Inspirational articles on healing, raising consciousness, and living fully!

Trust, Love, and Blessings
The current energy entering our planet has really amped up the frequencies for Lightworkers. You might have been feeling sluggish over the past few weeks. Old energy patterns are being dissolved as we embody these new frequencies.
What is really exciting for me is that I feel less stress, less worry, and more at peace. A peace that is in every cell of my body and is lasting for long periods. I meditate and pray daily, connecting with Source. Bringing this divine energy into my whole body, spirit, and world. When we embody this, we eminate this to everyone around us. I recently had a potential client call me for a session regarding an issue she had been dealing with for 3 years. She said that she would call me back at the beginning of the next month to pay for a few sessions. She called me back that night and said that afternoon all her pain went away and the other symptoms as well. She said that she would call me if she needed any sessions. I have not heard from again.

As I practiced going deep into the silence, three words have come to me from this space "Trust", "Love," and "Blessings." Trust was for me to stop fearing anything and trust the flow that all is well. I know this but when I heard it I had chills running through my whole body. Love, all I need to be is love. Bring love into all that do and recognize myself as love. Blessings, feel the blessings that God, Source, Creator is extending to you all of the time and consciously extend these blessings to others all of the time. It is all so very simple. The best life is one built on trust, love and blessings.

Much Love,

Dawn Fleming, Director of Energy Transformations is a Marconic Practitioner, Reiki Master, Medical Intuitive, Soul Life Coach, and Modern Mystic assisting clients worldwide to heal, find wholeness and balance, release stress, and remove blocks so they can live their dreams. [email protected]

Announcements and Upcoming Events
Marconics sessions : I completed my Marconics training in early August. I am offering sessions in person and from a distance. The section that follows is information on these life changing services.

Check out my new website regarding Reiki and Fertility. Reiki does help women with fertility challenges. https://fertilitywithreiki.com/

Announcing a new online class: Dowsing for Energy Healers. This class will teach energy healers of all modalities how to use a variety of dowsing tools to work with your clients. The class will address selecting your dowsing tool, how to work with the dowsing tools, integrating dowsing into your energy session, dowsing your client’s body, working with charts, dowsing your supplements and food, and how to use dowsing in a distance healing session. There are 19 videos and 22 handouts. Sign up here. Use discount code DOWSENOW to get a $30 discount.

CLASSES - prices, details, and sign ups are linked here  All classes below are approved for CEs for massage therapists.
Working on some online classes for 2020. Reiki for Fertility and Reiki for Eye Diseases
If there is a class that you would like to take and you have three people or more, we can schedule one at your location or mine. You can contact me at [email protected]
Check out these other online classes:
Ignite Your Reiki Practice , use discount code IGNITE, get 25% off.

Marconics the human upgrade is a Multidimensional Ascension healing modality. Marconics sessions Increase frequency, awaken your spiritual gifts, release karma and density so you can access your Higher Self.  There are three types of Marconics sessions. A Marconics practitioner works on the client's axi - a -tonal, axi-b-tonal, and axi-c-tonal grids instead of on the physical body. Working on these grids can impact the physical body but there is so much more at a higher level that shifts during these sessions.

The Marconics No Touch session helps one to enter into a higher state of frequency to shed layers of density, karmic imprints and can enhance the DNA. The goal of a no touch session is to raise the frequency making it easier to connect to Higher Dimensional Aspects of Self. The Marconics energy (encoded with Light information) raises the client's frequency as the energy is run through their Axiatonal Grid, which can trigger profound spontaneous healing on all levels. When I experience the Marconics energy it is the energy of transformation and ascension into higher states. It feels like I am being connected to HOME!

The healing may be sustained but the Higher Vibrational Frequency that is required to Shift into the Higher Dimensions may not. Like when you go away on a retreat and reach high levels of bliss and then return to normal daily life. 
Repeated sessions will raise the vibration incrementally to incorporate higher activations as you shed density and karmic imprints. 

A Marconics Recalibration is an integrated Chakra Unification process, a permanent upgrade to your Light Body. In a Recalibration session, your chakras are uncapped for the new Galactic Chakra System and this releases 51% of Karmic debris. Your chakras are then recalibrated. Experience Sovereign Integration

The recalibration:
Heals the multidimensional holographic body
Connects Axi-A (over the body), Axi-B (connects with the Unified field) and Axi-C tonal (Universal) grids. 
Activates the Multidimensional Holographic Body, Spiritual DNA, the Pineal Hyper-dimensional Gateway, and the Lightbody Quantum Merkaba.
Aligns you with yourself at Source, outside this 12 th  dimensional Matrix.
Enhances spiritual and psychic connection, and astral travel,
Connects Higher Self with physical body,
Creates peace and balance.
Following the recalibration, the body undergoes a metamorphosis as the de-activated codes within the DNA are triggered to re-awaken consciousness, characteristics, traits, and attributes essential for surviving in the higher dimensions. Once you are recalibrated you sustain the level attained and go higher. As you prepared to go into higher dimensions, your Light is helping the planetary grid and impacting those around you. 
Session is given over two days. Second session must be within 72 hours. Sessions are about one hour. 

The Marconics Lux Magnum session aligns you to draw down frequencies from Dimensions 7, 8, 9,&11 up to 144 via your connection with a higher aspect of your sacred self. In a session, your multidimensional holographic body is augmented so that you align with the Divine Aspects of Higher Self.

During a session the electric and magnetic pathways to connect in the higher dimensions are activated, opened, and unified to allow the rise of the multidimensional Kundalini. Karma, judgment, expectation, and fear are released. Implants and Zeta seals are released. This awakening and alignment provides a platform to achieve spiritual mastery for a higher level of Ascension and Soul Sovereignty.

Marconics is life changing!

I offer these sessions in my offices in Prescott and Scottsdale and No Touch sessions at a distance. Just email me your interest and phone number and we can proceed from there.

Powerful Herbal Remedies

For the past month I have been spending my weekdays in Peach Springs on the Hualapai reservation teaching 8th grade. It’s a wonderful opportunity but I miss my little neighborhood. Peach Springs is the same elevation but very different in vegetation. Fewer trees and more shrub. No matter where you are in this vast world, you will always find the plants that our
ancestors used to heal themselves. So far, I have found two plants that are so wide ranging in their benefits that you don’t have to look much further for herbal allies.
The first thing I noticed was the Juniper trees. The berries add a spicy kick to food and can aid digestion. The second plants I noticed were mustard plants. Right now they look like yellow berries but need to ripen to a dark brown to be harvested. These seeds also provide a punch to your food. These plants do tend to overlap with their benefits but each has its own particular virtues to enhance our health.
Both plants are anti-bacterial and anti-septic, have anti cancer properties, aid digestion, benefit skin conditions, are diuretics and help prevent and control type 2 diabetes. Wow. Il find it amazing that due to the complexities of phytochemicals found in plants that on a single plant can have so many positive effects on our health.
Mustard seed salve can be used for pain relief and an oil made from seeds will clear congestion and help to expel phlegm, plus, its warming action will help increase body temperature to help break a fever. Juniper berries stand out for their ability to lower blood pressure and to help
reduce blood sugar levels.
So much love from two humble plants. Mustard, as a condiment, is a healthy addition to meals and Juniper berries can be bought in spice shops and add a healthful kick when added to pepper grinders along with your peppercorns. Eating your medicine is delicious! Enjoy in good health.
Sue Ehlbeck, Herbalist, Dewey, AZ
 Energy Transformations /contact me at [email protected]/ website