December 19th, 2022
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End-of-Year Gifting Campaign
We know at this time of year you receive requests for charitable contributions from many deserving organizations. This year marks the first year IFLC has joined in this custom. As we are communicating only with those who have participated in our programming, you likely know the IFLC brings people of many faiths together to work toward a harmonious community based on our highest and best values. We do this through our programs, including Bridging to Belonging, Religious Diversity Journeys, World Sabbath, and Exploring Religious Landscapes.

Please consider a year-end, tax-deductible gift to assist IFLC as we work to expand programming, increase understanding, and inspire tolerance, respect, collaboration, and friendship among individuals of all faiths throughout our community.

Our unique immersive method leads to deep, respectful relationships among individuals and congregations of different faiths, as well as those who do not have a religious affiliation. Resilience is advocated in the face of misunderstanding and bigotry. To that end, our programing is concentrated in, among others, the following areas:

  • ERL Adult Education - IFLC believes that education is the foundation of interfaith understanding and friendship. Programs have focused on particular religions, musical traditions of different religions, creation stories, among many others. These events are provided free to the community.
  • Community Engagement, Dialogue and Conciliation – Through individual and organizational relationships, IFLC strives to develop and support a community that respects religious freedoms for all through dialogue and education. We condemn bigotry in the form of speech or discriminatory acts, and we help to mediate inter-religious and inter-ethnic conflicts such as controversies about the Muslim call to prayer and the construction of a mosque in a Detroit suburb.
  • Religious Diversity Journeys – A unique immersive interfaith educational experience for hundreds of Detroit-area middle school students annually. Students learn that differences are okay and not to be feared, and that learning about people of different religions, ethnic groups and races can offset negative stereotypes. Plans are underway for the 2022-23 school year.
  • Religious Leaders Forum of Metropolitan Detroit – We convene a gathering of diverse senior faith leaders who believe that the significant moral and social values of their respective religions are important considerations for our entire community. They have focused on such issues as literacy, household energy/warmth and the moral imperative of providing safe, clean, affordable water to all households.
  • World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation – Featuring a Children’s Procession of Peace, this yearly program developed 21 years ago, highlights that God is a God of peace and that all faiths are called upon to build a world of tolerance and justice.
  • Bridging to Belonging – We curate small groups of 6-8 people from diverse backgrounds, who, led by our trained moderators, come together in a safe space to share their individual stories, and learn about one another. Participants move from storytelling to dialogue to collaboration over a three-session unit.

We need your support. We thank you for considering a year-end, tax-deductible gift to assist IFLC. 

Lastly, please accept our heartfelt wishes for a safe and sacred holiday season whether it involves holy days or is simply a holiday to enjoy family and friends.

The InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit
Please consider donating by scanning our QR code, below, or by visiting Donate to IFLC (, or by visiting our website, Interfaith Leadership Council | ( and clicking the “Donate” button in the top-right corner.
InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit | P.O. Box 252271, West Bloomfield, MI 48325
Phone: [313.338.9777] Email contact: [email protected]