MAY 2017 
Mario Tamburri receives highest university award 

Research Professor Mario Tamburri of the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory has received a 2017 USM Regents' Faculty Award for Excellence in Public Service, the highest honor that the Board bestows to recognize exemplary faculty achievement. An expert in coastal observing systems, Tamburri was recognized for his dedication to public service in helping society address environmental challenges by applying innovative and well-tested environmental sensor technologies to monitor water quality and in steadfastly working to reduce the risk of invasive species through maritime transportation.

Scientists investigate the impact of climate change on forests

"Do trees in different parts of the continent use different cues to decide when to leaf out?" asked Andrew Elmore, who has spent nearly three yearsat the Appalachian Laboratory surveying tree cores and satellite images of forests. "We think that's important because in a world that's warming, there are going to be winners and losers, and we think the trees that can make use of an earlier spring are going to be the winners."  MORE  

Appalachian Laboratory awards Johnson Award for environmental education 

In honor of outstanding contributions in Western Maryland, the Appalachian Laboratory  honored Dr. Chuck Hager as recipient of its 2017 Richard A. Johnson Environmental Education Award. For 17 years, Dr. Hager voluntarily organized an annual weeklong, overnight environmental camp, where children each year are introduced to the many marvels of western Maryland.

Why does science matter? UMCES scientists weigh in
We asked some of our scientists at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science to discuss why science matters, not just to them, but to our world and everyone in it. Listen to our podcast  HERE

Next Generation: Blake Clark on the carbon cycle

"My work focuses very broadly on the dissolved organic carbon cycle. We have all this carbon dioxide in the atmosphere--it's a greenhouse gas--and plants on land, as well as plants in the ocean (phytoplankton), take up that carbon and convert it into biomass, or the living tissue of those organisms. My focus is on what happens to all that organic stuff."  

Open House: 
Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology 
May 6, 1-4 p.m., free
Have you ever wondered what happens in that unusual building with the tent-like roof at the Inner Harbor? Science happens! The Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology in Baltimore opens it doors to the public for a free Open House to share the research that is happening at the harbor's edge. Enjoy hands-on activities for kids all ages, meet our scientists, and discover how work being done in Baltimore is helping to change the world. 

Qian Zhang wins national award for research on Chesapeake Bay 
Dr. Qian Zhang has won a national award for his dissertation that examined progress to reduce nutrient pollution in the Chesapeake Bay. He conducted his work as a Ph.D. student at Johns Hopkins University and now continues it with the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science as a data analyst in the Chesapeake Bay Program office.

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