After introducing the new standard version 4.0, we received qualified feedback regarding a few points that were not sufficiently covered. Therefore, we decided to publish an updated standard by July 15, 2021.
Feedback points addressed in the new standard version 4.1:
* The requirements under the Nagoya Protocol with regard to:
-The undisputed ownership of the land used for agricultural production.
-The proper benefit-sharing for indigenous genetic resources including the knowledge
associated with the use and production of such genetic resources.
* A written Occupational Health & Safety Policy is now required at the first inspection.
* The labeling requirements for bulk products from original producers now include the
mandatory listing of the certification agency responsible for FairTSA inspection and
In light of this new standard 4.1, we have extended the transition period until January 1, 2022, allowing enough time for producers to implement the changes. As usual, we will work with all affected operations to support this.