Environment e-news   

  God's Green Fingers

Local Events
22 May What's Your Carbon Lifestyle? 10.30am Talk, Leeds. More

22 May Re-wilding in Nidderdale and the Uplands
7pm Talk. More

24 May Church Building Project Workshop

26 May The Big Blessing 2pm Stirley Community Farm YWT, Hudds,

29 May Family Fun York Cemetry YO10 5AJ. More

8 Jun Environmental Mission Training Day Harrogate. More

13 Jun Wildflowers and Plants Identification Slingsby, Yorkshire. More

17 Jun Tree Identification Course. More

27-30 Jun Flower Festival Otley Parish Church. More

29 July Bumble Bee Identification Course. More

1-4 Aug Walking in Wharfedale Details

30/31 Aug Moana - Water of Life: Navigating Climate Change for Planetary Health Conference, Lincoln Cathedral. More

22 Oct Deep Peace of the Earth - Spirituality of Creation Retreat Day. High Dalby House, Pickering. More.
National Events
1 Jun Pray and Fast for the Climate Resources

5 Jun Green Health Live Conference, Lambeth Palace. More

20 Jun Clean Air Day

26 Jun The Time is Now Mass Lobby of Parliament Details

1 July Pray and Fast for the Climate Resources

21-24 July Increasing Sensitivity to Animals and Humans Summer school, Oxford. Details

1 Sep-4 Oct Creationtide Resources

22 Nov Signs of Hope - Green Christian Retreat Laude Abbey. Details
Next Issue
4th July

Please send your news stories, events, resources, book reviews and jokes to Jemima Parker  by 1st July!
To subscribe to this newsletter please email  Jemima Parker
Comedy Corner
Q. Why did the woman go outdoors with her purse open?

A. Because she expected some change in the weather!
May 2019 - Issue 24
While our spring weather has been out of kilter, there has been a definite spring awakening to the reality of climate change with Youth Strikes, Extinction Rebellion protests and national and local government climate emergency declarations. Read below to hear what local churches are doing to care for God's creation. 

Jemima Parker,
Diocesan Environment Officer
Local News
 Environmental Mission Training Day 8th June
God's creation is in trouble and consequently so are we. But, what would Jesus do? And, what can my church do? To find out more and to book, click here

Churchyard Awarded County Council Nature Status

Rev Ruth Newton, St John's Sharow, explained, "Our churchyard not only functions as an "Ark" for vulnerable species, but allows us to engage with people who would otherwise have no contact with church". Read more

 Easter Exploration of how we are "Crucifying" Creation
Otley Parish Church took a different look at Easter this year, exploring the link between the sufferings of Christ to that of God's Creation and looking at how Jesus' resurrection offers hope for the whole of creation to be renewed. More

Green Lighting Scheme Brightens St Hilda's in Time for Easter
A replacement lighting project based on green principles is now helping St Hilda's, Halifax cut its electricity bills and brightened up its worship. Read more

Fun, Food, Finances and Fifth Mark of Mission

St Michael's Headingley, has undertaken a stewardship campaign with a difference, focusing on the environment and church funds. Read more

Baildon Building a Zero Carbon Church
It has been a year of green bricks as building works progress at Baildon Methodist Church, with the whole community joining in with fund raising for a future proofed building. More

 Local Climate Emergencies Declared
In recent months, Bradford, Leeds, Kirklees, Harrogate, Otley and Holme Valley Councils have all passed Climate Emergency motions and Leeds Climate Commission have published a " Carbon Roadmap" for getting to zero emissions. 

 10XGreener Neighbourhoods
Could your church get the community together to get a "postcode gardener"? Friends of the Earth are facilitating greener urban areas. Find out how here

National News
Just as the UK Committee on Climate Change policy advice report was published on 2nd May, parliament declared a climate emergency. Now we wait and pray for policies to effect rapid and unprecedented decarbonisation. 

David Attenborough's powerful documentary on climate change was well received. It provides an excellent resource to demystify the climate emergency. Watch here
Anglican Communion recognises Climate Emergency
At the recent #ACC17, the Anglican Consultative Council passed an Environmental                        Resolution acknowledging the climate crisis and encouraging churches into action. More

 The Time is Now
Join thousands from across the UK in a mass lobby of parliament to call for stronger policies on climate mitigation. Meet your MP, workshops, Walk of Witness with the Faith for the Climate Network. More and booking here

 Not Flying Together?
Ever felt it would be good to give up flying, but that your personal choice would not make a difference? Sign the pledge at Flight Free UK to cut out this big carbon binge in your carbon footprint. 
Ring out the Bells for the 12 Years
With just 12 years to turn the tide on our greenhouse gas emissions and prevent run away climate change, churches call out a warning with 12 bells. Read more
A Song for the Season of Creation
With words by Malcolm Guite and music by Ian Stephens, a new song to help promote the Season of Creation this year is to be launched during the Evensong service at St Bride's, Fleet Street, London on Sunday 26 May. Read more

Magazine Magic
A ready to print magazine article for your Parish Magazine!

Giving Nature a Home How can we use our gardens to care for the birds. David Mann

The C Word - Carbon What is the big deal about our carbon emissions and where do they come from? Andy Ive

Are you an Idler? Switching off your car engine when stationary can be a blessing for all. David Eggleston
52 Eco Top Tips

A resource for your weekly newsletter, one top tip a week to last you through the year ahead. Click here.  
Resource Centre

Biblical Reflections and Sermon Hints with an Environmental Theme.  More

Plan ahead for the Season of Creation 1st Sep - 4th Oct. New resources from the National 
Liturgy term here

An outdoor worship resource for all ages for your church or Forest Church this spring and summer. Click here
Funding Sources

Are the world cycle championships coming past your church? Grants from £300-£3,000. Deadline 17th June. Details
Need funding for an environmental/renewables project? 

Here's a list of possible grant funding sources. Download
Parish Environment Reps 
Are you the environmental enthusiast in your church or do you know the person who is? We are seeking a Rep in each parish to receive information and take up training opportunities. More
© Diocese of Leeds, 2019

Diocesan Environment Officer | 01423 569121 | jemima.parker@leeds.anglican.org |
Church House
17-19 York Place
Leeds, LS1 2EX