Reiki Talk on Growing Your Reiki Businss
in Annapolis, MD
I will be offering a talk on Keys to Developing Your Holistic Health Practice in Annapolis, MD

Talk is sponsored by Donna Walter, Linda Roebuck and Lilia Shoshanna Rae

Date And Time
Sat, June 22, 2019
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

Unity by the Bay
4 Pointless Forest Trail
Annapolis, MD 21409

Talk is $20 paid in advance, $25 at the door.

Give yourself enough time to make it on time as this event is located in the direction of the Bay Bridge and traffic in the summer on weekends can be busy.

A holistic health practice is a business and must be addressed as one; yet it is very unique business. Dawn Fleming will discuss keys to create a successful holistic health business. Communication is a big key to your success and we will explore how you can be more effective to gain clients. We will discuss other key factors on how you can align your energy to grow your business. You will learn what are best practices and what to stop doing so you have more time dedicated to really expanding your business.

Our presenter, Dawn Fleming, is a Medical Intuitive and Energy Expert, working in the energy healing arena for 30 years. She quit her government job in 2001 to grow her part time Reiki and Medical Intuitive practice into a full time business. Dawn began her holistic health career in Anne Arundel County and in 2006 moved to Arizona where she had to start over again growing her business. Dawn now has clients world-wide and is consulted with on a regularly basis on issues such of eye diseases, brain trauma, and fertility issues. She is the author of Start, Grow, and Expand Your Holistic Health Business, Teaching Workshops Effectively, Mastering Reiki, Chakra Empowerment, and has Reiki I and II manuals that teachers can copy for their students. She offers online classes at Ignite Your Reiki Practice, Become a CE Provider, Dowsing for Energy Healers, and Chakra Awakening: Create Health and Well Being Naturally. Her business webisite is

 Energy Transformations /contact me at website