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State of American Pre-K: New Report Shows 1.5 Million...
One and a half million American children were enrolled in state-funded preschool programs in the 2015-16 school year, a new high, the annual State of Preschool Yearbook found. The District of Columbia was again the top-ranked jurisdiction for...
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Welcome to the World's Coolest Kindergarten
HAMBURG, Germany - It was late Tuesday afternoon at the Pestalozzi Foundation kindergarten, and a few dozen children and their parents were hanging around past the normal pickup hour. There was no rush to get home, really. They were enjoying the...
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In a changing rural America, what can charter schools...
Rural America is not your grandparents' heartland. Its population is getting older: 21 of the 25 oldest counties in the United States are rural. It's no longer overwhelmingly white: One in five rur...
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White, wealthy communities are forming their own school...
In 30 states, geographic communities can legally break away from large public school districts and form their own. As a result, a growing number of white and wealthier neighborhoods are creating their own schools and siphoning property taxes away ...
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A College Built for Canadian Settlers Envisions an...
The University of Saskatchewan is leading the charge to become a kind of Reconciliation U, committing to change in areas including scholarship and governance, and envisioning itself as an institution of "knowledge-keeping," as well as research...
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Behind the Problem of Student Homelessness
Last month, the Wisconsin HOPE Lab at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, released a study that surveyed students at 70 community colleges in 24 states. It found that 14 percent were homeless. Those findings build on a study released last year...
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The Sensory Room: Helping Students With Autism Focus and ...
Imagine a safe space where students with autism can go to calm their bodies and then get back to the business of learning.
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ULX: 10 Libraries as Community Hubs - Urban Land Magazine
Rather than fading in the age of the internet and digital media, libraries are taking on an even stronger role in community life, bringing together diverse populations and providing access not only to books, but also to offerings as varied as...
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