Under The Microscope
BC Society of Laboratory Science: November 2021
BCSLS news & updates
Quiz | Featured Column | Volunteer | Jobs | Member Spotlight | Events
The BCSLS Enewsletter will focus on keeping our membership updated, knowledgeable and even entertained.

Message from the BCSLS President, Devena Steinmann, and Executive Director, Sharmen Vigouret Lee. October has been a busy month with a focus on celebrating you, our Lab Superheroes, and Congress 2021. Throughout the month we offered Congress in a virtual format that allowed our lab community to come together for professional development through ‘Lunch and Learns’ and an evening speaker series. There were also opportunities to socialize together through fun, interactive, and creative events. Although not our typical format, this year’s Congress continued to provide all that we love about Congress. Our sincere thanks go out to our sponsors, our speakers, and our Congress Planning Committee. A very special shout-out goes to Angie Bender, who mastered Zoom, enabling the many virtual sessions to be delivered. On October 23, we also held our Annual General Meeting during which the newly elected Board members were announced and we recognized the contributions of our outgoing Board members. Thank you to Marcella Navarro, Claire Hicks, Donna O’Neill, Terence Litavec and Franca Gagliardi for the many contributions you have made to the BCSLS. At the AGM revisions to our Bylaws regarding membership eligibility were approved. Lab professionals that hold a bachelor degree in science or a related field, and are employed in a medical or research laboratory operating in Canada are now eligible for membership in the BCSLS. The AGM concluded with a presentation of our new mission statement and the strategic plan for BCSLS over the next 3 years.  
Special Days / Happy Days
Nov 1 - Dec 15
It's Quiz Time!
Our monthly Quiz with prizes. It's a fun way to test your knowledge and win a little something for doing it.
Deadline: November 30th

Congratulations to Tracy Wilkinson, the last quiz winner!
On October 23, we also held our Annual General Meeting during which the newly elected Board members were announced and we recognized the contributions of our outgoing Board members. 

Thank you to: Marcella Navarro - 8 years, Terence Litavec - 3 years, Donna O'Neill - 5 years, Claire Hicks - 2 years, and Franca Gagliardi - 3 years.

Let's welcome back Devena Steinmann and Danielle Campbell!

And say hello to our newest BCSLS Board members: Dylan Durham, Larissa Nygaard, Rosa Jo and Elsie Chan
New Mission, New Directions
Over the past several months the Board has been setting the future direction of the BCSLS. We are pleased to present to you the new mission statement and accompanying strategic directions. These high level strategic directions have accompanying goals and objectives that will guide the services, programs and activities of BCSLS for the years 2022-2025. There will be many opportunities for our membership to become involved in implementing our strategic plan, so please watch for ‘call outs’ for volunteers over the next few months.
Mission: Elevating medical laboratory professions in British Columbia through innovation, continuing education, advocacy and excellence in practice.
Strategic Priority 1: Continuing Education
BCSLS provides programs to meet the educational and professional development needs of our membership. BCSLS is the “go to“ place for your continuing education needs.
Strategic Priority 2: Excellence in Practice
BCSLS provides leadership to facilitate excellence in laboratory practice.
Strategic Priority 3: Network of Influence
There is understanding, recognition and appreciation for the role of lab professionals in the provision of quality health care in BC.
Strategic Priority 4: Organizational Excellence
BCSLS, as a member-driven organization, has effective values-based governance to fulfill its mission and plans.
November's Guest Contributor
Identifying High Risk Genotypes to Determine Cervical Cancer Risk - BD OnclarityTM
From the introduction of the Pap diagnostic procedure, based on the research from Dr George Papanicolaou in 1943, to the first correlations between HPV and cervical carcinoma in 1983 by Dr Harald Zur Hausen (who earned the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 2008) there have been various cytology and molecular techniques that have been introduced to detect the virus.
Cervical cancer kills more than 300,000 women annually.i In 2018 alone, it was the fourth most frequent cancer in women and its high mortality rate could be reduced through a comprehensive approach that includes effective screening.
The goal of cervical cancer screening is simple but critical: to detect pre-cancer before it develops into cancer.

Welcome to the Laboratory Profession!

There are lots of students starting their Laboratory classes in 2022! Stay tuned ...
Congratulations to the graduating BC Laboratory classes of Winter! Welcome to the laboratory Profession!

  • MLAs from West Coast College - Nov 18
  • MLAs from Stenberg college - Nov 29
Happy Retirement!! The best part about being retired is never having to request time off.

If you are planning on retiring soon, let us know! [email protected]
Let's get to know each other a little better professionally and personally. We will profile a member in a light-hearted Q&A format. Be sure to click on the 'read more' link to see the full Q&A.
Tanya Kilborn

  • I moved from Histology to Microbiology 3 years ago and it has been a lot of work refreshing. I love pretty much everything in Microbiology and I especially enjoy my workmates. Such a good group of people. I have recently started working on the Dermatophyte bench. Who knew toenail fungus was so much fun!
  • I enjoy skiing in the winter and kayaking and paddle boarding in the summer. I also, have a chiweenie that I love to snuggle and walk. 
  • If you could go back 20 years to visit myself, the advice I would give is: Don’t be afraid to make a change. If you aren’t enjoying it, do something different. 
Job Postings

Jobs from around BC and Western Canada can be found on the Careers Webpage. Check out the webpage often as it is updated regularly. https://www.bcsls.net/careers-page
Upcoming Events

Congress 2021: thank you to all of those who participated in our first virtual Congress!

P&P Analytic Symposium: Spring 2022 Symposium in Surrey. More info coming soon