February 8, 2024


Sunday, February 11th is the Last Sunday of Epiphany and King Cakes will be served after the service. The person who finds the Christ Child hidden in the cake wins a prize! It’s a fun way to say farewell to Epiphany.

"Souper Bowl of Caring" Sunday

Sunday, February 11th is also "Souper Bowl Sunday". Our youth will be collecting financial donations after worship. The funds raised will be joined with monies The Men's Group has raised (~$390). The joined funds will be donated to the Rector's Discretionary Fund which Father Glenn is using, along with some other folks, to assist a local homeless man in transitioning out of homelessness into more permanent, albeit temporary, lodging.

The Rector's Forum

The Rector's Forum meets this Sunday at 9:15am: We continue our discussion of The Rule of Benedict: A Spirituality for the 21st Century by Sister Joan Chittister.

(In preparation for the class this Sunday, please read pages 33-50.)

Sunday's Worship Resource

Join us for in-person worship this Sunday at 10:30am. The services will broadcast live on our Facebook page.

Service Bulletin


The Augusta Convocation of

Episcopal Churches


Invites you to a special service celebrating the life and ministry of Absalom Jones. First African American ordained as a priest in the Episcopal Church of the United States and founded the first Black Episcopal congregation in 1794.


Monday, February 12, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.


Saint Paul’s Church Augusta

605 Reynolds St. Augusta, GA


This service is open to the public. All are welcome.

Join us Tuesday, February 13th at 6:00pm for supper, trivia and lots of fun! Tickets are $40.00 per family or $15.00 per person and will be available at the Annual Meeting. Bring a dessert to share. Tickets must be purchased in advance to insure we have enough food. Please contact Tab for more info at [email protected]. 

On Wednesday, February 14 we will observe Ash Wednesday services at noon and 6:30pm here in the Parish Hall. This is one of the most holy days in the church year and fasting, even a moderate fast, is suggested.

The Book Club meets Wednesday, February 14 at 10am to discuss the book, Lady Tan’s Circle of Women by Lisa See.

Please note: We meet in the downstairs classroom. 

Would you like to be an Usher?

Hello Holy Comforter! Looking for a way to get more involved and serve at church? Consider becoming an usher! Ushering is a great way to get to know fellow parishioners and serve the church. The time commitment is flexible (usually only one service per month or so).

If you are interested in learning more, contact Katie Shepherd via text, email or phone at 706-825-2775 or [email protected]. Written instructions will be provided and Katie is happy to usher with you the first time as you learn the role.

The next meeting of the Threads of Comfort ministry is Thursday, February 15th at 10:00am and 5:00pm in the Parish Hall.

Linda Bargeron

[email protected]

Gail Jarrell

[email protected]

Quartet Concert at Holy Comforter

Come support our very own Myles Green and others for a night of barbershop music and more! The concert is Sunday, February 18th at 6pm in the Parish Hall. This is a free event. 

Wednesday, February 21st from 8:30-10am: Father Glenn will host “Ramblings with the Rector” at the Dunkin Donuts down the street from the church. We’ll get together for coffee and casual conversation about any topic folks want to discuss.

Begins Thursday, February 22nd from 6:30 to 8:00pm in the Parish Hall: We read and discuss Lent with Evelyn Underhill. Evelyn Underhill was one of the great Anglican (Episcopal) mystics of the twentieth century as well as a prolific writer of books, articles and reviews.

A light supper of soups, salads, sandwiches, and desserts is provided. Sponsored by the Daughters of the King.

Need a nursery?

Let us know at 706-210-1133

The Holy Comforter Men’s Group meets Friday, February 23rd at 7:30am at That Flippin’ Egg, 4466 Washington Road in Evans. All are welcome! 

Retreat at Holy Comforter

Daughters of the King and women of Holy Comforter spent last Saturday at a retreat reflecting on Mary, the mother of God.

Participants at the retreat raised $400 to be donated to Safe Homes. This charity supports mothers and children in crisis.

Kairos Prison Ministry

For several years, Holy Comforter has supported the Kairos Prison Ministry at Leath Correctional Facility for Women. Because Covid 19 prohibited volunteers from entering prisons, Kairos was not able to hold any weekend retreats since 2018. 

I am thrilled to report that in May our Kairos team will resume taking God's love inside the razor wire. To do this, we are asking for your support. Even if you cannot go inside, there are many ways to be on our team and "visit the prisoner".  

If you would like to become a member of the Kairos volunteer team or would like to learn more about how you can support the team, contact Linda Bargeron at [email protected] or text at 706-267-8668.  

Love God, love others.

Serve God, serve others.

The Reconciliation of a Penitent

Father Glenn is offering "The Reconciliation of a Penitent" / i.e. individual confession. Jesus entrusted his ministry of healing and reconciliation to his original followers and to those who follow him today. Reconciliation/Confession is an opportunity, a chance to name before God and someone else the things which we are sorry for and which burden our soul and conscience. "All Can, Some Should, None Must".


Father Glenn is a clinically trained pastoral counselor. Reconciliation is free. The confidentiality of the Confessional is morally and completely absolute. 


If you are interested in Reconciliation/Confession contact Father Glenn.


[email protected]

Latest News from our Diocese

View the latest news from our Diocese using the link below. The updates include upcoming Diocesan events for adults, youth, and children. Also included are pictures from across our Diocese.

From the Field


The Rev. Glenn Palmer

[email protected]

Vivian Vaiden

[email protected]

Lara Fort

[email protected]

Brad Green

[email protected]


December Financial Report

To view the complete end of the year December financial report, follow the link below.


  • Use the QR Code in the foyer for debit/credit cards

  • Make checks out to Holy Comforter and/or give cash and put it in the offertory plate on Sunday.

  • Mail checks to: Church of the Holy Comforter, 473 Fury’s Ferry Road, Martinez, Georgia, 30907.  

  • Remember Holy Comforter in your will.

  • For those with an IRA account, consider using your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) as a way to give.

  • All gifts are tax deductible.

If you would like to make an on-line donation, use the link below.


For those in need of healing: JoAnn Skinner, Nita Bourne, Eddy Jose Soriano, Ruth Childress, Helen Medford, and Carol Haney


For those celebrating birthdays: Brien Cardinal, Emma Morris, Amy Lewis, and Lucy Green


Thanksgiving for our partnership with The Claiborne, Kairos Prison Ministry, and Boy Scout Troop 10.


For those in residential care: Loren Waldo


For the safety of Joseph Haddow, David Quebedeaux and all those who serve abroad.



The Rev. Glenn A. Palmer

Lay Eucharistic Minister

Barry Paschal

Tab Carter


Aletha Kleinheksel

Abriana Kleinheksel


Emily Milburn

Altar Guild

Linda Bargeron

Altar Bread

Lou Ann Zimmerman

Prayer Team

Judy Smith

Carol Kane


Griff and Mary Kelly

Pre-Service Greeter

Mary Kelly

Media Crew

Bill Liebel

Keith Milburn

Vestry Person of the Day

Tab Carter
