Volume 2, Issue 3 - March 2024 | |
Dear Friends of the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse,
As we march into March, I am thrilled to celebrate a significant milestone in our journey - the second anniversary of the Friends of the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse, will occur on March 16, 2024. These past two years have been a testament to our dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to preserving, restoring, and celebrating the heritage and beauty of the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse.
Since our inception, we have made remarkable strides toward our mission, but much work remains to be done. As we reflect on our accomplishments, we also look ahead with renewed vigor and determination. Our mission is not a fleeting endeavor, but a long-term commitment spanning a lifetime. It requires sustained effort, collaboration, and the dedication of champions like you.
I am pleased to share that we have received our first-round response to our NHLPA Application from the National Parks Service. This marks a significant step forward in our journey, and we are excited to work through these items to ensure we are fully prepared for the efforts needed to complete our mission.
I call upon each member of our esteemed community to consider stepping up and volunteering in key organizational roles. Whether it's lending your expertise in fundraising, outreach, preservation efforts, or administrative tasks, your contribution is invaluable to our continued success. We can achieve even greater heights and ensure a lasting legacy for future generations with your help.
As we embark on the next phase of our journey, let us reaffirm our shared commitment to preserving and promoting the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse. We are guardians of history, stewards of tradition, and champions of our collective heritage.
Thank you for your support, dedication, and enthusiasm. Here's to many more years of progress, preservation, and community empowerment.
Be Safe and Be Well.
Kurt Lentsch
Chief Dreamer and President,
Friends of the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse
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If you are part of an organization that has an interest in financially supporting our efforts to Preserve, Restore, and Celebrate the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse, please reach out to Nick Naber (nicknaber@savethelighthouse.org), our treasurer and a member of our fundraising working group. | |
Even a small donation could help
Friends of the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse
reach our fundraising goal.
And if you can't make a donation, it would be great if you could share the fundraiser to help spread the word.
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Your contribution will enable us to offset the start-up costs for the
Friends of the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse
and begin the work of preservation and restoration...
We are very grateful for your generosity.
The Friends of the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse is a 501c3 organization
so please make a tax-deductible gift to help us Save the Lighthouse!
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If you are part of a group of 25 or more interested in learning more
about the history of our lighthouse and our efforts, please contact
Steve Clements (steveclements@savethelighthouse.org)
to discuss the possibility of scheduling a presentation for your group.
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March Fundraiser: Become a Chicago Harbor Lighthouse Keeper!
Calling all Chicago Harbor Lighthouse enthusiasts and friends of the Chicago Harbor! Can you believe it's been two years since we set sail on this incredible journey with the Friends of the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse?
To celebrate our anniversary in style, we're thrilled to announce our March Fundraiser: Become a Chicago Harbor Lighthouse Keeper!
With a donation of $200 or more, you'll not only be honoring our milestone but also securing a piece of history for yourself. As a token of our appreciation, we're offering a free Chicago Harbor Lighthouse model created from the original 1917 Lighthouse Board architectural drawings.
But hurry, friends; our supplies are limited. Don't let this opportunity drift away – donate today and claim your piece of maritime heritage.
Join us in preserving the legacy of the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse and ensuring our light continues to shine for years to come. Together, we can illuminate the path forward.
Donate now and become a keeper of the light. Let's make our anniversary celebration one to remember. Visit www.SaveTheLighthouse.org/donate to make a donation.
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Columbia Yacht Club Hosts FOCHL | |
In the heart of Chicago's bustling waterfront, on Friday, February 16, 2024, the Friends of the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse had the distinct honor of sharing the history of the Lighthouse and our mission to Preserve, Restore and Celebrate it aboard the magnificent vessel, the Abegweit, graciously hosted by the esteemed Columbia Yacht Club.
Aboard the Abby, a vessel steeped in history and elegance, members and staff of the Columbia Yacht Club welcomed us with open arms, ensuring every detail was attended to flawlessly.
Their hospitality and dedication to our cause set the stage for an unforgettable evening.
Amidst the sea of attendees, there was one special guest whose presence added an extra layer of nostalgia and significance to the event.
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A gentleman who served as a lighthouse keeper at the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse in the winter of 1958-1959 graced us with his presence.
His stories transported us back in time, painting vivid pictures of life at the lighthouse and its beacon's importance to sailors navigating Lake Michigan's waters.
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We are excited to meet Mr. Wayne Barton and welcome him into our organization, and we look forward to learning more from him about life on the lighthouse.
With heartfelt gratitude, we extend our sincerest thanks to the Columbia Yacht Club for their generosity and hospitality in hosting us aboard the Abby.
They provided a stunning backdrop for our presentation, and underscored, the importance of community collaboration.
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We are pleased to invite you to one of our upcoming presentations of
Chicago Harbor Lighthouse – Past, Present and Future
Kurt Lentsch, Chief Dreamer, President, FCHL
Edward Torrez, AIA, NCARB, Preservation Architect
(R.S.V.P. info forthcoming)
- Saturday, March 23, 2024 - Crowley's Yacht-A-Palooza
- Tuesday, March 26, 2024 - Northwest Sailing Association
- Wednesday, April 3, 2024 - Chicago Yacht Club
- Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - Metropolitan Club
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Lighthouses are an invaluable part of America’s maritime heritage. The beginning of Chicago Harbor Lighthouse was constructed in 1893 during the World’s Columbian Exposition, held in Chicago’s Jackson Park. The Lighthouse was originally built further north than its current location in 1893, then moved in 1917 to its final spot, at the end of the breakwater near the mouth of the Chicago Harbor.
The Lighthouse was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on July 19, 1984, and a Chicago Landmark on April 9, 2001. In 2009, the City of Chicago took over ownership of the Lighthouse from the General Services Administration (GSA), facilitated by the 2000 National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act.
These presentations will discuss the Lighthouse’s rich history, present condition, and future plans to celebrate and share with the public, its significance to the legacy of Chicago history. We hope you can join us.
If you are part of a group of 25 or more interested in learning more about the history of our lighthouse and our efforts, please contact Steve Clements (steveclements@savethelighthouse.org to discuss the possibility of scheduling a presentation for your group.
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FOCHL Strategic Planning Session | |
On a crisp Saturday morning in mid-February, the core team of Friends of the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse gathered at the Chicago Yacht Club for a historic construction strategic planning session. With determination and vision, they embarked on a journey to restore history.
From construction phases to design concepts to logistical considerations, every aspect of the construction project was meticulously examined and analyzed to refine our plan.
As the day unfolded, plans were reviewed and strategies refined, laying the foundation for a project that will leave a lasting impact on the Chicago Harbor for generations to come.
As we completed our agenda, the core team of champions emerged from the Chicago Yacht Club with renewed determination and a sense of purpose. They knew that they were creating history, one blueprint at a time.
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Photo credit: Barry Butler | |
We need your help, and we are asking you to volunteer and join us in our mission to save the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse and keep its legacy alive for generations to come.
We are a passionate organization dedicated to preserving, restoring, and celebrating the historic Chicago Harbor Lighthouse for future generations. Our mission would not be possible without the help of dedicated volunteers who share our passion and commitment to this iconic landmark.
As a volunteer with Friends of the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse, you will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience, meet new people, and make a meaningful impact in preserving a historic Chicago landmark that is cherished by our city.
If you are interested in donating your talents and joining our team, please visit our volunteer page at savethelighthouse.org/volunteer to learn more.
Currently, we are seeking talented and experienced part-time volunteers to assist us in the areas of fundraising (especially grant writing), construction, and community outreach to help us build and maintain our connections to local and national organizations.
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Some of the talented volunteers, who are building this dream. | |
Copyright © 2024 Friends of the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse - All Rights Reserved. | | | | |