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News and Insights on the Masonry Repair and Maintenance of Institutional, Commercial, and Condominium Buildings in Greater Boston and Eastern Massachusetts

Volume 15 No. 3

Fall 2023

In this issue, our Case Study article describes an extensive chimne repair project at a prominent community center in Newton, MA. Our Masonry 101 provides a description of pipe staging and its origin.

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Abbot Building Restoration Company, Inc.
Case Study

Abbot Completes Significant Chimney Repairs at the Jewish Community Center in Newton, MA

Abbot recently completed significant repairs to the chimney at the Leventhal-Sidman Jewish Community Center (JCC) in Newton, MA.


Drone Technology Used to Identify Areas of Water Penetration

As the building had been taking on water for some time, the JCC management team initially hired a roofing contractor to inspect the roof and patch areas where necessary. However, the leak persisted following the roof repair leading management to focus on the chimney. Their next step was to hire an engineering company that utilized advanced drone technology to provide a close up view of all sides of the chimney. This precise inspection identified significant damage to the brick, failed pointing, severe cracks in the cap, and a lack of sealant/mortar under the chimney liner flange. 


Focused on Chimney Repairs

Based on a strong working relationship over the years, the JCC management team contracted Abbot to provide essential repairs to the chimney. After erecting pipe staging to access the chimney from the roofline to the top of the chimney, Abbot utilized its masonry experience and expertise to cut and point the entire chimney, replace all of the cracked bricks, patch the chimney cap cracks, and seal the gap between the metal flange and chimney cap. Abbot then applied two coats of clear sealer onto the brick to provide a secure waterproof barrier. After Abbot’s work was completed, the roofers returned to replace any damaged slate and to repair visible roofing defects.

Masonry 101

Pipe Staging

In the Case Study article above, we used pipe staging to access the chimney at the Leventhal-Sidman JCC in Newton, MA. Staging (or scaffolding) is designed to support workers who apply their trade at heights or in hard-to-reach places for construction, maintenance, or repair purposes. Staging is crucial to ensuring the safety of workers and repairmen.

Staging Has Been Used for Centuries

People have been using structures to help reach high places for centuries. Pre-modern staging was reported as far back as 17,000 years ago to be used to create cave paintings. Additionally, there is evidence to claim that people from countries like ancient China, North Africa, and Egypt have used staging in the past.

Early Staging Made from Wood and Ropes

Prior to the discovery and spread of metal use, staging was usually fabricated of wood and ropes. To this day, some countries still use bamboo as a material for staging. However, here in the United States, steel pipes are used. Steel pipes are usually galvanized, meaning that the steel is coated with zinc, iron, or a similar alloy for protection from the elements.

Most Common Types of Pipe Staging

Frame Staging

Frame staging is a versatile, economical, and easy to use system. This type of staging is most often used in one or two tiers, but modular frames can be stacked several stories high for use on large-scale construction jobs.

Tube and Clamp Staging

Tube and clamp staging is a compact, easy-to-erect system that is designed to be used in difficult or inaccessible places. The tubing members are joined together with both right angle and swivel clamps to provide stability on uneven ground or on unusual or complex shapes.

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