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March Newsletter

Join us for Sunday Worship


You can get a copy of the Easter Lily purchase form Sunday on the table in the Narthex. If you would like to purchase your Lily online, please go HERE, click the dropdown arrow and find Lilies. Thank you


Happy Birthday

Pam Woodward--March 7

Jennifer Finch--March 24

Pat Sundquist--March 29

Coffee Hour-Cluster 3

Coffee Hour Schedule

5th – Carolyn/Sunday School Class

12th - Matt and Family

19th - Jim and Cheryl Prokop

26th - Nick and Kathy Schultz 

Camp Hope —Tuesday March 21st. 

Men's Breakfast

March 18, 8 am.

March Elders

5th  Connie & Jim Harwood

12th Pam & Herb Schmidt

19th Jane & Roger Finch

26th Joyce Cowin & Shari Lovell

March Deacons

5th, Jim & Cheryle Prokop

12th, Marti Ellis & Curtis Young

19th, Jim & Kay Hartshorn

26th, Paul & Sharon Brunn

Sunday Building Lockup

1st Sunday--Nick Shultz

2nd Sunday--Jim Harwood

3rd Sunday--Jim Hartshorn

4th Sunday--Dennis Boyd

Subs: Herb Schmidt, Curtis Young

Easter Special Offering

Sunday April 2 and April 9, 2023
