The history of American Indians and Alaska Natives is a story built around our shared responsibility to care for Mother Earth, as well as our desire to do right by the next generations to come. Many of us have worked to protect the land, water, air, and animal life. And many of our traditional knowledge contain a wide spectrum of environmental protection principals. Because of this, Native people have a great deal to offer in the fight against global warming and other environment-related concerns.

To help elevate Indigenous knowledge and the expertise of Tribal leaders in recognizing, illuminating, and addressing environmental concerns, the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is working in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on an exciting new environmental health initiative.

Our goals:
  • Convene 4 listening sessions with Tribal Leaders and Tribal Health Organizations where we discuss environmental health concerns in Tribal Nations and share innovative ways to address the concerns identified
  • Share the perspectives of Tribal Leaders and Tribal Health Organizations with CDC and NIHB leadership to inform the development of national program and policies

Listening Session Announcement

The first listening session will occur at the National Congress of American Indians Executive Council Winter Session located at the Capitol Hilton in Washington D.C. on February 13th, 2019 at 2:00 - 3:30 PM ET in the Pan American room.

Please see contact information below if you are interested in hosting an environmental listening session in your region or if you have any comments or questions.