Rowan's Entrepreneurial Ecosystem At-A-Glance
Greetings from the Rowan Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship!

Although it is summer break on Rowan's campus, the RCIE has been anything but quiet. Our Center has remained lively and active over the past few weeks: 60 high school students graduated from in the 3rd Annual Think Like an Entrepreneur Summer Academy, our 6 StartupRU Summer Accelerator companies have been taking advantage of the private CoWorking space available to them and actively working with their coach and mentors, and of course our RCIE staff have been eagerly planning programs and events for the Fall semester.

I hope you enjoy the news update below. As always, thanks for supporting the Rowan Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Eric Liguori, PhD
Executive Director and Rohrer Chair of Entrepreneurship
Register for Crowdfunding for Social Good!
Attend Crowdfunding for Social Good on September 24th and learn how non-profits and new ventures can maximize crowdfunding and minimize staff time. This full-day training session is led by Devin Thorpe, author of Crowdfunding for Social Good and podcast host, and will be held at WeWork Philadelphia. Register today!
Rowan Receives ICSB Entrepreneurship Education Excellence Award
RCIE and Rowan's ENT Program received the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) Entrepreneurship Education Excellence Award. Dr. Eric Liguori and ENT Major and CEO Club VP Tanvi Koduru accepted the award on behalf of the University while attending the 2019 World Congress in Cairo, Egypt. Finalists were selected from more than 5,000 members across ICSB's 20+ global affiliates.
Recent ENT Grad reflects on Experience at Rowan
Jo Carter, a recent Rowan grad earning a B.S. in Entrepreneurship, spoke on her experience at Rowan as an Entrepreneurship major and how the faculty and courses helped shape her ideas and expand her thinking. Jo was also the recipient of the inaugural Kimble Byrd Medallion Award for Entrepreneurial Engagement. Read more here.
3rd Annual Summer High School Program Graduates 60 Students
60 high school juniors and seniors from the South Jersey region graduated from the 3rd Annual Think Like an Entrepreneur Summer Academy. Students learned how to conceive and sell an idea while working in teams and ended with a final pitch competition. Participation in the program was free and students received college course credit thanks to TD Bank Charitable Foundation.

Watch and read more about the academy here.
Ernest Holtzheimer featured on 'Twenty Under 40"
Congratulations to Rowan Alum and RCIE Advisory Council member Ernest Holtzheimer of Montgomery McCracken for being featured on South Jersey Biz's Twenty Under 40. Awesome job, Ernie!
Check out the 2019 Rohrer New Venture Expo
Did you have a chance to attend the first ever Rohrer New Venture Expo this past April? 60 idea stage Rowan student startups pitched their ideas to a pool of judges made up of successful business leaders from across the South Jersey region. Watch here!
Become a Startup Guru
Are you interested in mentoring Rowan students that are working on their own startup, venture, or business plan? Become a Startup Guru! Our "gurus" are paired with students and companies based on your specialties and to your schedule. Contact Jess Vattima for more details.
For more information of any of Rowan's student entrepreneurship programs or to learn how you can support entrepreneurship at Rowan, please contact Jess (Wolk) Vattima at [email protected] .
Rowan Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship | [email protected] | www.rowan.edu/cie