Happy holidays from SecureFutures!
As we reflect on the season and the beginning of a new year, we are so grateful to be in community and partnership with all of you. On behalf of our entire SecureFutures team, we wish you and your loved ones a joy-filled celebration of the holidays!

Our President and CEO Brenda Campbell and Johnson Financial Group CIO Brian Andrew had a lively conversation on The Morning Blend about how teen financial education helps address financial inequities, the student debt crisis, and more. We're so grateful to JFG for their ongoing partnership and support, and to TMJ4 News for hosting this important discussion!

You still have time to make an impact in 2021! If you haven't yet had a chance, please read Arlesia's story about how your donation to SecureFutures is an investment in the next generation, and consider a gift today!

As you set intentions for the new year, are you looking for a meaningful volunteer opportunity that will make a real impact in a young person's life? We are currently recruiting volunteers for our spring 2022 Money Coach program! Money Coach volunteers provide transformative financial mentorship to high school students to prepare them to thrive as they enter adult life. If you'd like to learn more, just fill out this quick form by December 23rd!
Thank you, corporate and foundation partners!

We are honored to count the Financial Literacy of Wisconsin Foundation, American Family Insurance, the Marine Credit Union Foundation, Brady Corporation Foundation, Inc., the Peck Foundation, Milwaukee LTD, the Stella H. Jones Foundation, the Dorothy Inbusch Foundation, The Gardner Foundation, and the RA Stevens Family Foundation among our corporate and foundation supporters. Thank you for investing back into the community by supporting teen financial literacy!
710 N. Plankinton Ave., Suite 1400
Milwaukee, WI 53203
(414) 273-8101
There are dozens of incredible companies, foundations and individuals who make our teen financial empowerment mission possible. Along with spotlights of those supporters in this newsletter,