Every classroom teacher strives to meet the needs of their students, engage students in instruction, and promote student academic mastery and achievement. Today, students are 21st century learners who multitask, engage best with multimodal sources of information, and thrive in an interactive learning environment. This workshop aims to provide teachers with the knowledge and tools to implement instruction that engages, challenges, and inspires their students. In this workshop, teachers will explore strategies to increase engagement and rigor such as collaboration, participation, high level questioning, and inquiry based instruction. The content of this workshop is research-based, teacher-tested, and ready to be implemented into the classroom today!
Teachers will explore relevant research about the 21st century learner to inform classroom instruction to meet the academic needs of their students.
Teachers will be able to implement student centered and highly engaging instructional strategies in order to facilitate rigorous instruction in an interactive classroom that promotes student achievement and mastery of content.
Teachers will gather and use knowledge of students to inform instruction and design highly engaging educational experiences.
Teachers will allow students to take ownership of learning and academic growth in order to promote student self efficacy and engagement.
Teachers will provide opportunities for student choice and exploration by implementing an inquiry based instruction in which they are the facilitator.
Teachers will attempt to build a connection between instructional content and the real world and the student perspective in order to promote a tangible application of content and skills.