Harvest Continues!

Subarashii Kudamono JunoSan Asian Pears are harvesting now! To purchase these delights, visit our online store and select the Artisan's Choice option. They will be shipped direct from our farm to your door. In the days ahead, EliSan will also be available for purchase so be sure to check back soon!

Have a favorite variety? Let us know what it is and our customer care team will be happy to alert you when it’s been picked and is ready for shipping. Read about all of our fresh and crisp Asian Pear varieties here.
Speaking of Pears... 
"We have you to thank for introducing us to Asian Pears which I now frequently
 use in my cooking and when we entertain." - Jane/Bucks County, PA
Let's Band Together!

Biodegradable bands are used to pull the tender branches from a young tree away from its trunk. This trains the branches to grow sideways instead of upwards, which is their natural tendency.

An Asian Pear team member slides the rubber band onto a slim, young, green branch and then carefully pulls the branch sideways and hooks the other end of the rubber band to either a mature tree trunk or limb.

Training the branches to grow sideways allows more sunshine to kiss the pears, which makes for a sweeter Subarashii Kudamono Asian Pear. It also organizes the branches into a trellis style format, creating a well-balanced and healthy tree that will support many delicious Asian Pears in the seasons ahead.
Asian Pear Care Primer

With Asian Pear Harvest season underway, we thought it would be helpful to go over the care of our Wonderful Fruit.

When you receive your order of Subarashii Kudamono Asian Pears, unwrap and store them in your refrigerator's crisper drawer. They will stay crisp and juicy for a month or more.

Our Asian Pears are picked ideally ripe and are ready for your enjoyment. Wash your pears when ready to eat. Washing in advance can expose the pears to additional moisture and affect how long they will keep in your refrigerator. Click to read more Asian Pear tips!

A delicious companion to our fresh Asian Pears, our Aged Asian Pear Vinegar is available all year-round in our pantry. For a combination of fresh pears and Aged Asian Pear Vinegar, try our Asian Pear and Wild Rice Salad recipe.
Invite a friend to learn more about Subarashii Kudamono Asian Pears!
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