Summer Continued Learning
The team who brought you our all-congregation conversations about race this past year has compiled recommendations for summer reading and viewing to aid our continued learning. Ask yourself where you are on your anti-racism journey and which topic might spur your understanding, compassion or contribution to the work ahead. Look to fccfaithful.org/anti-racism for a longer list of valuable material.
Top Picks for End of Summer
From Anna Carvalho

by Duke L. Kwon and Gregory Thompson
  • If you have been anxious about or afraid of the concept of "reparations", then this book is for you. After inviting us to see how American Christians both promoted and pushed back against white supremacy (the latter as early as 1663!), the authors use Zacchaeus the tax collector and the Good Samaritan to show how repentance and restoration are part of our DNA. The theft of truth, power and wealth can be met by solutions that are comprehensive, local, and spiritual. Our project supporting reinvestment in Harvey is an example of reparations.

From Stephanie Poole-Byrd

by Eddie Moore Jr., Marguerite W. Penick-Parks, Ali Michael

From Phil & Phyliss Royster

Nell Irvin Painter
  • This book narrates the history of the social construction of whiteness, revealing that it is not a biological reality.
Exterminate All the Brutes (4-Part Film Documentary)
Raoul Peck
  • This is the most brilliant documentary shining light on the international prevalence of white supremacy and what it has done to the world.

From Pastor Julie:

by Howard Thurman
  • Written in the period of Jim Crow, this timeless book challenges us to water and protect our inner lives. We do this not only so that we can resist those who would diminish us, but also so we can - like Jesus - actively seek out their humanity, unleashing their own capacity for change. Thurman was speaking of racism, but that inner freedom also empowers us to counter other inhumane facets of modern society.