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Issue 52 | Noember 2023

God's Green Fingers Environment E-news

I'm delighted to bring you this God's Green Fingers with a funding focus. Whether you already have an eco-project at church that you want to fund or you are just starting to put together your net zero action plan, thinking about how you will pay for it can be a challenge. 

Book in for one of our webinars on planning and delivering your net zero carbon funding appeal, presented by funding specialist Sean Tully from Action Planning. Or visit the funding page of the website and browse our new list of over 200 funders to see where you might be able to support your church eco project. 

The diocese is delighted to have been chosen to pilot Give to Go Green, a match funding green giving scheme, which will distribute some of the first national C of E net zero carbon funds for parishes. 

Don't forget to scroll down to the Magazine Magic section and read two very different articles from two of our Saving Creation Gold graduates. 

Note: Some of the articles below link to the Church Times. You can read up to four Church Times articles each month free of charge by registering on their website. 

God bless

Jemima Parker

Diocesan Environment Officer

[email protected]

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Give to Go Green Helps Churches in our Diocese Fund Carbon-cutting Projects

A new pilot scheme is helping churches in our diocese double their money for carbon-cutting projects. Give To Go Green is a match-funding pilot project from the Church of England working with churches in the Dioceses of Leeds and Exeter to double locally raised donations, to allow for more work on reducing carbon emissions. 

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New Net Zero Carbon Project Funding Webinars and Funding Resources 

Got great ideas for carbon cutting lighting or heating projects or just simply insulating your church pipework? Now you need funding advice? As part of the diocese Saving Creation programme, join the webinar on “How to plan and deliver your Net Zero Carbon fundraising appeal” and hear from funding experts Action Planning

Read more and book a place on the webinar here

Community Green Fair Brings 300 Folk to Church's Environment Event

All Hallows Bardsey held their first Community Green Fair where a wormery, a woodturner and organic wines were among the stalls. Revd Angela Hannafin said “We want the church to be at the forefront of bringing people together to think about the importance of environmental issues. We are grateful to everyone who helped make today such a success”. 

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Introducing Two New Area Environment Champions

Deborah Booth and Sarah Hinton have joined the team of volunteer Area Environment Champions who seek to support the parishes in their area in their eco mission. Sarah, who worships at St Stephen’s, Bowling will be covering the Inner Bradford Deanery and Deborah the Harrogate Deanery. Deborah commented that she is passionate about helping congregations gain a holistic understanding of Jesus' command to ‘’Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation’’. 

Read more about their eco journeys here

Churchyard Conference Draws Wildlife Friendly Crowd

The recent Diocese of Leeds Churchyard Conference held at St Stephen’s Bowling in Bradford, focused on how churchyards can be used missionally for wildlife, spaces for children and youth and as heritage hubs. The over 50 attendees were treated to a local curry at lunchtime. Managing churchyards for wildlife was the most popular part of the day and features along with ten other suggested ways to make use of your churchyard in the new Churchyard Toolkit. 

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We Want a Fair COP

What is COP28 and what can I do? COP28 is the United Nations Climate Change conference happening in the United Arab Emirates, 30 November to 12 December. While this may feel a long way away there we can all take part through prayer, contacting our MP and raising awareness in our church, with friends and family and on social media. Read our briefing “What is COP28 and What Can I do?” 

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2024 Church Times Green Church Awards Open for Nominations

The Church Times Green Church Awards are back and this year there are seven categories that you can enter, from the Green Building Award to the Action on a Shoestring Award. The last time the Church Times ran the awards in 2017, Suzanne Dalton from St Chad’s, Far Headingley, Leeds, won the Green Champion Award. Green Energy Consulting, who run the Green Journey energy package for the Diocese of Leeds are one of this year’s award sponsors. 

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Nature at Risk in UK, Environmental Report from Christian Charity Warns

The Christian environment charity A Rocha UK, and more than 60 wildlife and woodland organisations, joined to present the report, State of Nature. The 213 pages bring together scientific data and analysis concerning how wildlife is faring in the UK. Forty-three per cent of UK birds are found to be under threat, and red-squirrel numbers have declined by 37 per cent in the past 20 years.

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World may be Near Breaking Point, says Pope in Climate Exhortation

The Pope has warned of “immensely grave consequences” if the people of the world fail to combat global warming, and has criticised those who continue to deny or question the reality of climate change. Speaking at the Church’s long-planned international “synod on synodality” opened in Rome, the Pope’s exhortation comes ahead of the COP28 international climate change talks and eight years after the publication of his 2015 encyclical Laudato Si set out his concerns over the “care of our common home”. 

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Clergy Join Greta Thunberg in Protest Outside London Oil Conference

Church of England clergy were among those who joined the Swedish climate activist, Greta Thunberg, in protest outside a meeting of oil executives and government ministers in London recently. The Revd Jonathan Morris, a retired priest from Ilminster, in Somerset, said “These corporations are taking record profits, which is ramping up the cost-of-living crisis. And they are driving through fossil fuel expansion, which is stripping a future from our children”.

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Faith Leaders Take Issue with Sunak’s Retreat on Green Commitments

Church leaders and campaigners have disputed the Prime Minister’s recent assertion that his Government’s retreat on green commitments will help people who are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis. “We know, as faith leaders, that people in poverty both around the world and at home are most at risk from climate change, and, in delaying action, the Prime Minister is not protecting families, as he claims, but is putting them in greater jeopardy.” said the Most Revd Mark Strange, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church. The Church of England Pensions Board is one of 32 investors to have signed a letter expressing “deep concern” about the plan.

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Events and Webinars - Local

21 Nov Leeds Diocesan Eco Book and Film Group

7.30pm. Where is God in all this? Meeting monthly across the Diocese to share opinions and views. Through reading together, we can provide that space and opportunity to talk together about the environmental crisis through the themes and topics of the books we read and discuss. Next Film: Greenfingers : A ‘Blooming Comedy’ – with Clive Owen, Helen Mirren and David Kelly (2000)

Based on a true story


17/24 Jan Planning and Delivering your Net Zero Carbon Fundraising Appeal

This webinar is part of the Diocese of Leeds Saving Creation programme. It is designed to support parishes who have started on their journey to net zero carbon, have a net zero plan and are thinking about how to fund the projects needed to decarbonise your buildings. 

Running Twice: 17th Jan 12pm-1.30pm and 24th Jan 7pm-8.30pm.  

More details and booking

Jan 2024 Saving Creation Silver Course

7-9pm online. 8 week course. For those wishing to upskill in their own eco journey or be better equipped to fulfil a Parish Environment Officer or similar role. Express your interest now. 


2023 Eco Dates

A handy list of the special days that you could celebrate in your church or get active in your local community. Everything from Global Recycling Day and No Mow May to Big Green Week and Creationtide.  

View the list here

Events and Webinars - National

9 Nov Fundraising for your Carbon-cutting Project from Faith-based Grant-makers

C of E Environment Programme webinar 12-1.30pm or 7-8.30pm. Funders with a keen interest in the Christian faith and the Church of England are clear opportunities for fundraising for your carbon-cutting projects. But how do you ensure your case for support is built around our missional response as a Christian church? This webinar will focus on how you can position your net zero carbon projects for a faith-based audience. 


14 Nov Wonderful Waxcaps of Wales

Caring for God’s Acre webinar 2pm. Professor Gareth Wyn Griffith is a Chair in Mycology at the University of Wales Aberystwyth (UWA), specialising in fungal ecology. His research group pioneered the use of eDNA for assessment of grassland fungal populations and also undertake GIS mapping of long-term field sites, use of stable isotope markers and genetic/genomic analyses to elucidate the biology of these fungi. 


16 Nov Eco Church Prayer Forum

7.30pm The A Rocha UK churches team will lead prayers, with the opportunity to meet in breakout groups to connect and pray with others in the Eco Church community – for the work of caring for creation in our churches and for each other.


18 Nov Faith in Action: Fighting for a better world with CAFOD

10.30-14.30 Look ahead to COP28 UN Climate talks, hear what happened when CAFOD too their Fix Our Food System campaign to the World Bank annual meeting in Morocco and learn about CAFOD’s plans for next year’s UK general election. 

More details

21 Nov Fundraising for your Carbon-cutting Project from Statutory Funders

C of E Environment Programme webinar 12pm-1.30pm or 7pm-8.30pm. This webinar is designed specifically for people who are looking to secure funding from statutory sources for carbon-cutting projects. Statutory funding is funding from government sources, and churches often don't realise that this is even an option, and overlook it. 


28 Nov Planning, Publicising and Running Guided Walks in your Burial Ground 

Caring for God’s Acre webinar 2pm. Public Engagement Manager Janine Marriott from Arnos Vale Cemetery Trust in Bristol will walk you through the process of encouraging people to join you for a guided walk at your site. She will talk you through how to create the tour, how to market it, and the practicalities of running a tour. You will leave the talk with lots of ideas and helpful hints on the process and you will be running your own tours in no time at all. 


30 Nov - 12 Dec Prayer for COP28 Online Daily Prayers, Green Christian

All welcome at 8am every morning during the COP28 Un climate change talks, from 30 Nov to 12 Dec, there will be 10 minutes of prayer and reflection, focusing on the theme of the day. This will be on Zoom and led by Green Christian chaplain, Revd Andrew Norman. 

More details


New: Churchyard Toolkit

This new toolkit for parishes offers a helping hand to make the most of your churchyard. Whatever the size and context of your churchyard, this God given piece of land, has the potential to be cherished and to serve the church and the wider community. It offers guidance on things to consider for each type of churchyard use e.g. when developing a quiet garden, a heritage hub or a energy generation hub.

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New: Funders List for Eco Projects

Environmental and sustainability projects take many forms. Some funders have particular interests and/or fund in a very restricted area. Others are much more generalists. These two Diocese of Leeds funding lists provide potential funders from both national funds and those that fund with in the diocesan area.

Environmental and Sustainability - Download here

Net Zero Carbon Projects - Download here

New: Funding Opportunities from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the government’s levelling up agenda and provides funding for local investment by March 2025. Alongside businesses, community groups, cultural and voluntary sector organisations are being invited to apply for a share of funds. There is a decarbonisation stream for net zero projects as well as other community project funding. More details for North Yorkshire and West Yorkshire

Preaching for God's World

Need inspiration for your next sermon? Does your vicar need a helping hand with integrating creation care into the weekly sermon slot? Peaching for God’s World provides a reflection on the weekly lectionary readings to assist in your sermon preparation. 

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Team of Eco Advisors Available to Support Churches

The Diocesan Environment Group are a team of volunteer and staff advisors who can offer assistance on matters such as community engagement, funding, biodiversity and buildings. The group are keen to lend their expertise to signpost and support parishes as they get started in this area of mission. 

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Magazine Magic
A ready to print magazine article for your Parish Magazine!

Ecofeminism in Creation Care: Alternative ways of reflecting on environmental issues

Ericcson T. Mapfumo explores the links between the environmental crisis and how we treat women and gives us an African perspective. 

Read more here

Trees: Who Gives A Crap?

Diana Chambers looks at consumer choices and how they impact on trees.  

Read more here

More magazine articles?

All our eco magazine articles are archived on the Diocese of Leeds Environment Magazine Magic webpage.

Click here

Eco Top Tips

Find a weekly top tip here for your parish newsletter:

Year 1

Year 2

Book Reviews

Why not include a review from our Eco Book Club in your parish magazine? Thirteen reviews are waiting for you, just click on Book Reviews half way down the page here


Parish Environment Officers

Are you the environmental enthusiast in your church or do you know the person who is? We are seeking a Rep in each parish to receive information and take up training opportunities.

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Area Environment Champions

Seeking enthusiastic volunteers for Leedsand Wakefield Areas to support local churches in their care for creation.

More details here

Comedy Corner

If we don’t laugh we’ll cry: helping you through the grief of ecocide...

Q: Why are recycle bins so optimistic? 

A: Because they’re full of cans!

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