Katie Stonewater

Executive Director Energy Council

It's deadline week. The bill introduction deadline is February 14 th and lots of bills are expected to be filed on Friday. Since my last newsletter, here are the bills filed as of this writing. Below that, a look at what's expected next week.

SB2954 (Fine) creates the Coal Tar Sealant Disclosure Act, which requires public schools, State agencies and others to disclose the use of a coal tar-based sealant. Requires public schools to post signage regarding the dangers of such use for a minimum of 10 years. The bill sets forth additional disclosure requirements. We are opposed to the bill. It has been referred to the Senate Environment and Conservation Committee.

SB2975 (Ellman) and HB4605 (Connor) requires groundwater monitoring at all clean construction and demolitions debris sites. SB2975 has been referred to Senate Executive.

HB4500 (Williams) allows any person to propose rules to amend the list of "etiologic agents" identified as Class 4 agents and requires the Pollution Control Board to adopt rules to amend the listing of Class 4 agents no later than 6 months after receiving it. An etiologic agent is a pathogenic agent that is hazardous and may cause serious epidemic disease. The list is here - search for Class 4 etiologic agent.

HB4606 (Mah) creates an environmental justice program at the IEPA to enhance public outreach for permitting and to facilitate public participation and access to information during permitting actions by the IEPA. Last year, Representative Mah introduced a bill, HB2728, to provide that the IEPA shall consider adverse impacts on environmental justice communities relating to granting a permit or permit renewal before publishing a draft permit for public comment. The bill would codify environmental justice policies that the IEPA considers now and adds requirements beyond current practices. The Chamber was opposed. The bill was referred back to the House Rules Committee.

HB4820 (Demmer) adds commercial solar projects to the list of projects able to be considered a high impact business.

HB4660 (Sosnowski) changes the effective date of a pollution control facility certificate from the date of application or date of construction (whichever is later) to the date of recommendation by the IEPA or construction of the facility.

Next week
The Governor's Budget Address is scheduled for Wednesday. The House Energy and Environment Committee has scheduled a subject matter hearing for 3pm on Tuesday, the 18th. The committee will discuss reducing plastics pollution.

Illinois Chamber on WTTW Re: CEJA
Last week, I was on WTTW's Chicago Tonight talking about our concerns with the Clean Energy Jobs Act. Jen Walling of the Illinois Environmental Council joined me on the panel, expressing their support of CEJA. We raised concerns over the overall costs of CEJA and that any energy policies in Illinois shouldn't burden ratepayers without a mutual benefit. The video is here. That was my first live TV interview - phew!



IL Chamber Energy Council | | kstonewater@ilchamber.org | 215 E Adams St.
Springfield, IL 62701

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