Albers 
4H-Kathleen Payton 
5S- MaryBeth Baker 
5D- Maureen Hodge and Kim Schellert 
6D- Annie Mechlin 
6S- Nancy Phillips
7G-Jamie Schmitz 
7P- Cassandra Capps
8D- Kelly Bertrand
8E- Karen Nelson

The winner of the clover parking spot for the first 30 days of school is Cori Breen!! Congratulations Cori and thank you for supporting our school!

The Otis Spunkmeyer fundraiser will kick off on September 26th with delivery the week of 11/17

Save the Date! Trunk or Treat will be on October 21st

Be on the look-out for more information coming soon!


St. Patrick Home & School Association includes the parents and guardians of the students of St. Patrick School and the pastor, principal, and faculty of St. Patrick School. All members are expected to actively participate and support the efforts of the Home & School Association. 


ATTENTION 8TH GRADE BOYS:  CBC is now accepting appointments for our Official 8th Grade Visit Program. During this visit, a young man will participate in Experience CBC Classes designed especially for 8th grade students. He will meet with a current CBC student, attend some of his classes, and have lunch with him. Finally, during the CBC Explore Period, he will have the opportunity to meet with teachers, coaches and program moderators to gather detailed information about the things in which he is interested. This program is by reservation only.  Please contact Mrs. Melissa Ryan at (314) 985-6095 or [email protected] to reserve your Official 8th Grade Visit.   On-line registration also available at   


 The Ursuline Academy community is proud to host the second annual All Girls School Alliance High School Fair on Wednesday, August 24, 2022. Each of the nine all-girls schools in the St. Louis area will be represented, allowing families to learn more about the benefits of single-gender Catholic education. Students in 6th - 8th grades and parents will have the opportunity to meet our Student Ambassadors and Admission Staff and receive information about our wonderful schools. Registration is recommended, but walk-ins are welcome!  


For all you do throughout the year, we want to tell you that we are so grateful that you're here!

Please join us for our PARISH APPRECIATION DINNER — hosted by St. Patrick Parish Clergy & Staff — as our way of saying "THANK YOU"

Thursday, September 8, 2022

5:45 PM Appetizers

6:30 PM Dinner

St. Patrick Social Hall

Please RSVP for this complimentary event at one of the following:

636-332-9225 parish office

[email protected]

or stop by the office during normal business hours.

We are asking for your email, number of adults, and number of children that will be attending.


Don't forget to LIKE our St. Patrick School Facebook page!

St. Patrick Catholic School


Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.