Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year!
Board of Education to Move Forward with Bond Measure

Dear Englewood Schools Community Member,

On August 2, 2016, the Englewood Schools Board of Education voted unanimously to put a bond measure and mill levy override on the November 2016 ballot for Englewood voters. The money from the bond will be used to rebuild the District's five aging elementary school buildings as well as one preschool building.
The decision came after many months of research and community input.

Throughout the winter and spring, the District held a series of town hall meetings at each elementary school site. The District also formed a group called the Facilities Long-Range Planning Committee, made up of about 28 parents, community members, and district staff members, who were charged with looking at ways to improve the safety of the schools and to make sure learning environments met students' needs now and into the future. All of the elementary school buildings are now 60-plus years old.
On May 17, 2016, after over 20 hours of tours, meetings and extensive community input gathered through an online survey, the Committee presented their conclusions and recommendations to the Board. The recommendation stated that the Board should pursue a bond measure this November to remodel or replace the district's four elementary schools and one preschool building.
After the recommendation, the Board hired expert architects and planners to discuss the feasibility and cost of renovating or replacing the buildings. Exploring all options, the Board came to the conclusion that rebuilding the schools was the best option to ensure optimal safety and learning environments for years to come.


Wendy Rubin, Ed.D.
Back to School information for 2016-2017
We are so excited to see you and your student as we begin the 2016-2017 school year!

The first day of school is Thursday, August 11 for elementary and secondary schools. Monday, August 22 is the first day for preschool.

Make sure to check your school's website for this year's start and end times.

You can also check out these tips to help with a smooth transition back to school.
Strings Attached is Now Offering Private Lessons
The Strings Attached program is now accepting new students who want to learn to play piano, violin, cello or guitar.  

Every student gets a private lesson once a week, and an opportunity to play in a fall recital. We'll continue in the spring as well. 

The individual lessons are at the elementary schools. Please see the registration form for location, day and time for each instrument. 20 and 30 minute lessons are possible. 

All children, ages 7 to 17, enrolled in the Englewood School District can participate. Younger students may be accepted on a case by case basis with permission of their teacher.

Registration is now open. Lessons begin  August 29. Space is limited!

To enroll, simply mail the registration form with your payment to reserve your student's place in the program. 

Address any questions to  stringsattached@live.com, or call  303-806-8901 for more information. 
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
The City of Englewood along with the Neighborhood Rehab Project will be participating in a day of service on September 10, 2016. 

This is an opportunity to join neighbors in serving the warm, dry and safe household needs of our community. Bring the whole family for a day of giving back in Englewood! Work could include painting, repairs, yard cleanup, tree or brush trimming, safety additions, weatherizing, etc.

Volunteers will receive lunch and a "I'm A Tool" t-shirt for getting involved. Registration is open at www.beatool.org.
Upcoming Events
August 9, 2016:  Englewood Leadership Academy Back to School Night 5:30 p.m.

August 10, 2016:
TEC Student Check-in Day 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Clayton Open House 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.

August 11, 2016: First day of school for all elementary, middle and high schools

August 17, 2016:
EHS/EMS Back to School Night 5:30 p.m.
Clayton Back to School Night 5:30 - 6:45 p.m.
Cherrelyn Back to School Night 6:00 p.m.

August 18, 2016:
Charles Hay World School Back to School Night  5:30 -7:00 p.m.
5/6th Grade Instrument Night in EHS Band Room 6:00 p.m.

August 19, 2016: Early Childhood Education Back to School Night 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.

August 22, 2016: First day of preschool

August 23, 2016: Bishop Back to School Night 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

September 7, 2016: Colorado's Finest High School of Choice Back to School Night 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.