School Policy Reminders
Tardy Policy
Students should arrive to school by 7:30 AM to ensure they are in class on-time. Between classes students have five minutes to move from one class to another. Getting to class on-time is important for our students' learning. We understand things happen. Sometimes traffic is worse than usual, you oversleep, you get stopped by a train, etc. For that reason, we allow students to have three tardies before receiving a consequence. A student receives a warning on the first two tardies, and students receive a detention for each tardy after. This resets in January for the second semester.
Dress Code
Students should be in dress code daily. The dress code can be found on the school website. The first time a student is out of dress code, they will need to correct the violation and will receive a warning. After the first time, students will need to correct the violation and will be assigned a detention. Additional violations will receive escalated consequences. If a student has inappropriate clothing or has had a repeated issue, the parent may be asked to pick-up the item.
Students are required to wear their student ID on a lanyard around their neck at all times. If a student forgets their ID, they will need to report to the main office for a temporary ID. Wearing their ID is part of dress code and is mandatory.
All students should have a laptop checked out to by at this time. Any student who does not have their Houston ISD laptop yet, needs to bring their completed paperwork to the main office on Tuesday for assistance. Students are expected to have their Houston ISD laptop with them, fully charged, each day.
Cell Phones/Smart Watches
In accordance with our campus cell phone policy, cell phones are required to be placed in a designated cell-phone holder in each classroom upon arrival to the classroom. Students may take cell phones from the holder at the end of class, only. Cell phones will remain in the cell phone holder unless needed for instructional purposes, as indicated by the classroom teacher. Teachers are responsible for monitoring students for use of social texting, social media, taking non-instructional pictures or videos, and watching videos that have no instructional use. If this policy is violated, the violation will be addressed with the student by their teachers and dean. Consequences that follow the Student Code of Conduct will apply.
Headphones and earbuds etc. are permitted on campus, but are not permitted to be worn during instructional time or in the hallway during passing periods. They are permitted to be worn during the lunch period only. Bluetooth speakers are not permitted.
Please remember, cell phones are not required for school. If it is a distraction for a child, the parent is welcome to keep the phone at home. It is expected that parents and relatives are not texting or calling students on their cell phones during instructional time. There are numerous telephones in the building. If an important call needs to be made, we will accommodate you and your child by allowing them to use the nearest phone and a parent is always welcome to call the school with a message for a student.