Inspirational articles on healing, raising consciousness, and living fully!
A lasting Peace is what most of us want. World peace works on the principle that it is a reflection of humanity’s collective state of inner peace. So we can all begin to create world peace by working on our self. Wouldn’t it be just glorious if we each could establish a deep inner peace where that
alignment is not ruffled by anything?
Fear is the disruptor of peace. Any fear that you can name will deny you the experience of peace.
Step one: Identify your fears. This helps us to understand where we are losing our energy and our sense of peace. Sometimes we just feel like we are running and we don’t even know what we are running from. Identify it!
Step two: Look at those fears right in the eye and sit with them. Don’t judge them; don’t run; just be with them. What can you learn from them (what are they trying to tell you)? What can you do here that is loving to yourself and that will restore your energy/peace?
Step three: From your reflection in step two, what is your call to action that will help to release the fear and to instill more peace? Begin taking those actions. Love yourself.
A lot of people believe that you can meditate your fear away or gain peace from meditation, yoga, or other methods. Those are just temporary moments of peace. True peace is when you have visited those deeper spaces of fear and judgment that rob you of real lasting peace.
We are at a pivotal moment in history where all of us can make a difference by looking inside ourselves to identify what is taking higher priority than being a beacon of peace. Letting go of the fears and moving into a space of Self Love (all parts of us) strengthens our ability to be the peace that we want to see in our world. We are all creators of the world that we see. Let’s be creators of Peace!
Dawn Fleming, Director of Energy Transformations is an Energy Expert, Medical Intuitive, and Modern Mystic assisting clients worldwide to heal, find wholeness and balance, release stress, remove blocks, and align their energies to travel into the different dimensions. [email protected]
Announcements and Upcoming Events
I am excited about some new classes that are scheduled for this spring and summer. They include hara line repair class (see article below) and cord cutting. Reiki I and Medical Intuitive classes are also on our line up.
Read about how Reiki helped heal a 2 year old heal pneumonia. read here
Hara Line Repair, online live workshop, April 24th, 9:00 am to 2:30 pm PT
If you are Reiki II or higher or practice another from of energy work, this workshop is for you. The hara line is the core line that brings energy into the body and all of your chakras. If this is damaged you energy work will not hold. When the hara line is damaged, client's will sometimes experience mystery illnesses that the doctors cannot find a reason for it in their body. This is advanced energy work. The class will meet again online on May 14th from 9am to 11am PT See article below. Learn more here.
Usui Reiki I online live workshop, May 21st, 9am to 2:30pm PT.
Learn the powerful art of healing touch with Reiki. In this class you will learn about your energetic anatomy; what Reiki is; how it works; how you can do Reiki on yourself and others; how to disconnect from negative energies; receive a Reiki level I attunement and much more. It is the best investment you can give yourself! Learn more here.
Reiki for Protocols for Cancer live online workshop, June 18th, 9am to noon PT
This is a very powerful workshop in which energetic Reiki techniques and strategies for working with clients with cancer. You will learn hands on and distance approaches to increase your skill level in assisting others with their healing journey.
Cord Cutting live online workshop, July 23rd, 9am to 3:30 pm PT
Learn how to remove energetic cords that are plugged into you or your clients that are limiting your/their ability to move forward in life. We will discuss healthy cords and unhealthy cords and how these unhealthy cords create imbalance, stress, and hold you in dynamics that are not healthy for you. You will learn a step by step process; have the opportunity to do this on someone in the class and to have this done on you. Learn more here.
Medical Intuition live online workshop, September 24th and 25th, 9am to 3:30 pm PT; Oct 1st 9am to noon PT
Increase you intuitive skills. Learn how to focus your intuitive gifts with accessing and assessing information from your client’s body. Learn how to communicate with the body. We will cover in person and distance scanning techniques. How to access someone at a distance. Different methods to do thorough medical intuitive readings. Reading the physcial body, emotional and mental bodies, scanning the auric field and the room. The different types of information you might come across while doing a MI reading. Tips for increasing your intuitive abilities. Your body as a dowsing tool. How you receive intuitive information. Dowsing tools and using them in an intuitive reading.
This is a very experiential class. Participants will be taught different techniques so they can experience and find those that work with their intuitive skill set. It will be recorded and participants will be able to access the recordings. Handouts will be provided. Participants will be given time to practice in class and will have homework assignments as well.
You will have the opportunity to put your intuitive muscles to work and to receive valuable feedback from other participants. This class will be focusing on reading the person and their energy, not fixing the issues that you find. Class is recommended for those with a few years of experience working with energy or intuitive work. Learn more here.
Coming this fall. Advanced Reiki Training, Reiki II, Reiki I, Reiki for Fertility, Karuna Master
New online work at your own pace courses
I also offer mentoring sessions for my Reiki students who want to expand their skills or just get back into Reiki.
If there is a class that you would like to take and you have three people or more, we can schedule that class and even make it an online class if you like. If you want to take a class and do not have others interested, contact me as I might have something in the works. You can contact me at [email protected].
Energetic Anatomy and Your Hara Line
Many people have heard of an aura, chakras, chi, ki, prana which are all foundational components of your energy field. These are all very important to your energetic, physical, emotional, and mental health and well-being. Just as important, if not even more important, is the hara line. It is the main energy line that feeds your entire Being.
Everyone has a hara line and the health of your hara line impacts your well-being on all levels. The hara line is core channel of energy that enters the body from the head and runs through your body and exits out your root chakra into the earth. To me it looks like the size of a tube inside a roll of paper towels. What makes this important is that all of your chakras plug into this line. This line is bringing the Universal energy that feeds you along with the Earth energy that feeds you into your body. It is the most important part of your energetic structure.
If your hara line has cracks, fractures, bulges, splits, gets holes or is sliced, it means that your energy is leaking out somewhere. A regular energy session will make you feel good temporarily, but that new energy influx is going to leak out. You are then back where you started. Imagine trying to do all that you do with only 60% of your energy or just 30%.
The first thing that I do with any new client is assess their hara line and repair what needs to be repaired. What impacts your hara line? Stress, car accidents, surgeries, family ties, drug use, abuse, and traumas, to name a few. Here are a few symptoms of a hara line imbalance. You get Reiki or some type of energy work and the impact does not seem to last. You have what appears to be a mystery illness that the doctors cannot diagnose. You have had all the tests. You feel awful and they are telling you that are just fine. You can’t complete projects; you feel that you lack resourcefulness; or you feel disconnected from part(s) of your body. Hara line imbalances or damage can impact how quickly you heal from a surgery or a viral or bacterial infection.
I’ve had clients with symptoms of MS, Lupus, and Lyme and other autoimmune illnesses and nothing shows in the blood work because the issue is with the hara line. The doctors tend to tell them that it is all in their mind. After the hara line is repaired and their energy brought back into balance and strengthen, the symptoms go away.
I learned how to repair this line in the late 1990s. After many years of working with restoring hara lines, I began teaching how to do this in 2004. This April 24th, I am offering a live, online class. Every energy healer/Reiki level II should be aware of this information. It makes a huge difference in your client’s health and well-being and the work/results that you can provide.
Dawn Fleming, Energy Expert, Medical Intuitive, teacher, and Modern Mystic.
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Shape up your ENERGY, Restore VITALITY, Take Care of YOU! Don’t let the energy of anxiety and worry build in your energy field. Book your Reiki session now!
Peace begins with a smile. Mother Theresa
When you make peace with yourself, you make peace with the world.
Maha Ghosananda
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
Jimi Hendrix