Parent/Teacher conferences are coming up on October 18-19. Here are some answers to common questions about conferences. We hope these will help you to take advantage of the conference and make it as beneficial as possible for you and your student.
What is the #1 most important tip?
Attend the conference! Parent involvement in a child's education is crucial to success. Even if you don't think a conference is necessary, you should still attend.
What if I don't speak English?
You have the right to an interpreter, and your school will gladly provide one for you at no cost. Please let your school know in advance if you need this service.
What will we talk about?
Your child's teacher will talk about your child's grades, classwork, homework and behavior.
What should I do before/during the conference?
- Prepare any questions you have in advance. For example, is my child handing in homework on time?
- Let the teacher know about any situation at home that may affect your child's school work.
- Tell the teacher about any parts of school that your child enjoys or that cause him/her stress.
- Approach the conference with a positive attitude and know that you and the teacher are on the same team and both want what's best for your child.
For more information, you can refer to some of these resources: