Katie Stonewater

Executive Director Energy Council

February 28, 2020

Friends, today is my last day at the Illinois Chamber. While I've been able to reach out to many of you about my next adventure, I haven't been able to get to all. It has truly been a joy working with every one of you and I am thankful for how much you all have taught me.

On Monday, I start my next chapter at the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. I will continue working in energy and am hopeful that our paths will cross again in my new role.

Alec Messina will be taking over as Executive Director of the Energy Council on Monday. Many of you have worked with Alec in the past and know him well. Alec is a former IEPA Director and Executive Director of the Illinois Environmental Regulatory Group. His full bio is here. Please give Alec a warm welcome! He will be reaching out to folks over the next days and weeks to say hi.

Thank you for all you do for Illinois. I am confident that our efforts have made Illinois a better place to do business.

Things have started to kick off for seeking a comprehensive energy bill. While it's unclear what path it'll all take, the House Public Utilities Committee held a subject matter hearing last Friday on FERC and capacity market reforms. This was the first of multiple subject matter hearings we can expect to be scheduled. The hearing lasted about four hours and heard from five panels including Illinois agencies, the environmental community, large industrial users, labor, PJM and the Independent Market Monitor, and Exelon. Only six members attended the hearing and the panel presenters did not really say anything earth shattering or new, in my opinion.

Another subject matter hearing has been scheduled for March 6 th in Chicago. It'll focus on environmental justice, jobs and workforce, and supplier diversity. This hearing will be held by the House Energy and Environment Committee. Past that, no more subject matter hearings have been scheduled nor have broader stakeholder negotiations officially kicked off. It is not clear how the Senate plans to proceed either.
For a rundown of all the bills we are tracking, see the attached spreadsheet . They are organized by last action.

This Week
House Public Utilities and House Energy and Environment both cancelled this week but are scheduled for next. The Senate Environment Committee met Thursday and passed
SB2954  (Fine) out of Committee. It creates the Coal Tar Sealant Disclosure Act, which requires public schools, State agencies and others to disclose the use of a coal tar-based sealant. It also requires public schools to post signage regarding the dangers of such use for a minimum of 10 years. We are opposed to the bill.

Next Week
House Public Utilities is posted for 2pm. Of the bills that have been sent to the committee, the Chamber is opposed to HB2728 (Mah) which provides that the IEPA shall consider adverse impacts on environmental justice communities relating to granting a permit or permit renewal before publishing a draft permit for public comment. The bill would codify environmental justice policies that the IEPA considers now and adds requirements beyond current practices.

HB3987 (Batnick) is also posted. The bill would remove zero-emission credits (ZEC) charges for ComEd customers.

HB5663 (Evans) has also been referred to the Public Utilities Committee. The bill is an update to the Coal to Solar to Storage Act that was introduced last session.

House Energy and Environment is also scheduled. HB5169 (Gong-Gershowitz) would ban the use of Styrofoam containers; HB4605 (Connor) would require groundwater monitoring for all clean construction or demolition debris, a repeat bill; and HR690 (Ammons), a resolution saying any climate change legislation must include environmental justice considerations.

Relevant Senate Committees have not posted as of this writing.

Thanks again to all of you for a wonderful experience at the Chamber!

IL Chamber Energy Council | | kstonewater@ilchamber.org | 215 E Adams St.
Springfield, IL 62701

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