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Englewood Church Webpage

Drum Camp

In Memory Of

Roy Hatfield


JUNE 10, 1937 – FEBRUARY 8, 2023


Keith & Keith Funeral Home

Roy Hatfield, age 85, of Yakima, Washington

passed away on Wednesday, February 8, 2023.

(Sincere apologies for not getting this notice out sooner. I just received this sad news this week)

February Newsletter


Adult Study with Pastor,  9:30 am. Meets every Sunday morning.

Prayer Group, 10:00 am. Meets every Tuesday

Afterschool Arts, 4:00 pm. Every Tuesday afternoon.

Adult Study with Doyle Hardy, 10:00 am. Meets every Wednesday.

Elders Meeting, Meets every 1st Tuesday of the month.

Ministry Council Meeting, Meets every 4th Thursday of the month.

Heart to Heart Program, Feb. 20, 10 am.

Dawn on vacation, Back on Feb. 27.

Ministry Council Meeting, March 23rd, at 10:00 am.

Join us for Sunday Worship

Happy Birthday

April Yates Hardy---February 07

Karlene Jacobs------February 09

David Biddle----------February 18

Frank Coburn---------February 23

John Zylstra-----------February 22

Cheryl Prokop--------February 23

Men’s Breakfast

February 18,

8 am.

Coffee Hour-Cluster 2

Feb. 5th:  Dixie Kisner & Robin Ford, 

Feb. 12th: Bob & Carrie Chicken,

Feb. 19th: Pam & Herb Schmidt,      

Feb. 26th: Pat Christianson & helper.

***IF anyone needs a different Sunday, please try to switch with someone in        

Cluster 2. Contact Pam or Dixie with any other concerns.

***Remember, Feb. is Valentine’s month. This may guide you on the type of cookies you choose to bring. Just a heads up! Pam 

February Elders

5th    Becky Buell & Dennis Boyd

12th  Sue & Bob Scott

19th  Becky Buell & Dennis Boyd

26th  Joyce Cowin & Shari Lovell

February Deacons

Feb. 5, Jim & Kay Hartshorn

Feb. 12, Kathy & David Helseth

Feb. 19, Dixie Kisner & Curtis Young

Feb. 26, Paul & Sharon Brunn

Sunday Building Lockup

1st Sunday--Nick Shultz

2nd Sunday--Jim Harwood

3rd Sunday--Jim Hartshorn

4th Sunday--Dennis Boyd

Subs: Herb Schmidt, Curtis Young
