Guards, gates, and cameras can't stop Animals' Angels investigators from going undercover and shining a light on animal abuse. Our work is too important.
So, when our team confronted increased security at Bouvry Exports during our recent investigation, we weren't intimidated - but we were hopeful that similar enhancements had been made to the treatment of the horses within the facilities.
Unfortunately, the security changes were a simple and futile attempt to hide continued neglect. In fact, our team of investigators were shocked by the conditions & complete disregard for animal welfare they witnessed. And, after reviewing their footage and reading their reports, it is clear that enough is enough. The animal welfare and food safety concerns can no longer be overlooked - the European Union must immediately ban all horsemeat imported from Canada.
If you have been a part of the Animals' Angels community for the last few years, you are aware of Bouvry Exports' infamous role in the horse slaughter industry. As one of Canada's largest exporters of horse meat, Bouvry operates
a vast slaughter empire, built squarely on the backs of horses.
Animals' Angels & their European partner Tierschutzbund Zuerich have conducted numerous investigations of the company's slaughter plant & feedlots in Canada and in Montana,
dating back to 2012,
and we have uncovered countless abuses and outright violations of EU regulations.
This most recent investigation- again in partnership with Tierschutzbund Zuerich, takes our findings a step further and proves that Bouvry Exports refuses to comply with European regulations. Despite the increased security at all feedlot locations- no doubt an explicit attempt to keep our investigators out - our team secured shocking footage of facility conditions. Investigators witnessed:
Horses dying in pens
with no veterinary assistance or attempt to humanely euthanize;
Dead newborn foals, left to rot in the middle of pens with distressed horses sniffing and touching the bodies;
Dead horses
eaten by scavengers within the facilities;
Obvious sickness and injury, including horses with diarrhea covering their hind legs and tails, overgrown hooves, emaciation, nasal discharge, limping, and more;
Ineffective and non-existence shelters, despite -5 degrees Fahrenheit conditions, with frost covering the horses backs and mouths.
It is very clear that Bouvry has done nothing to improve conditions. Horses and foals are dying without any medical assistance, and their bodies are left to decay amongst the live animals. The facilities' horses are still suffering from infections and open wounds, and no shelter is provided during the sub-zero winter temperatures.
Bouvry has proven he is unwilling to meet even the most basic animal welfare standards and EU regulations. It is time for the European Union and EU consumers to send a clear message that they will no longer tolerate this kind of behavior. A complete ban of all Canadian horsemeat imports to the EU is the only adequate solution.