May 17, 2022
A Message from Dr. Shetzer
It is hard to believe that we have only three weeks of school left. The next few weeks are busy with end-of-year activities, end-of-year performances, and end-of-year tests. Please read on to learn more about what is happening in the next few weeks.
Final Exams, End-of-Year Tests/Projects, End-of-Year Ren360
All students in high school credit courses must take a final exam. Final exams for high school credit courses will be administered May 23-27. Final exams are 10% of the final average. All students in non-high school credit courses may be given an end-of-year test or project during the week of May 23. Also, all students will take the end-of-year Ren360 assessment this week.
End-of-Year Activities
We are excited to be offering various end-of-year activities for our students. Here is a quick look at what is coming up:
  • May 20                8th Grade Dance
  • May 27                Talent Show
  • June 2                  6th & 7th Grade Field Trip to Main Event
  • June 3                  8th Grade Field Trip to Schlitterbahn
  • June 6                  8th Grade Superlative Award Ceremony (students only) and Picnic
  • June 7                  8th Grade Promotion, Last Day of School
Algebra & Biology Readiness Exams
Current 6th and 7th graders in HISD Advanced Math will take an Algebra Readiness Test next week as one requirement for qualifying for Algebra next school year. Once we have the test results, we will complete the matrix, which includes teacher recommendation, STAAR/DLA scores, and the Algebra Readiness Test score. Students who qualify for Algebra will receive a letter the week of June 6th. Any 6th grader that qualifies for Algebra in 7th grade will have to participate in a week long Algebra Bridge Camp in August.
7th Grade students who are currently in the accelerated science program with Ms. Kimble will take a Biology Readiness Test next week. Scores from this test will be used to determine if your child qualifies for Biology in the 8th grade. Students who qualify for Biology will be notified the week of June 6th.
Attention parents, all rising 7th graders must have an MCV4 and a Tdap booster prior to the start of the school year. If you do not have health insurance or Medicaid, you can get those immunizations for free through Texas Children’s Mobile Clinic. Please make sure that you are providing vaccination records to the nurse at the beginning of the school year.
Dress Code
Pershing Middle School still has a dress code and lately we have seen SEVERAL students out of dress code. As a reminder, only khaki (tan or black) pants, jeans (no holes, rips, tears), skirts, or shorts (black or tan) are allowed. Shirts must be grade-level color. T-Shirts must have the Pershing logo and polo shirts must be free of logos. No sweatpants, pajama bottoms, jean shorts, or leggings are allowed. Students out of dress code over the next few weeks risk losing their field trip opportunity.
Last week our SDMC voted on the 2022-2023 Dress Code. We are going back to our pre-COVID dress code and it will be strictly enforced. 
2022-2023 Course Selection
Rising 7th and 8th graders will have an opportunity to complete their elective course selection for the 2022-2023 school year next week. An updated Elective Description will be posted on our website this week, along with the links to the course selection sheet.
Summer School
On Friday, your child received a flyer regarding Summer School, along with their Progress Report. This does not mean your child has to attend Summer School. Notices regarding who has to attend Summer School will be sent home early next week with those students who have to attend Summer School.
I hope everyone has a great week. As always, if you need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s counselor or Assistant Principal.
We hope that everyone has a great week!

Steven Shetzer, Principal
President's Message
Hello Pershing Panda Families!
Woohoo!! Three weeks left until summertime!! 

The 8th grade end of year glow dance is this Friday in the cafeteria. Tickets go on sale Monday - Thursday of this week during lunchtime. Tickets are $5, cash or credit. We are still looking for snack, drinks and desserts donations. Please see sign up genius. 

I hope everyone has a great week!

Alison Moorhead
PTO President
May 20th - 8th Grade Dance
May 26th - Library Books Due
May 27th - Talent Show
June 2nd - 6th and 7th Grade Field Trio
June 3rd - 8th Grade Field Trip
JUne 7th - 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
Please contact Ms. Harrison for more details.
6th and 7th Grade Parents

The 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony is June 7th at Butler Field House. Pershing Staff and the 8th Grade PTO Team need help from 6th/7th grade parents to supervise the registration tables at the ceremony.
Our role is to take tickets as the parents enter the facility.  
We greatly appreciate you volunteering your time to help. 
They would like the volunteers to arrive at 8:45am and stay until approximately 10:30am-10:45am.
Even if you can't stay the entire time, we still welcome you to volunteer. This is the first ceremony since Covid as well as the ticket system. We could use all hands on deck and this is a great learning experience for our promotion ceremony next year. Rising 6th grade parents will be asked to do the same for us.

6th and 7th Graders

National Junior Honor Society is taking application for the next school year.

If you have great grades with a high cumulative GPA, and a desire it help others, please fill out the
They are due Thursdays May 26.
Yearbook is recruiting!!!

Students who are interested in growing their journalism and photography skills while capturing Pershing’s memorable moments should apply. 

Students must fill out an application with writing and photography samples, have two teacher references and sign up for an interview with
Mrs. Van Den Bossche. 

Applications and interview sign-ups are outside room 222.

Application is due on the day of your interview.
All JJP Library books are due Thursday, May 26th
Kona Ice Wednesdays !!!

4:00- 5:00 pm

Pershing’s small lot off of Braes Blvd.

Prices range for $4-$6

Kona Ice will donate a portion of its sales to the PTO.
8th Grade News
8th Grade Event Dates
Save the date, 8th Graders!

8th Grade Dance - May 20th 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
8th Grade Field Trip - June 3rd (all day)
8th Grade Promotion - June 7th at Butler Stadium
8th Grade Ice Cream Social or Breakfast - June 7th
Pershing Girls Soccer

May 19 5:00 @ Revere at PERSHING
Pershing Boys Soccer

May 19 6:00 @ Revere at PERSHING

Need Assistance?
Here are some frequently asked questions from parents who have been looking for assistance.

  1. Where can I find contact information for my child's teacher? Our website directory is an excellent place to find our faculty and staff email addresses.
  2. How can I monitor my child's grades? HISD Connect Parent Portal is the spot! Click here for information on setting up an HISD Connect Parent Portal account.
  3. I have a question, but I'm not sure who to reach out to for an answer. If you have a question, you can reach out to your child's Homeroom teacherCounselor, or Assistant Principal for assistance.
  4. I need to schedule a meeting with a teacher, what do I do? Please email the teacher(s) you wish to meet with and allow them 24 hours to respond. Teachers are provided with a planning period each day, so they will send you those times to schedule a meeting. You can also call the main office at 713-295-5240 and leave a message for the teacher.
  5. I feel disconnected now that my child is in middle school. How can I get involved? This is easy. Join the PTO and attend the regularly scheduled meetings. We also recommend you attend the sporting events, fine arts performances, and PTO events throughout the year.
Contact Information
Campus Administration Team

Steven Shetzer, Principal

Carrie Curtis, 6th - 8th Grade & Compliance Assistant Principal

Maria Jackson, 6th Grade Assistant Principal

Tyesha Beller, 7th Grade Assistant Principal

Alberto Fernandez, 8th Grade Assistant Principal (Discipline)

Amy Ford, 6th - 8th Grade Assistant Principal (8th Grade Activities)

Grisury Candelaria, Magnet Coordinator

Hope Goodson, Dean of Instruction

Campus Support Team

Sherman Parker, 6th Grade Counselor

Enitsha Allen-Cooper, 7th Grade Counselor

Sara Graur, 8th Grade Counselor

Alesha Rushing, Wraparound Specialist

Jolynn Vallejo, CIS Social Worker
Important Links

Know someone who needs to receive the Panda Post for this school year? 
Please share this link to get signed up.

Proud Panda Sponsors
Learn more about Corporate Partners on the PTO Website.