The Way of the Heart
Our heart chakra is the great balancer. When we release our survival fears from our base chakra, our relationship wounds from our sacral chakra and our boundary violations from our solar plexus, they all travel upwards to be acknowledged and cleansed in the blazing furnace of our heart.
The energy field of our heart is enormous, constantly gathering and transmitting information. It thrives on gratitude and compassion, it helps us forgive ourselves and others, it burns up our anger and shame and transmutes our grief.
Take time to look after your heart the way it looks after you. Send it love and appreciation, allow it to bask in positive thoughts, laughter and beautiful vistas. Fill your heart's energy field with the smell of flowers, with the embrace of a loved one, with the clean fresh air of the hills and the sea. That's heart medicine - and regular doses keep it healthy.
I felt guided to focus on the heart in this issue so you'll find a crystal essence on offer that helps you refuel with love and compassion for yourself and others. There's a short video about love (and elephants:) and another one about the link between illness and being true to yourself. There's an expert summit on somatic movement to help you embody love and a workshop on loving your body and finding the weight that works for you.
I hope you'll also take a look at the Enneagram event below and explore the videos. It's a system that can give you so many insights into how you disconnect from your true self and what to do to bring yourself back to your authentic essence. I've used it for twenty years and found it immensely helpful.
If you need support with your next step, please take advantage of the last issue with the reader coaching offer below. It's always a joy to offer you my support and expertise.
I hope something speaks to you and thanks to all of you who donate to keep this newsletter going.
Nikki Wyatt - The Karma Coach
UK Holidays: The office will be closed for the UK Public Holidays on June 2 and 3 to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
To opt out please use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email. To change your email use the 'update profile' link just below it.
Coaching Offer 15% Discount Ends June 5 - Are you ready to shift?
Are you stuck in a rut or do you have a decision looming that feels really scary? Do you have a problem you've tried to solve every which way but you just can't see a solution?
These are typical scenarios when people decide to book some coaching. So often when we feel stuck or dissatisfied, scared or heartbroken, we focus on the situation outside us. Yet often that's arisen to reflect the results of our choices and behaviours to us. Even if it seems out of our control such as redundancy or a difficult diagnosis it can be an opportunity to see ourselves through new eyes.
The process of change isn't always easy. We may need to face something we've been too scared or ashamed to own but when we can name it and have it witnessed in a safe and compassionate space it loses its power over us. Often we make choices designed to help us avoid facing a difficult truth, which never give us what we truly want. Once we do the inner work the forgiven, acknowledged aspect of ourselves becomes part of the decision-making team - happy, included and full of energy. New doors open, and fresh directions emerge - not because something on the outside changed - that's rarely under our control - but because something on the inside shifted.
I can't tell you how often, when someone's starts coaching, somewhere deep inside there's something ready to shift. It may take a few sessions and the support of specific essences but sooner or later, in the presence of self-compassion, that inner door will open onto a new version of you.
Thanks for the wonderful session today. I feel like a deep clearing was achieved as we spoke!' S.M. Business Consultant
Half Price Guidance Offer Ends June 6
Unsure which essence blend you need? Maybe you can't decide between two blends or you may look at a range and think: 'I need them all!'.
It's a common reaction because our emotional pattens are so inter-connected. Grief can cover up anger, for example, or anger can cover up fear. Whichever essence you start with, rest assured the ball of emotional wool will begin to unravel. But if you'd like some expert help, here's an offer below.
Offer until Monday June 6: order half price personal guidance, usually 16 GBP, to discover which of the 65 Spirit of Transformation blends is most resonant for you now.
Half price guidance:
can be used with transmissions or bottles
multiple orders - you can select multiple guidance sessions for yourself or others - providing they've given permission. Just email and specify who they're for, once you've ordered.
multiple transmissions - If you order more than one transmission and they're all for you, simply email when you're ready for the next one. Please leave at least 3 weeks between transmissions.
multiple bottles - if you'd like more than one bottle, each has to be ordered separately so that you cover postage for each bottle.
- you can use the offer more than once in the offer period.
'I definitely think the essences are giving me more confidence and grounding.'
E. M. Media Executive, London
What's the difference between essence guidance and an attunement? When getting guidance I ask which of the Spirit of Transformation blends you need now, when attuning essences can come from anywhere in the natural world and the blend is unique to you.
Free Somatic Movement Summit - June 6-10
Would you like to move your body with more freedom, dissolve tension and release 'stuck' trauma?
If your body holds anxiety about the past or future, it can block the flow of wisdom in the now. By tuning into your body’s sensations, you can open a space for healing and growth to emerge.
Deep healing requires us to release trauma and PTSD, and hold space for transformation and unity. Somatic movement is a rich, body-based, self-healing tradition that empowers you to become more aware of your body’s subtle guidance and inspiration.
This 5-day Somatic Movement Summit invites you to strengthen your connection to your body’s intelligence as a path to greater resilience, flexibility, and vitality. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to conscious movement, you’ll discover a wide range of somatic modalities to expand your awareness and inspire your healing journey.
You can practice powerful rejuvenation techniques during this highly experiential event. Most sessions include 10 to 20 minutes of guided practice to help you connect to your body’s wisdom. Plus, each day will conclude with a 75-minute session featuring a full 30 to 45 minutes of experiential somatic movement practices.
If you’ve been operating in survival mode lately, applying somatic techniques can help you shift out of the fight-or-flight response, and foster deeper relaxation and vibrancy.
Through a variety of somatic modalities including:
Hanna SomaticsTM
- Feldenkrais®,
- Body-Mind Centering®
- Biodynamic Osteopathy
- Continuum Montage
Dynamic EmbodimentTM
Alexander TechniqueTM
- Somatic psychology,
You can practice alchemising sensory overload, and embody a more grounded, balanced, way of living.
This powerful gathering features more than 35 somatic movement experts and teachers who’ll be guiding you through simple practices to move you from trauma, anxiety, fatigue, or depletion into easeful states infused with vitality and relaxed alertness.
'It was interesting to hear my own experience as someone with chronic pain and fatigue articulated and verbalised. I feel so inspired to continue my own somatic movement path.' Fiona Mae White, Ireland
Sales Star Masterclass for Holistic Entrepreneurs - Starts June 1
Do you want to bring in more money? Do you dislike marketing or find it simply isn't creating the financial flow that you need?
- you’ve got offerings and services but aren’t seeing the money come in
- you feel awkward about marketing – like it’s hard or spammy
- you’re spending so much time on marketing but you’re not seeing the income results
- you feel like you’re doing all the right business things but your bank account still looks sad
- OR your business is already doing great – but you’d love to sell even more?
If so, you’re in the right place. I’m here to help.
And I can’t wait to see you earning way more with less effort.
That’s what this Sales Star program is designed to do.
Read more and register - the Sales Star program starts on Wednesday June 1 but you'll also get a recording so you can replay and catch up in your own time.
Do you have other goals? Leonie also has courses such as 40 days to Create and Sell your Ecourse, Marketing without Social Media, 40 days to a Finished Book, Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income and Get Organised. Read more here
'Leonie’s razor-sharp insights and business strategies leave no stone unturned when it comes to creating a business and life you love. If you get the chance to learn from her, go for it!' Victoria Gibson, Facebook ads expert
Empower Your Relationships with the Enneagram - Saturday June 4
The Enneagram is an ancient system of understanding our personality patterns based on nine types of childhood conditioning. This conditioning often disempowers us and distorts our expression of our authentic self. It can make it difficult to connect with our intuition and our soul's guidance. Personal growth is all about peeling back the layers of that conditioning and enabling our true essence to be seen.
The Enneagram is a powerful and interesting way to understand yourself and your reactions. It's used within Sufism and many branches of Christianity as a way of encouraging spiritual growth.I often use it in coaching as it raises awareness and can help you see if certain behaviours mean you're moving towards negative self-sabotaging tendencies or towards health and greater wholeness.
To give you an extremely simplified taste - see which type you resonate with:
a type 1 has often grown up in a very critical environment and tends towards perfectionism. They need to be seen as good and responsible to be loveable.
a type 2 has been praised for being helpful and supportive so they see their value in what they can give. They suppress their own needs to look after others.
a type 3 gained approval by achieving, so they find self-worth by being successful according to the values of society rather than their own soul's direction.
a type 4 often experienced loss in childhood which they blame themselves for, so they need to prove themselves worthy of love. They retreat into imagination and creativity.
a type 5 dealt with early neglect by withdrawing into their intellect and becoming solitary and self-sufficient. They approach the world 'rationally' using information and knowledge.
a type 6 felt unsafe as a child and became hyper-vigilant. They may be anxious and cautious or the opposite; constantly confronting danger in their work or extreme sports.
a type 7 a difficult childhood event made a 7 want to avoid facing fear, conflict or difficult situations. They deny negativity, frame everything positively and pursue pleasure and fun.
a type 8 usually suffered a traumatic childhood and decided the world is unsafe so they must never be weak or vulnerable. They armoured up and focus on being powerful to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.
a type 9 is very empathic. They ignored their own needs as children in order to keep the peace and soothe others. They use TV, food, drink and sleep to numb themselves.
On Saturday, June 4, Suzanne Dion, author of The Enneagram, Relationships and Intimacy, and Sean Palmer, author of Speaking by the Numbers: Enneagram Wisdom, will show you how to use the Enneagram to achieve a greater understanding of yourself and your loved ones. You’ll discover how it can help you relate to them better - and bridge the gaps between yourself and those you love by achieving a broader acceptance of yourself and others.
PS if you think you're all of them, you're probably a type nine. Their empathic character means they can understand and merge with all types!
'Finding out about my Enneagram type was like meeting that one person that makes you feel like someone finally understands you. I wish I had known about it sooner!' Kristin
In this 9 minute video astrologer Pam Gregory talks about the practical application and manifestation of love.
This includes:
- how our hearts are being affected by the increasing amount of light
- the highest timeline will be led by love
- Ask yourself when you're watching, reading or participating in anything: is this expanding or contracting my heart?
From Unloveable to Positive & Whole - Reader Offers
Are you feeling a bit down? Unloved? Unlovable? Do you feel stressed or anxious? Are you out of touch with who you actually are?
In that case you need Rhodochrosite. As you can tell from its beautiful pink colour, it works on the heart, dissolving wounds and filling it with self-love and self-compassion.
If you've been suppressing difficult feelings this essence enables you to stay present and calm as these feelings surface from the lower chakras to be acknowledged and released from the heart.
Whatever you're frightened of Rhodochrosite will help you face it and regain your self respect. It's a marvellous essence for anyone with sexual or emotional abuse in their cellular memory and can help restore a healthy libido.
It helps you to live in the material world while knowing you're a spiritual being. It brings a clearer sense of your own identity, as you no longer hide from the parts of you that you've avoided. As you take it you'll feel more energised, positive, mentally refreshed and spontaneous.
I don't sell single essences but you can order Rhodochrosite on its own from Crystal Herbs, using the discount code below until June 10.
Reader offer: This issue I've negotiated 20% off for readers on Rhodochrosite and the other essences and sprays below, which felt particularly helpful at this time.
Rhodochrosite Essence - offers gentle loving nurture to any part of that's been emotionally wounded. As a single essence, it can be used with the spray below or Bach remedies, Use 20 mins apart.
Harmony & Tranquillity Spray - this calms your mind and helps you find that still centre when you've been triggered into an emotional reaction, enabling you to respond from a more neutral place.
Crystal Essence Sets - If you enjoy working with crystal essences or if you're a practitioner or sensitive who wants a set to use for muscle testing, Crystal Herbs have a self-select set of ten available in 10ml and 25 ml sizes as well as collection of 20 core crystal essences. Use the discount code below.
Revival Remedy - this is the multi-purpose Bach remedy blend for stress or anxiety. Take it as often as you need until you feel calm. It can be used alongside the essences above - take it 20 mins apart from the sprays or blends above.
Reader Offer & Code until June 10
Readers get 20% off each of the above sprays and essences by using this code at checkout: karmacoach (it's not case-sensitive). You can add other items to your basket.
Join the Karma Connection
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Recent posts include: gall bladder massage point, were you the 'golden child', is your nervous system in shutdown?, coded crop circles, signs you were raised by emotionally immature parents, productivity versus creativity, embrace your inner selves, the power of rest and retreat in difficult times, raise your vibe with house plants, guidance overload and why we don't always remember events.
If you're a reader, you're welcome to join the group. If you're not on the mailing list (maybe you're reading this on social media) please sign up to the newsletter first or use the orange 'Join Our Community Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. You'll get a free soul flower reading and discounted personal guidance.
Setting Up An Energy Egg - refresh your set up if you have one or you can order an energy egg here for whatever is the most important issue in your life. if you have one already, you can order a transmitter or olive wood base separately if you need a boost. Please use the code NW5 at checkout for your reader discount.
The Guardian Egg in the video, that protects against environmental stress, has 10 GBP off at time of writing.
Energy Awareness Training - 3 places left - July 23 & 24
Join energy researchers Lynda and Stephen Kane in person for an Energy Awareness weekend to learn more about:
- how to test your food, supplements, reading material, people around you and environment to see if they strengthen or weaken your energy
- learn how to change your habits, lifestyle and living space to support your happiness, abundance, relationships and wellbeing
- raise your awareness of your response to anything and be able to make any choice with confidence in your higher guidance
- learn simple powerful practices that protect and strengthen your energy
On July 23 & 24 in Seaford, East Sussex
There are 3 places left at time of writing
'It made such a difference, overnight! I didn't want to leave. Every time I used your techniques I immediately felt better' Tor L, UK
Can't go in person? You can order Stephen and Lynda's ebook: Hidden Secrets to Real Health and use the code NW5 at checkout for your reader discount.
Being Too Nice Can Kill You
This 8 minute video by author, GP and trauma expert Gabor Mate explains how we learn to ignore our own needs and disconnect from our authentic self and gut instinct when we're children in our search for love and approval.
Every time we ignore our soul needs we betray ourselves, creating a sense of shame because we're not being authentic.
Done repeatedly this may show up as dis-ease, depression or addiction.
Energy Solution to a Healthy Weight: Donna Eden - June 11-12
Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine, discovered the power of energy when she was given a death sentence by doctors in her late 20's. Western Medicine had given up on her and she went within to save her life.
She started working with her own energy to see what techniques worked and what didn't. After about two years of trial and error, she worked out how to unlock a powerful healing force inside her. A force that's inside all of us - and Eden Energy Medicine was born.
Ever since she's made it her life's mission to share this discovery with the world and thousands of people have seen amazing results from her methods. People like Madison King and Kim Dowdell who are teaching this class.
Your underlying energy gives you the strength and vitality you need to live a fulfilling life. It's the foundation of your vibrancy, power, spirit, joy, resilience and peace of mind.
Your energy systems are also a key driver behind your weight.
Your body's energy systems (Donna's identified 9 primary systems) play a huge role in your digestion, your cravings, and your metabolism.
They're behind your emotional and stress responses. (Have you ever reached for a sweet when you're sad or stressed?)
They are even the keeper of habits - both good and bad.
Over time, stress and social expectations can take a toll on you and your energy systems.
A lot of us put pressure on ourselves to look a certain way, work tirelessly without breaks, raise perfect families. This means our energy has to go into overdrive to keep up. As a result, it can't effectively do what it's designed to do.
It can’t flow energy where it's needed like it usually does.
It can't renew and refresh your cells and organs like it should.
It can't even release unhealthy habits for fear that you won't be safe with change.
And when that underlying energy isn't functioning at peak capacity, you aren't functioning at your best. You're out of balance.
And that disfunction is a key driver behind not feeling good and frisky in your body - and often results in not being at your individual optimum weight - not the weight someone else thinks is right for you. The weight YOU think is right for you.
Tune into your question and choose three cards from the tarot deck, then click to see your reading as it relates to the past, present and future.
The interpretation will give you a commentary on each of the cards.
Diana Cooper: Anchor Your 5D Solar Plexus - June 6
The Solar Plexus chakra is extremely sensitive. It governs your stomach and digestive organs. Here you digest not just food but also life experiences.
It's the chakra of instinct, gut feelings and reactions so it's particularly important to fine tune your discernment now in this time of disinformation. Let your solar plexus tell you who and what you can trust. It will guide you to what's right for you.
At a third dimensional level the Solar Plexus is yellow and holds your deepest unconscious and conscious fears. It will tense up if you're near someone with the same anxiety. It has huge psychic antennae that reach out to check your safety and that of your family and friends.
Many old karmic and energetic agreements are held here and it's time to let go of those that are plugging you into the old paradigm.
Many lightworkers pass the fears of others through their own solar plexus chakras. This happens especially when watching the news or listening to the anxieties of others but also when out amongst people and from the collective consciousness.
As you raise your frequency from 3D to 5D this chakra relaxes and becomes a glorious deep gold. The fears dissolve and you feel tranquil, serene, contented and spread feeling of peace. At the fifth dimensional level you trust your angels and guides to look after you.
The golden feelers seek higher perspectives, access wisdom from past lives and spread peace on Earth. Then your Solar Plexus draws to your conscious awareness deeper changes, often life changing, that you need to make.
Need essence support? Try Solar Plexus essence by Crystal Herbs
20% Off Everything Ends May 31
Get 20% Off Everything Until May 31
A really special offer for the Jubilee holiday.
Includes shower gels, cleansers, face masks, moisturisers, body butters and body oils.
Can't be used in conjunction with any other offer.
Metatronic Healing & Free Viral Challenge Support
Viral Challenge Support
Metatronic healers Richard Farmer and Clare Glennon are offering free online sessions to support you during this time of viral challenge. The next is Tuesday June 21 at 8pm GMT.
Heal Wounds & Family Conditioning 30 June 8pm UTC
Have you come to carry on the mistakes and patterns of the past, or have you come to heal and transform them? When it is put like this, the answer is obvious.
This next series of online Metatronic Healing sessions given by Senior Metatronic Teachers Clare Glennon & Richard Farmer are focusing on the wounds and conditioning from the past which constrict and distort our true nature. Left unchecked, these create and continue the patterns that have been relayed from our past.
Metatron has divided them into three categories. The Deep Past, the Family Line and your own Personal Wounds (27 July). Whilst the sessions are designed to be taken to unburden and heal the 3 levels of historical wounds that we carry, they can be taken as a one off session should you wish to have just one.
The Air Purifier & Ioniser is Back - Combats Pollen & Viruses
Is this the 'sneezing season' in your house? Are you concerned about chemicals, dust, pet dander or viruses in the air?
The HEPA filter in Nikken's air purifier can give you the confidence to breathe deeply. The cleanliness is the equivalent to an operating theatre and the ionising technology means that even viruses are picked up and filtered.
'I've used my Kenko Air Purifier for many years and I love the freshness it brings to my sleep and work environment. The auto setting kicks into turbo as soon as it detects odours or contaminants - it's made me far more aware of air quality and how it affects energy levels'. Nikki
Water & Shower Filters
If you have a Nikken water system or shower head, the filters need changing every 3 months of average use.
'I've just changed my Waterfall filter and can't believe how much brighter and zingy the water is. It's easy not to notice the gradual decline in energy so setting up a wellness subscription can be a good way to ensure you change the filter regularly, as well as being more economical, as it gives you 10% off.' Nikki
Shower heads and water systems are in the Water section.
Free Shipping: orders over £49 will attract free shipping - a saving of £8.40 - so it's worth batching your filter orders or adding a small item such as skincare or nutritionals.
Subscription Discount; You can get 10% off filters, skincare, nutritionals, magnetic insoles and the back flex using a quarterly wellness subscription.
Ordering Tips
You can order online to a UK address, Delivery is by DHL from Germany then it goes into the Royal Mail Parcelforce system - you'll be sent tracking emails.
If it's your first online order you'll need to register at checkout. Please tick to say you're happy to be contacted by your Nikken consultant or I won't be able to help you.
Once registered you can also use your Customer ID to order over the phone Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm GMT on 0800 0132 142 from the UK.
USA - If you live in the USA please order from my cousin Vanessa's US Nikken website. It will have a wider product range than the UK & Europe and offers will differ.
Outside the UK (Excl USA & Oceania)
Returns You can return any product in saleable condition within14 days of receipt, although shipping won't be refunded and you'll have to pay return postage to the German warehouse, unless there's a fault - please see returns policy
'A lawn is nature under totalitarian rule.' Michael Pollan
I hope you've found value in the information shared here. If you feel moved to support my continued endeavours, you can donate here.
Even a small amount helps me help you.
With heartfelt thanks from me, my guides and Gaia.
This material is copyright. Please do not replicate large sections of this newsletter. However a short quote or content referral with a link back to the newsletter is fine. Thank you for your support.