February 2019
Enterprise Publishes "Closing the Divide"
Creating Equitable, Inclusive, and Affordable Communities
The product of a year-long collaboration by Enterprise Community Partners, the Fair Housing Justice Center and 30 leading nonprofit housing agencies, including CHI, Closing the Divide lays out a blueprint for addressing the affordable housing crisis in an equitable way.

The Regional Affordable and Fair Housing Roundtable, as it was called, brought together for-profit and nonprofit organizations to identify the major challenges and then agree upon shared priorities and approaches. As a member of the Roundtable, CHI and Alexander Roberts played a key role in formulating the section on “Removing Exclusionary Zoning and Other Land Use Barriers to Promote Accessible, Integrated, and Affordable Housing.” 

Mr. Roberts was the prime author of a revolutionary program, accepted by the group, to pay landlords a lump sum to make existing apartments affordable for 30 years. Roberts found that the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program—the nation’s largest affordable housing development vehicle—costs far too much to create new units of affordable housing. 

In Westchester County, the average cost to create a typical one or two-bedroom apartment is approximately $400,000, of which $300,000 is federal, state and county taxpayer subsidy. The result of all that money is a new one-bedroom apartment that typically rents for about $50 less than the Fair Market Rent, which is $1,384 per month in Westchester County.

Using what Roberts calls the Vacant Apartment Acquisition Program, existing apartments could be made affordable for 30 years at about one-quarter to one-third of the current cost for new units with a one-time payment to the landlord and a deed restriction enforcing affordability. In addition, there would be no need for costly, drawn out fights with towns over approvals because the apartments are already built. You can find out more about the proposal on page 11 of the report. Read the full report here.
Affordable Housing Alternatives/Are Micro-Apartments an Answer?
Stamford Urby Rendering, Courtesy Ironstate Development Co.
CHI Executive Director Alexander Roberts will be co-hosting a presentation on February 27th in Stamford of a new concept in providing affordable housing that is gaining some traction across the country. It’s called The Macro View of Micro Units: Urban Housing Alternatives Co-living and Micro-Units.

Micro-apartments are very small but affordable units that appeal to singles or couples just starting out  There will be a presentation and hard-hat tour of a new micro-apartment project under construction by Urban Ready Living (i.e. URBY) in Stamford as part of the event. 

CHI Joined The Hudson Barter Exchange
Getting great deals while supporting your favorite cause is all the rave in 2019. In fact, last week CHI held it's first auction where two lucky winners walked away with steals - one person won Four Tickets to the Royal Hanneford Circus for $66, valued at $128, and another person won Two Tickets to Dinner and a Show at the Westchester Broadway Theater for $130, valued at $178.

In December, CHI joined the Hudson Barter Exchange (HBX), one of the biggest network of businesses in the Metropolitan area with 550 businesses who trade their open appointment slots, open seats, unsold tickets and unsold goods. Using HBX's clearinghouse software, companies can trade their goods or services to one member and use their trade credit or "barter bucks" to work with any other member. 

Due to the size of the HBX system, members gain incremental sales via a barter arrangement but also grow their cash business due to the positive word-of-mouth referrals and by expanding their media and marketing all through barter!  HBX members become more profitable by trading for large cash expense like printing, advertising, lawyers, accountants, office furniture, copier service, phone systems, answering services, background checks, car service, web sites, SEO, and employee incentives. CHI joined as a nonprofit organization to which other members could contribute "Barter Dollars."

Make sure you get your bids in! We are so excited to provide a unique opportunity to CHI supporters while encouraging support of local businesses in our communities.
Celebrating Education at the Workforce Development Center!
A few years ago, Dale was in the throws of drug addiction and struggling to be a present parent for her two children, Kaitlyn and Romeo. After attending a drug treatment program and working through the court process, Dale welcomed her children back into her custody, drug free.

Last month, Dale hit another milestone -- she obtaining her GED after working diligently for months with the Education & Case Management teams of CHI's Workforce Development Center (WDC). The staff became her cheerleaders and encouraged her along the way, especially on days where it just seemed like too much work. Her children, Kaitlyn and Romeo, excitedly presented her with a certificate to celebrate the occasion. Her support team from CHI - Danny, Josie, Katie, Karen and Kimmberly - hosted a party in celebration.

Dale has plans to continue her education by getting her CASAC and becoming a drug and alcohol counselor. We are so proud of Dale and her family and we wish them the best on their journey!
How To Get $25,000 in Down Payment Assistance
to Buy Your First Home
CHI offers grant assistance to first-time home buyers toward the down payment and rehabilitation costs associated with purchasing a home on Long Island and in Westchester. To learn if you qualify, please register and attend an upcoming homebuyer orientation.

You must attend an orientation to apply for the grant.
Happy New Year!

Whether you...
donated clothing, nonperishable goods or toiletries...
prepared a hot meal for our clients...
tutored a child at one of our shelters...
sent in a monetary donation in support of our services...
provided holiday gifts for families and individuals...
volunteered your time, talent and expertise at an orientation...
attended or sponsored an event...
shared our social media posts...
or shared information about our services to a friend in need...
Thank you!

We are grateful to our many friends for their contributions in 2018.
 Thank you for making a difference in the lives of your friends and neighbors.
Your support enables CHI to meet the increased need for housing and services, especially to the children of our communities. 

Community Housing Innovations, Inc. is a nonprofit organization providing housing and human services that support social and economic independence.

With offices in White Plains and Patchogue