Environment e-news   

  God's Green Fingers

Local Events
8 July Caught in the Middle: Climate Change, Education and Youthstrike 4 Climate Leeds Uni. More

16 July The Big Leeds Climate Conversation
6pm Leeds Uni. More

20 July Wilfred's Walks: Pilgrimage of Creation
Copgrove, Nr Ripon. More

29-31 July Eco Explorers: Three Family Wildlife/Eco Activity Mornings Churches Together, Settle. More

1-4 Aug Walking in Wharfedale Details

26 Aug Caring for Creation Together All Ages Welcome. Sharow, Nr Ripon. More

29-31 Aug Eco Explorers: Three Family Wildlife/Eco Activity Mornings Churches Together, Settle. More

30/31 Aug Moana - Water of Life: Navigating Climate Change for Planetary Health Conference, Lincoln Cathedral. More

6 Sep Caring for Your Churchyard Conference Leeds. More

19 Sep Creation Care in Creationtide 3 sessions study group. Harrogate. More

10 Oct Christianity, Consumerism and Climate Talk, 7.15pm. Wakefield Cathedral. More 

22 Oct Deep Peace of the Earth - Spirituality of Creation Retreat Day. High Dalby House, Pickering. More
National Events
18-21 July Social Reformers Summer School: Food, Relationships and the Environment Cambridge. Details

21-24 July Increasing Sensitivity to Animals and Humans Summer school, Oxford. Details

1 Sep Pray and Fast for the Climate. More

1 Sep-4 Oct Creationtide Resources

1 Oct Pray and Fast for the Climate More

4 Oct CAFOD Harvest Fast Day More

11-22 Nov UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 25) Brazil

22 Nov Signs of Hope - Green Christian Retreat Laude Abbey. Details

16 Dec 70th Anniversary of Countryside and National Parks Act
Next Issue
12 September

Please send your news stories, events, resources, book reviews and jokes to Jemima Parker  by 9th September!
To subscribe to this newsletter please email  Jemima Parker
July 2019 - Issue 25
Plenty of eco action across the diocese, there are good news stories, training opportunities and resources for you to enjoy in this edition.

Jemima Parker,
Diocesan Environment Officer
Local News
Eco Church Award for St John's, Menston
Congratulations to St John's for their achievement. It may have been a long time coming, but the team's persistence has paid off. Read more

The Time to Act is Now
Local constituents lobbied their MP about action on climate change in a mass meeting at Westminster. Rev Simon Kittle met his MP. Read more

"Proclaim the Good News to All Creation"
Bishop Paul charged the 70 delegates at the Diocesan Environmental Mission Training Day with Jesus' great commission. As well as a packed programme they were treated to a three course food waste lunch. Read more or listen to the talks here

All Hallows Disinvests from Fossil Fuels
After the children in the church called for their future to be protected and church funds to be moved out of investments associated with fossil fuels, All Hallows Leeds have disinvested. Watch their video here

The "Big Blessing" Focuses on Climate Emergency
In its fourth year now, the Big Blessing Service hosted at Yorkshire Wildlife Trust's  Stirley Community Farm, was pleased to hear from Councillor Andrew Cooper who helped Kirklees Council to publicly declare a climate emergency. Read more

Eco Family Fun Training Day
Caring for Creation Together is a day for all ages to experience how to develop their Church's ministry to include the Environment of their church and community. Read more

Lincoln Diocese Hosts International Conference on Climate Change
Held at Lincoln Cathedral and with speakers from Fiji, New Zealand and USA, the Moana-Water of Life: Navigating Climate Change for Planetary Health Conference will involve two days of lectures and workshops shaped around the disciplines of science and theology. Booking and more

Getting the Most from Your Churchyard?
Biodiversity, caring for churchyard trees, outdoor worship, mapping your churchyard and legal know how. Why not find out more at the Diocesan Caring for Your Churchyard Conference, Friday 6th September. More details and booking here

Leeds Firm Pioneers CO2 Bricks

How can we capture carbon and make useful products? Three UK companies are leading the way. Read more.  

From Rectory Community Garden to Retreat Centre Paradise
Having renewed the rectory garden at St Gregory's Bedale, Rev Ian Robinson and his wife Linda have retired to take a bigger project. Find out about their eco quiet day and read more here

National News

The Pope has told oil company bosses that climate change threatens the future of the "human family". More
The Church of England's lead bishop on healthcare issues, James Newcome, has backed expert' calls for churches to promote gardening for mental wellbeing. Read more
The Revd Dr David Pickering, Moderator of the URC National Synod of Scotland, formerly minister at St Andrew's, Roundhay, presented the resolution, which passed unanimously at the Mission Council Meeting in May. More

For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, Britain is obtaining more power from zero-carbon sources than fossil fuels. Read more
If we are responding to a climate emergency, are proposed government tax increased on solar and battery storage a helpful policy? The renewable energy company, Good Energy, give their views. Read more and respond if you wish to. 

Magazine Magic
A ready to print magazine article for your Parish Magazine!

The 3 "R"s - David Eggleston, Christ Church Harrogate

52 Eco Top Tips for 2019

A resource for your weekly newsletter, one top tip a week to last you through the year ahead. Click here.  
Resource Centre
How to Green your Church Pilgrimage?

oes your church organise or host pilgrimages? How can you reduce their environmental impact? 
Resources here .  

Biblical Reflections and Sermon Hints with an Environmental Theme.  More

Plan ahead for the Season of Creation 1st Sep - 4th Oct. New resources from the National 
Liturgy term here

An outdoor worship resource for all ages for your church or Forest Church this spring and summer. Click here
Comedy Corner

Funding Sources
Need funding for an environmental/renewables project? 

Here's a list of possible grant funding sources. Download
Parish Environment Reps 
Are you the environmental enthusiast in your church or do you know the person who is? We are seeking a Rep in each parish to receive information and take up training opportunities. More
© Diocese of Leeds, 2019

Diocesan Environment Officer | 01423 569121 | jemima.parker@leeds.anglican.org |
Church House
17-19 York Place
Leeds, LS1 2EX