Great Books About Business With Just A Click

Your link to success begins at the library. With each week of "In The Know," 
 you to a business book or magazine that will inspire, teach, inform, or elevate you, professionally and personally. This week:

I'll Make You an Offer You Can't Refuse
by Michael Franzese

You gonna make money being a sucker? Fuggedaboutit! Here's a tip: You've got to get a plan, work it hard, work it smart, and surround yourself with people who know how to help you reach your goals--people like Michael Franzese.

Franzese was a capo in the Colombo crime family. He ran rackets that earned millions a week. And then he walked away and went straight. He served his time and now schools everyone from executives to small business owners about how to get the most from their businesses--and how to do it on the level.

Filled with hard-won experience, street smarts, and just a pinch of philosophy, I'll Make You an Offer You Can't Refuse delivers the goods:

Click here to borrow a copy of this book.