Energy Transformations February 2018 Newsletter
Inspirational articles on healing, raising consciousness, and living fully!
It’s Always Time for Love
In this month of February, Valentine’s Day causes us to pause and think about love. Either the love we are missing in our lives or the love that we have for that someone special in our lives. I propose that this month be the start of thinking and feeling about love in a new way. How about we connect into a greater love, love for humanity. 
We are all human. If we could love each other the way we love our pets, our lives would be so much richer on so many levels. Why get stuck on feeling alone or depressed because that special person is not in our lives? There are so many people needing to be loved.

Our ability to love is amazing. Start looking around you. Who in your community, town, or world needs love? Maybe the elderly person that cannot get out and about would appreciate a visit with a kind conversation. The school systems have all kinds of volunteer programs for the kids at risk. Their hardships in life would indeed be lifted a bit from some extra attention based in love. There are Big Brothers and Big Sisters programs. A perfect way to show love to those who need a role model.
Love helps us to heal. Love creates joy. Love lets us find peace within. Both the giver and the receiver benefit from the circle of love and trust that is created. This is what I want to spread in the world. How about you? Harness your capacity to love every day of the year and find ways to extend that love to others. Let love be in your smile, your words, and your touch. Sharing your love and appreciate for all can be a way of life every day and not reserved for one person one day of the year.

I Love You,
Dawn Fleming, Director of Energy Transformations is a Reiki Master, Medical Intuitive, Soul Life Coach, Sound Healer and Modern Mystic assisting clients worldwide to heal, find wholeness and balance, release stress, and remove blocks so they can live their dreams.

Announcements and Upcoming Events
Announcing a new online class: Dowsing for Energy Healers. This class will teach energy healers of all modalities how to use a variety of dowsing tools to work with your clients. The class will address selecting your dowsing tool, how to work with the dowsing tools, integrating dowsing into your energy session, dowsing your client’s body, working with charts, dowsing your supplements and food, and how to use dowsing in a distance healing session. There are 19 videos and 22 handouts. Sign up here. Use discount code DOWSENOW to get a $30 discount.

Do you feel that you have a higher purpose? Tune into Path to Purpose Project, a free online summit of experts to help you align in your higher purpose. It begins February 12th. Register for free here. I will be one of the people interviewed for this summit.

Coming March 1st our newest website, designed for Reiki practitioners, will be up and running. This website is a resource for meeting all your Reiki needs and more. It will have amazing online classes that complement our Reiki training from many online schools for Reiki practitioners of all lineages and all levels. It will also have all our favorite online stores that sell energy related tools, crystals, protection devices, books, cds, massage tables, crystal bowls, etc. at discounts for our viewers. There will be a page for with free meditations and videos and links to other amazing Reiki sites.

Do you want to change your life and the lives of those around you in a positive way? Learning and practicing Reiki can transform your life on so many levels. Get unstuck, begin living the life that you desire, and get empowered. If this sounds good to you consider learning Reiki or taking the Chakra Awakening: Create Health and Well Being Naturally online course.

Reiki Share in Dewey, AZ, Sunday, March 3rd 3-5 pm . Please rsvp to me if you plan to attend so I know how many to set up for

CLASSES - prices, details, and sign ups are linked here  All classes below are approved for CEs for massage therapists.
Reiki I,  - a Reiki I class is Saturday, March 9th, in Dewey. Sign up here 7 CEs for massage therapists
Hara Repair Workshop - Monday, Feb 25th, Scottsdale, AZ Learn more or sign up here . 7 CEs for massage therapists
Reiki II,  - Reiki II, Friday March 29th, Dewey, AZ. Sign up here . 7 CEs for massage therapists
Advanced Reiki Training - Sunday, May 5th, Dewey, AZ. Sign up here . 7 CEs for massage therapists
Karuna Reiki I and II classes coming soon.
If there is a class that you would like to take and you have three people or more, we can schedule one at your location or mine. You can contact me at
Check out these other online classes:
Ignite Your Reiki Practice, use discount code IGNITE, get 25% off.
Chakra Awakening: Create Health and Well Being Naturally, discount code Reiki2018, get $50 off.
How to Become a Continuing Education Provider, discount code Reiki2018 get $20 off.

Check out the energy healing workshop The Science of Energy Healing below offered by the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
Northern Arizona Internation Organization of Noetic Sciences (IONS)
Meetings are the last Tuesday of every month, from 6 pm to 7:30 pm at the PCC POA office in Dewey, AZ. All meetings are open to the public. If you would like to be added to the Northern Arizona IONS email list, email me at to sign up. We also have a Northern Arizona IONS facebook page as well and you can find us on Prescott Valley, Dewey, Expanding Consciousness on For more information on IONS go to
Upcoming meetings:
December - no meeting
February 26th—Happy Oasis will talk about creating bliss consciousness.
March 26th— Sue Wilkes, PhD will discuss a Mythic Way of Being.
Reiki Research in Canada

Insights West, a Canadian research company, has published several studies on Reiki effectiveness for palliative care; for cancer treatment and nurses suffering from Burnout Syndrome.

One study on palliative patients published in the Journal of Palliative Care in 2013 found that providing patients with Reiki treatments led to lower levels of discomfort, restlessness, anxiety and pain. Reiki treatment was also associated with mood improvements. The study ultimately concluded that reiki was a valuable addition to the treatment options offered at the hospital.

Another study was conducted at an oncology infusion center to find if Reiki would make a difference. During a 6-month period, adults at a university hospital receiving Reiki through volunteer services were invited to complete a survey asking about perceived changes after Reiki. Changes in pain, mood, distress, sleep, and appetite were rated on a 5-point scale from no benefit to great benefit. Surveys were distributed after completing treatment and were returned in postage-paid envelops.

A total of 145 surveys were completed (34.5% response rate), with 47 participants seen in the cancer infusion center and 98 in other areas of the hospital. Reiki was rated as a positive experience by 94% at the cancer center and 93% of others, with 92% at the cancer center and 86% of others interested in receiving additional Reiki sessions. Symptomatic improvement was similar for people at the cancer center and others, respectively, with much to great improvement for 89% and 86% for relaxation, 75% and 75% for anxiety/worry, 81% and 78% for improved mood, 43% and 35% for improved sleep, 45% and 49% for reduced pain, 38% and 43% for reduced isolation/loneliness, 75% and 63% for improved attitude, and 30% and 30% for improved appetite. Response was unaffected by previous exposure to Reiki, massage, or other touch therapy. Reiki results in a broad range of symptomatic benefits, including improvements in common cancer-related symptoms.

Another study looked at the effects of Reiki on nurses’ blood pressure who had Burnout Syndrome. This study aimed to investigate the immediate effects of the secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), α-amylase activity and blood pressure levels after the application of a Reiki session in nurses with Burnout Syndrome. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design was conducted to compare the immediate effects of Reiki versus control intervention (Hand-off sham intervention) in nurses with Burnout Syndrome. Sample was composed of eighteen nurses (aged 34-56 years) with burnout syndrome. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either a Reiki treatment or a placebo (sham Reiki) treatment, according to the established order in two different days. The ANOVA showed a significant interaction time x intervention for diastolic blood pressure. This proved that a Reiki session can produce an immediate and statistically significant improvement in sIgA concentration and diastolic blood pressure in nurses with Burnout Syndrome.

Insights West conducted another investigation of the role of Reiki in the management of anxiety, pain and global wellness in cancer patients. Building on the results of a pilot project conducted between 2003 and 2005 by a volunteer association at our hospital, a wider, 3-year study was conducted at the same center. The study population was 118 patients (67 women and 51 men; mean age, 55 years) with cancer at any stage and receiving any kind of chemotherapy. Before each session, the nurses collected the patient's personal data and clinical history. Pain and anxiety were evaluated according to a numeric rating scale by the Reiki practitioners. Each session lasted about 30 min; pain and anxiety scores were recorded using a Visual Analog Scale (VAS), together with a description of the physical feelings the patients perceived during the session. All 118 patients received at least 1 Reiki treatment (total number, 238). In the subgroup of 22 patients who underwent the full cycle of 4 treatments, the mean VAS anxiety score decreased from 6.77 to 2.28 (P <.000001) and the mean VAS pain score from 4.4 to 2.32 (P = .091). Overall, the sessions were felt helpful in improving well-being, relaxation, pain relief, sleep quality and reducing anxiety. Offering Reiki therapy in hospitals could respond to patients' physical and emotional needs.
For more information on these studies go to

 Energy Transformations /contact me at website