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Quarterly News


Greetings Engineering Technology Education Division members,

Spring is here! With the longer days, comes a longer to-do list as the school year winds down and spring testing ramps up. I know it is difficult with this long list of activities and testing, but hopefully you can set yourself up for sweet success this Spring and Summer with the following tips:

  • Use a calendar to stay organized
  • Limit screen time
  • Take a walk, go outside, and get some sunshine
  • Drink water or make some ice-cold lemonade
  • Listen to music
  • Stretch, move your body, meditate or try yoga

Be mindful to take care of yourself as you work tirelessly to wrap up the school year. When you take care of yourself and are not stressed, you are better able to meet the needs of others. 

Below, find opportunities to learn and get the most from your ACTE membership.

As you continue to innovate and make lemonade out of lemons, I encourage you to share your stories and lessons learned so we can share these new ideas with each other. Please consider giving back to CTE by volunteering to serve in a leadership position within the eTED division. Currently, we are looking for representatives from Region I, Region II, Media Arts and the Middle School level. Should you desire to serve on the eTED policy committee, please connect with me via email at

ETED VP - Richelle Krumsiek.jpg

Wishing you many days of sunshine and lemonade!

Richelle Krumsiek

VP, Engineering & Technology Education Division


Accepting Applications for Board of Directors Election

Interested in serving the association as a member of the board of directors? Applications for open positions are due June 15. For more information, please see the guidelines for the board of directors nominations.

Learn more

Professional Development Conferences & Events

Early Bird Registration is Open! 


ACTE’s CareerTech VISION is the must-attend event for career and technical education (CTE) professionals. Happening Nov. 30–Dec. 3 in Las Vegas, Nevada, VISION offers dynamic programming covering high-quality CTE in secondary and postsecondary environments, an abundance of networking opportunities, the CareerTech Expo, hundreds of concurrent program sessions and more! Early bird registration is now open!

Register for VISION

One-Day Event Addressing Access and Equity in CTE   

The Good Trouble: Busting Inclusion, Access, Equity and Diversity Barriers in CTE Conference will offer model programming to amplify the four strands of student voice: content, culture, social and emotional learning, and metacognition. Happening virtually on June 9, this event will explore strategies for removing systemic barriers and revolutionizing students’ CTE experiences.

Join Good Trouble

ACTE Awards Opportunities

ACTE Student Trophy Contest

ACTE is excited to announce our annual student contest to redesign the 3D-printed trophies for the ACTE Excellence Awards. The winning trophy design will be 3D-printed by Stratasys and presented to the national award winners at the 2022 ACTE Awards Gala, happening at ACTE’s CareerTech VISION in Las Vegas, Nevada. The deadline for design submissions is May 1.

Learn more and apply

ACTE Impact Awards

The ACTE Impact Awards recognize groups and individuals from the education, business and industry communities who contribute to the improvement, promotion and development of CTE. The deadline to apply for the two Impact awards, the Business-Education Partnership Award and the Champion for CTE Award, is June 30.  

Apply now

Scholarships Available for Your CTE Students

The Horatio Alger Association is now accepting applications from students who are currently enrolled or will enroll at a community college or non-profit technical institution. This year, the association will award 500 CTE scholarships at up to $2,500 each. Applications are due June 15.

Encourage your students to apply

Invest in Yourself

Renew Your Membership!

Renew your membership today for continued access to premier professional development, your annual subscription to Techniques, member-exclusive discounts to ACTE events, high-quality CTE research and legislative updates, the member insurance program, and more!

Renew today!

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