Ending Soon: Public Charge comment period and more!
Public Charge Comment Period Ending December 10
On September 22, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security released a draft proposed rule to expand the scope of programs that can trigger a public charge determination for immigrants seeking green cards. “The proposed rule would threaten the health of more than a million Californians by penalizing them if they access basic nutrition and housing benefits for themselves and their families.”

The California Endowment’s organizational values of fairness, inclusion, and health and justice for all have prompted them to respond as an institution. They have produced an  “explainer” PSA with  The Children’s Partnership. Organizations have signed onto the  campaign led by Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants & Refugees (GCIR) and Philanthropy California to encourage philanthropic partners to become engaged on this issue.

The proposed rule represents a massive change in current policy - yet it is put forth without any rationale and in contradiction of the available evidence. Under current policy, only those who cannot show that they will not become dependent on government programs, like cash “welfare” assistance for income maintenance and government-funded long-term care, are disqualified from seeking to obtain a green card. The proposed rule, if enacted, would put millions of working-class immigrant families already here at greater risk of hunger, poverty, homelessness, and other hardships and destabilize communities across California and the country.
Public comments are being accepted until December 10, 2018. Comments may be submitted directly via  the Federal Register Comments can be of any length and submitted as a PDF.

If you are interested in learning more about “public charge,” several of organizations have created FAQs and other resources to assist you, including the  Protecting Immigrant Families CoalitionNational Immigration Law Center, and  California Immigrant Policy Center.
FRC Funding Advocacy Letter
We are asking you to sign on to a very important letter that focuses specifically on our Family Resource Centers . To transform and preserve the future of California families, we must fund our future through public resources that reflect primary prevention and early interventions, community-driven practices, frameworks of equity rooted in service delivery, and holistic models of care which integrate whole child, whole family  and whole community  values. 

CFRA is working with a dedicated group of FRCs throughout California to urge legislators to invest in Family Resource Centers and other primary prevention and early intervention child abuse prevention strategies by leveraging federal funding and state and county level resources. The specific actions include:
  • The Families First Prevention Services Act
  • State-Level Funding and Priorities
  • County-Level Funding Mechanisms and Priorities

Additionally, we are urging legislators to invest in promising practices of prevention implemented by Family Resource Centers, increase investment in Family Resource Centers' workforce, and increase investment in Family Resource Centers' infrastructure. 

Before we distribute our recommendations to legislators, we are asking our CFRA members to give us input on our recommendations, as well as help us gather support for our letter. To find out more information about our recommendations, read about the policy recommendations . If you have any questions, feedback, or would like to sign on as a supporter, please contact Jennifer Santos

Thank you for your continued support of children and families throughout the state, and your valued partnership with CFRA. CFRA values your investment and dedication to child abuse prevention, and together we can make a difference.
2019 Prevention Summit
San Diego, CA
January 31 - February 1, 2019
The Prevention Cabinet of the County Welfare Directors Association of California, the California Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP), and Strategies 2.0 will co-host a Prevention Summit on January 31 and February 1 in San Diego.

This summit will spur a leap forward in our shared goals toward child abuse prevention and family well-being, by convening cross-sector teams from select counties who are prepared to deepen their collaboration and commit to a shared strategy. By participating in the summit, counties will:
  • develop and strengthen public-private partnership for strengthening families
  • create a county-wide prevention plan (or take an existing plan to the next level)
  • commit to an ongoing collaborative process with clear action steps

You can have a role in securing your county's participation .

All California CWDA members and CAPCs are invited to apply. Contact your local CAPC and/or Child Welfare leadership to encourage them to participate, and indicate your interest in being part of the team and/or the larger collaborative pre- and post-meetings.

For more information, review the Summit letter and application .
Reshaping child welfare in the US to focus on strengthening families
The purpose of the Information Memorandum (IM) is to strongly encourage all child welfare agencies and Children’s Bureau (CB) grantees to work together with the courts and other appropriate public and private agencies and partners to plan, implement and maintain integrated primary prevention networks and approaches to strengthen families and prevent maltreatment and the unnecessary removal of children from their families. Coordinated and robust primary prevention efforts are critically important to strengthen families, prevent the initial occurrence of and ongoing maltreatment, prevent unnecessary family disruption, reduce family and child trauma, interrupt intergenerational cycles of maltreatment, and build a well-functioning child welfare system.
Thank you Asm. Autumn Burke
CFRA would like to thank Assemblymember  Autumn Burke  for being a champion for children and families! The Lifting Children and Families Out of Poverty Task Force Repor t shows that lifting children and families out of poverty by increasing CalWORKs funding will ensure that children suffering the most have the opportunity to live healthy and productive lives.
CFRA's Monthly Policy Calls
Every fourth Friday of the month, CFRA updates members to discuss state and federal legislation which impacts the family strengthening field. We have representatives throughout the state to give the varying perspectives of our diverse clients and regions. To participate in our next call, register here.

Our next call is on Friday, January 25 at 9AM.
(Note: we will not have a call in December due to the holidays.)
Strategies 2.0 Learning Communities
Connecting members and allies of the child abuse prevention field
You're invited to join us for any of the FREE Learning Community convenings listed below. Who should attend?
  • Professionals from social service, health, mental health, child care, child welfare, housing, veterans service, education, family resource centers, law enforcement, and other helping agencies
  • Advocates, parents, & community members who want to learn and make a difference for children and families in their region

Learning Communities Convenings
Southern California Learning Community
  • 3/8/19
  • 5/17/19
Valley Learning Community
  • 12/12/18
  • 2/22/19
  • 5/10/19

Click here for more information about Strategies 2.0 and to register for the Learning Communities above. Sign up for their newsletter.