Happy New Year, ETED members, |
A new year brings new beginnings as many people make resolutions for positive changes in their lives. I hope the new year brings success and happiness to all your endeavors. Ellen Goodman once said, “We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives ... not looking for flaws, but for potential.” As we take on the challenges of the upcoming year, I encourage you to find the potential in every situation.
During the opening session at VISION 2022, the ETED 2023 award winners were announced. The Neven Frantz Outstanding Instructor honor was awarded to Brandon Dickerson of Oklahoma. Nominations for 2024 awards will open Feb. 16. Please look for an e-blast from me with further details to nominate an outstanding instructor, program or business partner.
Did you know there are four areas of interest within ETED to which you may choose to belong?
Click the links to learn more about each area.
ACTE ETED Division members should also know there is always a place available for those who are interested in becoming more involved with division activities. Perhaps you met me at VISION and now you are ready to take that next step. Please contact me to find out more information about opportunities within the division.
In closing, I hope to see many of you at the National Policy Seminar in March. May you have a wonderful year and the courage to tackle all that lies ahead.
Kind Regards,
Richelle Downey
VP, Engineering & Technology Education Division
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Engineering and Technology Division News |
Updates from Esports
The new esports area of interest committee is active, learn more here.
From STEM careers to business, ARTS/AV and hospitality, Esports has bridged the gap for many students, engaging them in career pathways such as software development, coding, IT, engineering, marketing, as well as orbital careers in sports marketing, arts, A/V technology and communications-related fields.
Three sponsored Esports webinars for 2022 can be found here under “watch on demand” — Academic Esports – An Evolving Technology in CTE Pathways.
For additional information, please contact Jill Ranucci.
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Updates from STEM
Department of Defense (DOD) funding sources, and grants in general, can be a powerful tool for the initial buildup of robust STEM programs that are then supported by CTE as the sustaining funding
mechanism. They can also enhance interagency and inter-organization cooperation in bringing STEM-related organizations together.
An extremely powerful centralized resource that I have found is this website where you can find numerous secondary and
postsecondary, career-oriented programs and opportunities for students, disaggregated by the several DOD programs that work in the STEM arena.
For additional information or insight, please feel free to contact STEM area of interest leader, Nat Sobin. Additionally, many thanks to Eric Moore of the Tiger Woods Foundation and Rick Quest of RoboNation for their work in creating and disseminating these opportunities.
Learn more about the current DoD STEM Ambassador program
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Join the World's Largest Computer Science Department | |
ACTE Announces Board of Directors 2023 Election Results
ACTE's recent board of directors election was open to the Association’s membership of approximately 25,000 educators, administrators and other career and technical education (CTE) professionals. We are grateful to all of the candidates for their willingness to serve the Association. And congratulations go out to the winners:
- Carrie Scheiderer, president-elect
- Bart Taylor, Trade and Industrial Education Division vice president
- Sandra Adams, Administration Division vice president-elect
- Brooke Kusch, Counseling and Career Development Division vice president-elect
- Shawn Freie, Postsecondary, Adult & Career Education Division vice president-elect
- *Fran Bromley-Norwood, Engineering Technology Education Division vice president
- *Douglas Bush, Region I vice president
*Appointed by the board of directors
Additionally, the vice president-elect whose election occurred last year will join the board as vice president in July 2023. Michael Culwell will assume the position of Region IV vice president. Learn more
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Share Your CTE Stories During CTE Month!
Generously sponsored by NAHB
Join us as we celebrate CTE Month, generously sponsored by the National Association of Home Builders, and help spread awareness about the importance of CTE by sharing your success stories by using #CTEMonth on social media, encouraging your students to participate in this year’s CTE Month-NASA HUNCH student video challenge, “What is the Purpose of NASA?,” gearing up with festive CTE Month merchandise at shopacte.com to show your support for CTE, and much more! Learn more
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Turn CTE Advocacy Into Policy Action!
Join career and technical education (CTE) professionals at ACTE’s National Policy Seminar (NPS) to voice your vision on key education policy topics, learn about best practices for influencing CTE-related federal policy and messaging, and meet with legislators this March 19–22 in Arlington, Virginia. We are pleased announce Daniel Lippman, White House and Washington reporter at POLITICO, as the NPS keynote speaker — visit us online to register and view the complete agenda. Learn more
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Shape the Future of Work-based Learning
Learn about innovations in work-based learning and model programs across the nation at ACTE’s National Work-based Learning Conference, happening April 26–28 in Atlanta, Georgia. This event offers expertise on supporting the delivery of quality experiences that foster in-depth, firsthand engagement with the skills required in any given career field. Learn more
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Tackle Teacher Recruitment & Retention at Teach CTE Summit!
Join us at ACTE’s Teach CTE Summit, happening June 27–29 in St. Paul, Minnesota, to address the CTE teacher pipeline shortage. This event will highlight promising practices, national models and leading research with a secondary focus to solve this important issue. Learn more
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Best Practices CFPs Now Open!
Happening Sept. 27–29 in Salt Lake City, Utah, ACTE’s and NCLA’s Best Practices and Innovations in CTE Conference is seeking session proposals to strengthen the field for CTE administrators of both secondary and postsecondary CTE programs and institutions. The deadline to submit presentation proposals is March 13. Learn more
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VISION 2023 CFPs Now Open!
Share your expertise at ACTE’s CareerTech VISION, the premier annual gathering of CTE professionals happening Nov. 29–Dec. 2 in Phoenix, Arizona. We are seeking session proposals that address the full range of issues facing CTE educators, administrators and key stakeholders as they strive to prepare students with the knowledge and skills to succeed! VISION features an exciting, educational and inspirational agenda packed with hundreds of concurrent sessions, an Expo and Career Pavilion, awards and recognition programming and a rich array of networking opportunities. The deadline to submit session proposals is March 3. Learn more
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New Year, New Webinars
We are excited to host several upcoming free webinars on a wide range of topics:
State Policies Impacting CTE: Year in Review, Feb. 16, 3:00 p.m. ET
Other Protected Populations, Feb. 16, 4:00 p.m. ET
Postsecondary CTE Research Fellows Program, Feb. 23, 1:00 p.m. ET
Sign up to attend!
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Apply for the Prestigious Achieve 100 Award!
ACTE’s Achieve 100 Award is a distinguished award showcasing your school’s commitment to CTE and is presented to schools and institutions that achieve 100% membership across their CTE staff and faculty. All CTE staff must have been ACTE members by Dec. 31, 2022, to qualify. Applications are due Feb. 1. Learn more
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Showcase Your ACTE Member Pride
We encourage you to download, post and share the 2023 ACTE membership graphic #IamCTE via your email signature, website and on social media. Download the badge
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Now Hiring: IAED Manager
ACTE is looking for a part-time IAED manager to lead all facets of ACTE’s IAED programming, including ACTE’s IAED advisory group as well as seeking growth and development opportunities for new and related initiatives. The IAED manager will be tasked with increasing the number of resources and activities to support CTE professionals as they seek to address IAED issues within CTE programs and focusing on how to effectively integrate an IAED awareness and mindset throughout all ACTE’s programming.
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Association for Career and Technical Education
1410 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
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