Navigator News 
Community Brief from Endeavor Elementary
"Letting the Good Times Roll"
Monday, June 8, 2020

As we close the 2019-2020 school year, I would like to thank our students, teachers and families for rising to the challenge and finishing the year with the same academic rigor we began with in August. I am so proud of what we accomplished and cannot wait to see how our new digital expertise will impact on instruction.     

We were true to our theme of "Let the Good Times Roll" and we created memorable experiences from the Carnival at Meet Your Teacher to the Bayou Blast in December to the virtual dance parties in May and everything in between. I would personally like to recognize our PTA, Partners in Education, SAC Committee members, volunteers, teachers and staff for their efforts in creating a one of a kind environment where children can learn and grow!

Orange County Public Schools and the state for Florida are presently working to determine our next steps and mapping out a plan for the upcoming school year. Making sure our school is safe for our Navigators is my top priority. I recommend that you visit the school district's website at for the most up to date information regarding the 2020-2021 school year.

The front office will remain open Monday through Thursday for registrations and withdrawals with the exception of June 29, 2020, through July 3, 2020. Please contact Ms. Curbelo for assistance in these matters.  

I trust everyone has a safe summer and I look forward to the next school year!    
Dr. Ellis
Pictured very top: Reverse Car Parade (please see story below). 
Content and Upcoming Events 

In This Issue (Click link)

Navigator Snapshots
In Reverse
With Appreciation
Double Take
Next Steps
It Glows
Virtual Fun
SAC and Parents as Partners
OCPS News and Reminders
Dates to Watch For

6/15: Report Card Pickup
6/20: Summer Solstice
6/21: Happy Father's Day!

Navi's Gator Snapshotsnavigatorsnapshots 
G.A.T.O.R.  Expectations  
G. Good Manners
A. Always Attentive
T. Taking Responsibility
O. On Time & On Task
R. Respect Everyone
Positive Climate and Safe Environment
In Reverse inreverse
Positive Climate and Safe Environment  
Dr. Ellis and Mr. Diaz welcomed our Navigators and their families at the Endeavor Reverse Car Parade. Teachers, staff, thousands of balloons, signs and decorations lined the parade route to let our students know how much we miss them. Smiles and tears could be seen through car windows.   
With Appreciationwithappreciation
Positive Climate and Safe Environment

Double Takedoubletake     
Positive Climate and Safe Environment 

Teachers and staff had to look twice as the cars rolled up to Endeavor's Reverse Car Parade. Families had decorated their cars in a parade that was meant for them. Thank you for making us feel special and letting us know that you miss us as much as we miss you.    

Next Steps nextsteps
High Expectations for Student Learning  
Congratulations to our fifth grade students for completing requirements to move up to the sixth grade. You worked hard, learned a lot and you are ready for your future "endeavors." Remember, "Once a Navigator, Always a Navigator!"    

It Glowsitglows
Student Social and Emotional Well Being  
Endeavor's house DJ, Chris, rocked the fifth grade glow party. Students were surprised by guests that randomly appeared on their screens wanting to join in on the neon fun. Thank you to all our teachers that joined in from home.

The festivities ended with a special message from Principal, Dr. Ellis.

Virtual Funvirtualfun
Student Social and Emotional Well Being 
Over three hundred and fifty kindergarten to fourth grade Navigators joined in for the end of the year virtual dance party.  DJ Chris kept everyone moving. It was so much fun! Thank you to all that participated. 

School Advisory Council & Parents as Partnerssacparentsaspartners
Engaged and Invested Community  

The SAC committee held the last meeting of the school year virtually. Topics discussed included: the school budget, the school improvement plan, and distance learning. Endeavor would like to thank all the members of the SAC Committee during 2019-2020 school year for their commitment to the continuous improvement of Endeavor Elementary School.

OCPS News & RemindersOCPSnewsandreminders
Engaged and Invested Community  

* Calendar subject to change based upon the Covid-19 coronavirus situation.

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Copyright Notice 
Reproduction of this material, either written or electronically, including the general layout, graphics, analyses, and content topics without the express approval of Target Performance Systems, Inc., a Florida corporation, and OCPS - Endeavor Elementary School is forbidden without written consent.  Thank you for your support of the Orange County Public Schools and especially the Endeavor Elementary School. Please contact Mrs. Janet Rodriguez (school secretary) at with any questions.  
  Endeavor Elementary School | Dr. Amanda Ellis, Principal | 407.251-2560 | EES Website