With FAST TIMES you will get four recognizable and relatable 80s icons that everyone in the room will connect with. This is the key to their success. It's easy to understand that audiences instantly engage with the band during their live shows as they reminisce
their childhood memories.

And since the song they perform are still played daily on radio/tv, it's not lost on the new generation.
This is the perfect show to experience the full effect of the 80s!

Spicole, the character from the movie FAST TIMES. Anyone that has seen this movies recognizes this dude.

Slash, one of the most recognizable guitar players and biggest rock bands of all times, "Guns N Roses."

Nikki Sixx, emulating the iconic rock star from Motley Crue.

Devo, sporting the hat that everyone remembers in the New Wave Era that everyone loved. It's time to
Whip It... Whip It Good.