St. Patrick Parish News & Updates

July 14, 2023 | Issue 28

A Word from the Pastor

July 14, 2023

I am on vacation for two weeks in Buffalo. The timing of this vacation coincides with a few events that I am eagerly anticipating. On July 15, I will join many longtime friends for the 100th anniversary of Camp Turner (CT). This is a resident summer camp that was founded by the Diocese of Buffalo and was recently adopted by Our Lady of Victory (OLV) Services. It is located in beautiful Allegany State Park in the southern tier of western New York.


When I was a young seminarian, I worked there as a camp counselor for seven summers (1967-1973). After I was ordained in 1977, I became the resident director of the summer camp for four summers (1977-1980) and stayed on for a couple more years as spiritual director. Without a doubt, this is where I developed my commitment to ministry to, with, by and for young people. It is also where I met most of my oldest and dearest lifetime friends. I am so looking forward to celebrating this great anniversary with them.

The following weekend, there is another reunion: an all-school reunion of Cardinal Dougherty High School in Buffalo. My very first assignment as a priest was teaching religion and serving as campus minister at this all-boys high school. Fr. Bill Rowland was the principal. The Eudist Fathers ran this school for the Diocese of Buffalo for 22 years. Fr. Bill was in the first graduating class of the school and was the principal when it closed in 1979. (That’s when he was transferred to San Diego.) The school’s alumni are holding this reunion as a fundraiser for the Eudist Fathers Retirement Fund. Of course, Fr. Bill will also be in attendance. We both look forward to meeting and greeting our former students, many of whom are now grandfathers!

On July 25 I will have the joyful privilege of baptizing my great nephew, the child of my nephew (my godchild) and his wife. This is another family event that I eagerly anticipate. And I will also get to celebrate my birthday with my family.

I mention all this because summertime often affords us the opportunity to gather with family and friends. I think we can cherish these moments and use them as occasions to thank God for the people he has put into our lives. Family and friends are truly gifts from God.

Likewise, with more leisurely summer schedules, it is a time for us to reach out to some of those people that we have not seen or talked to in a while. Who do you need to reconnect with? Who would benefit from a call or a visit? Don’t put it off; do it now.

I leave you with this quotation: “When we honestly ask ourselves which persons in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand...a friend who cares.”

In one Heart,

Fr. Ron 

[email protected]

Give to our Building Fund here...
Digitally Share Your Prayer Intentions for Our Lady of Fatima here...

Cardinal Timothy Dolan Writes about the Catholic View on Immigration

In this article, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the affable and outspoken Archbishop of New York, clearly explains why the issue of welcoming immigrants is a moral issue not merely a political one.

Read here...

Eucharistic Revival Corner

From time to time during this Eucharistic Revival Year, we will include short excerpts taken from the book Mass Class by Fr. Dave Dwyer (Paulist Press). He gives good answers to questions that have been addressed to him on his online broadcasts.

Today’s question is: “Do Catholics really believe that it’s Christ’s Flesh and Blood that we receive in Holy Communion?” For Fr. Dave’s answer, click below.

Read here...

Altar Cloth and Banners

We are very grateful for our beautiful new altar cloth and matching side banners. They were specially designed for our church by the Slabbinck company, a Belgian liturgical design and vestment company. They were donated in honor of the 95th birthday of Libby Blumberg by her loving family. We thank them for their generous gift that adds beauty to our altar area.

Annual Mission Appeal

This weekend, July 15-16, we will welcome Sr. Teslin Joseph of the Sacred Heart Sisters from India for the annual Cooperative Mission Appeal. The major activities of the Indian Province are schools, parish activities, medical and counseling. One of the specializations is to treat and work with mentally and psychologically ill and challenged people.

You will have the opportunity to help the Sisters by donating to the second collection at al Masses next weekend. Special envelopes are available at the doors of the church. Thank you for supporting the worldwide mission of the Church.

Read more about the Sacred Heart Sisters here...

Showers of Blessings

In just six years, Showers of Blessings has grown so fast and done so much good. Our dedicated volunteers currently serve between 60-70 of our homeless neighbors per week. Read the flier below to see the many things that we are able to provide.

More volunteers are needed. 

Look at the flier to see how you can help.

Read more here...

Garage Sale

The Olde Garage will be CLOSED for the month of JULY. Please do not bring donations and leave them outside the gates. There will not be any volunteers to accept donations.  

Mozart Flute Concerto

Enjoy this Flute Concerto No. 2 in D Major, K. 314: Ii. Andante ma non troppo ·by Wolfgang Amodeo Mozart, featuring Patrick Gallois and the Swedish Chamber Orchestra.

Watch Daily and Sunday Masses Livestreamed from  St. Patrick Church here:

Sunday Collection for 7/9/2023

Envelope:        $7,720.25

Plate:                 $5,361.00

Online Giving: $14,568.53

Total Collection: $ 27,649.78 

  We are grateful for the generosity of all of our parishioners and visitors.

Online Giving Reminder

Please remember to log in to your Online Giving account frequently. You can make sure your payment method is up to date and that your gifts are being processed.

For help with forgotten passwords, please contact Online Giving technical support at 800.348.2886, ext. 2.
Click on the Online Giving icon below to create or access your account.
We appreciate your support!

Catholic Trivia

"Catholic Trivia”... not because they are trivial but because these might be things that not everyone knows. Test your knowledge by reading the five questions, remember your answers (or jot them down), then click the link below to find the answers.

  1. What does BVM stand for?
  2. What does the "N" in INRI stand for?
  3. What does IHS refer to?
  4. To what creature does the Greek word “Ichthys” refer?
  5. What does it mean if a priest has the initials “C.J.M.” after his name?

Feel free to email Fr. Ron with ideas for future Catholic Trivia questions [email protected]

If you have other members of your family or your friends who would like to be on our email list, just let me know or write to Mary McLain at [email protected] We will be pleased to add them.

Masses are available on our website

We have a YouTube channel where we have daily and Sunday Masses.
YouTube channel here...
Answers to Catholic Trivia here!
Online Giving
Read all of Fr. Ron's newsletters here

Fifteenth Sunday of in Ordinary Time – Year A

First Reading

Isaiah 55:10-11

The Word of the Lord shall achieve its purpose.

Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 65:10-14

A prayer of praise to God for his abundance.

Second Reading

Romans 8:18-23

Together with all of creation, we await God’s redemption.

Gospel Reading

Matthew 13:1-23 (shorter form: Matthew 13:1-9)

Jesus teaches that the kingdom of heaven is like seed that has been sown on good soil.

Background on the Gospel Reading

Today’s Gospel marks the beginning of the third long discourse given by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. Over the next few weeks, the Gospel readings will consist of the entire 13th Chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, a lengthy teaching discourse.

Throughout this discourse, Jesus will offer several parables to illustrate for his listeners what he means by the kingdom of heaven. He begins with the parable of the sower, which appears rather straightforward—of course seeds grow best in good soil. Seeds that miss the soil, are sown on rocky ground, or are sown among other plants will not grow. The surprise in the parable is the enormous yield of the seed that is sown on good soil.

Jesus then explains his use of parables. Jesus seems to suggest that he uses parables to teach because the meanings of parables are not self-evident. The hearer must engage in some degree of reflection in order to comprehend the message of a parable. In this way, the medium—the parable—models the point of the parable of the sower. Those who are willing to engage themselves in the effort to understand will be rewarded by the discovery of the message and will bear fruit.

To bring home the point, Jesus interprets the parable of the sower to his disciples. The different types of soil in which the seeds are sown are metaphors for the disposition with which each individual hears the teaching about the kingdom of heaven. Some will be easily swayed away from the kingdom of heaven. Some will receive it for a time but will lose it when faced with difficulties. Some will hear the word but will then permit other cares to choke it out. Yet some will receive it well, and the seed will produce abundant fruit.

Simple Gifts

Here is the Fantasie on the tune 'Simple Gifts' originally written and performed by Paul Fey in the U.S. at Methuen Memorial Music Hall. You will recognize the melody and enjoy the variation on the tune as it is played on this beautiful organ.

Shoes to the World

We will be on the Church patio this weekend July 15 & 16 fund raising to provide new shoes for families living in poverty. 100% of your donations will purchase NEW shoes to be distributed by volunteers to impoverished children and adults.

Visit: for more information or to donate.

Prayer Intention of Our Holy Father

Each month the Pope designates a prayer intention for Catholics across the world. In announcing the intention for July, Pope Francis says: “Let us pray that Catholics place at the center of their lives the eucharistic celebration which transforms human relationships and opens up an encounter with God and their brothers and sisters.”

It fits well with the Eucharistic Revival underway in the United States. To hear more about this intention, read the article on this website:

This is Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for July 2023- read here...

Religious Education Preschool to 8th Grade

Registration Information for the 2023-2024 School Year

We are here to support parents in forming their children in the Catholic Faith and engage in our parish community where we worship and grow together in faith. We offer weekly classes for preschool through 8th grade and preparation for the sacraments for children in grades 1 through 8.

You can learn more about our program by clicking on the links for: 

  • Early Faith Formation for children age 3 1/2 and Kindergarten 
Information here...
  • Preparation for the Sacraments for students in grade 1-8
Information here...
  • Continuing Faith Formation for students in grade 3 – 8 that have already received First Holy Communion. 
Information here...

The online registration is open for all our classes from Preschool through 8th grade. Visit our website: 

Click on Religious Education and then Preschool – 8th grade. General information and the online form are at the side bar.

Here is the link to the online registration form:

Contact the Office for Religious Education at [email protected] or 760-729-8442  with questions about faith formation or sacramental preparation.  


Margit Dornisch,

Religious Education and Family Ministry 

Let the Little Ones Come

to Me!

In the summer months we offer Liturgy of the Word for Children during the 9:00 am Mass. Children ages 5-9 that attend Mass with their family have the opportunity to hear the Word of God in language they can understand and reflect on in their own words. 

Following the Opening Prayer of the Mass, the presider calls forth the children, and we send them along with the adult catechist to the church basement classroom. The catechist will proclaim the readings from the Lectionary for Masses with Children, a translation that is more comprehensible to young children and approved by the US Catholic Conference of Bishops. The children will discuss how to share the good news with others. 

They will be brought back to their family at the time of the Preparation of the Gifts to continue the celebration of the Eucharist with the entire assembly.

Un Saludo de parte del Diacono Miguel,

"La semilla cayo en tierra buena y dio fruto” Salmo 64. Todo lo que vemos con nuestros ojos, lo que escuchamos con nuestros oídos, lo que sentimos con nuestras manos, viene de Dios. No hay nada que existe que no es regalo de Dios para nosotros. Este XV Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario, la Iglesia nos da esta parábola de un sembrador que sale a sembrar. El texto del Evangelio de San Mateo nos dice que no toda la semilla cayo en tierra buena y dio fruto bueno. Alguna semilla cayo a lo largo del camino, llegaron los pájaros y se la comieron. Otra semilla cayo en tierra pedregosa, con poca tierra, y cuando salió el sol los brotes marchitaron y se secaron. Y otra semilla, cayo entre espinos que eventualmente sufocaron las plantitas.

Usemos esta parábola para reflexionar, ¿Cómo recibimos la palabra de Dios en nuestros corazones? Todos tenemos experiencias de sentirnos que somos “como tierra buena”, que recibimos la palabra de Dios y actúa en una manera buena y se ve el fruto bueno en nosotros. Y eso nos hace sentir bien. Pero también a veces, sentimos lo contrario. Sentimos que somos “como tierra mala”, que es pedregosa y llena de espinos y la palabra de Dios no entra y no cambia nada en nosotros. Y eso nos frustra y nos hace sentir mal. ¡Pero no desanimarnos! Dios sigue con nosotros, no nos abandona. La clave es mantener nuestra mirada en Jesucristo. Jesús nos da lo que necesitamos para que esta “tierra mala y complicada” dentro de nosotros, se transforme a tierra buena. ¿Quién juzga lo que es tierra buena o tierra mala? Nadie. Solo Dios juzga. Acerquémonos a Dios quien nos ama, con humildad y fe.

OTRA REFLEXIÓN: “El Reino de los Cielos es como…” - Haga clic aquí:


Hablemos de un Sembrador

Estudios Bíblicos en Español del Padre Ricardo Chinchilla, cjm... clic aquí

3821 Adams Street

Carlsbad, California 92008


  • The Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe is open

  • Our parish offices are open, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30 to 4:30pm

  • In case of emergency, you can always reach a priest. Call the parish number 760-729-2866 and press number 6 which will connect you directly to one of our priests.

  • If you know someone who does not receive our emails, please forward this to them, or have them reply to this message.

To email a priest at St. Patrick Church click the address below:

[email protected]

Read our Sunday Bulletin here
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