Summer Solstice Solar Annular Eclipse
June 21, 2020 @ 2:41 AM EDT
Even though we will not be able to see this eclipse from the United States, it is still going to be a really big deal because this eclipse happens on the Summer Solstice. The last time we had a solar eclipse on the summer solstice was June 21, 2001.
A Solar Eclipse always happens on a new Moon. A new Moon brings a feeling of hope and new opportunities. However, during an eclipse, the Moon blocks the light of the Sun. This causes a certain amount of chaotic energy, which can make people feel anxious about something ending as something begins. A solstice or equinox happens when the Sun is at zero degrees of a cardinal sign. This signifies the first day of a season: Aries-Spring, Cancer-Summer, Libra-Fall, and Capricorn-Winter.
Zero degrees of cardinal signs identify action, manifestation, world attention and major life events. The location of these Cardinal Points in your astrological chart will show where things of major importance will manifest in your life.
In some way, everyone in the world will be affected by this eclipse, especially people who have their Sun, Moon or planets between twenty-five and twenty-nine degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces or between zero and five degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn.
Leading Up To This Eclipse:
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto on January 12, 2020 laid the groundwork for this year‘s powerful transformation. Saturn rules authority, the government, fear, responsibility and common sense. Pluto rules power, transformation, pandemics and nuclear energy. If used in a healthy way, these energies can create positive wonders. If used negatively, they can create disaster.
By the March 21 Spring Equinox, COVID-19 had grown in such proportion we had to quarantine ourselves. Whether we chose to use it or not, this period gave us an opportunity to get in touch with ourselves on a very personal level. We had time to think about life, death, work, values, family-dynamics, possibilities, disappointments, and the responsibilities we have to ourselves, society and to the people we love.
On May 13, Mars entered the sign Pisces. On June 13, Mars conjoined Neptune. Pisces and Neptune rule water, vision, and cosmic consciousness. Mars rules fire, action, and our will to fight. Water can extinguish a fire or together, create steam. From the look of things, the fighting spirit of Mars combining with the collective consciousness of Neptune created a steam engine. Protest marches to end racial discrimination and police brutality are happening all over the world.
On June 27, Mars will move into the sign, Aries. Mars is able to make things happen when it is in Aries. As the year continues, people should become clearer about the action they want to take. Mars will be retrograde between September 9 and November 13. This will be a time to reevaluate the direction in which we are going. Mars will stay in the sign Aries until January 7, 2020.
Between April and November of this year, eight planets have gone or will go retrograde. If there is ever a time to edit or rewrite your script in life, 2020 is the time to do it. Who are you –v- who were you programmed to be? Why do you think your soul wanted to be born into your body, into your family, and during this time in history? What makes life meaningful to you? If you do not like your life, what can you do to make it better? What talents, interests, and abilities can you develop and share with others? How can you be part of a solution? How can you use your power in a positive way? The world is changing. Where and how are you going to fit in this change?
An astrological chart shows opportunities and obstacles in your life. The astrological chart for this Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse can indicate the opportunities and obstacles between now and the summer of 2021.
Astrological Interpretation for Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse
Sun and Moon at zero degrees and twenty-one minutes of Cancer:
People want to take action. Their homes and families are important to them. Emotions, passion and sensitivity run deep. There is a tendency to be over aggressive or over reactive which can cause great conflicts. This can also be a visionary time when we take creative action, balance our emotions and live with integrity and compassion.
Sun and Moon in-conjunct Saturn
: A reasonable and structured adjustment is needed in order for governments and individuals to deal successfully with the rights and wellbeing of other people, our planet and our personal selves.
Sun and Moon square Mars:
This is a difficult planetary aspect. There is a tendency to act against our better interests. Impatience, immaturity, and quick temper can spark havoc. Mars needs responsible direction. Self-control and diplomacy can be used to channel this energy into something that will work for us instead of against us.
Sun and Moon square Charon:
Early childhood wounds and abuses can surface during this time. These experiences can make a person depressed and angry, or give them empathy and compassion for others. The people who choose to have empathy and compassion will be the healing forces in this time of transformation.
Sun and Moon on Sumer Solstice conjoin North Node in Gemini:
It is time to give a voice to who we are, what we think, and how we feel. Gemini is the sign that rules communication, education and knowledge. The North Node helps us rise to a higher level of consciousness and connects us with people and events that have a pivotal influence in our lives.
North and South Nodes square Mars:
This combustible planetary alignment shows a conflict between the past, the future and one’s action. It is time to let go of attitudes and behaviors that cause unnecessary misery in our lives and the lives of others. If we hold on to hate, behave recklessly, or justify unacceptable behavior, the consequences could be devastating. If we stuff our anger and frustration, we could become sick, depressed or extremely neurotic. If we focus this energy into something that is constructive, we will be able to accomplish more than we could ever imagine.
The overall theme
of this Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse is intensity, action, and challenges followed by breakthroughs. Things are changing. The more aware and compassionate we are, the better the outcome.
May the rest of this year bring you good health, positive solutions and inner peace.
Love and blessings,
Kitty Hatcher, Astrologer,