News from the Township of Lake of Bays
No More Courtesy Warning for Vehicles Parked on Public Roads
Section 170 (12) of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) states “Despite the other provisions of this section, no person shall park or stand a vehicle on a highway in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of traffic or the clearing of snow from the highway.” Clearing of snow also includes any winter maintenance such as sanding or pushing the snow bank back.
In the past if a vehicle was parked on the road Public Works would issue a courtesy warning unless they could not get around the vehicle in which case it was towed.
At the February 8, 2022, Council received a report requesting that the practice of issuing courtesy warnings be discontinued primarily due to liability concerns for the Township. Council passed a resolution supporting the discontinuation of courtesy warnings.
Please be advised that any vehicles found in contravention of Section 170 (12) of the HTA may be towed without posting a warning or courtesy notice.
Should you have any questions please contact Public Works at 705 635-2851
Firefighters Needed!
Did you know…
... that Lake of Bays relies on a dedicated group of men AND women who serve as volunteer firefighters to provide first response services across the Township. With three Fire Stations in Hillside, Port Cunnington and Baysville, the need to bolster our roster of volunteers is upon us. Our Volunteer Firefighter’s are provided with the best in protective equipment and training and are active in our community in a variety of ways
If you’ve ever thought about giving back to our community, this might just be YOUR opportunity. If you’re a year round resident, 18 or older, in good physical health and have access to a car, well you’ve got just about everything it takes. Applications are open now – go to the Township's website for more information.