Epiphany Star
Newsletter, Church of the Epiphany
April 2021
Clergy Clatter
A number of folks have mentioned how beautiful the flowers are this spring, and they truly are. I’ve noticed that my camellia blooms didn’t get frost bite this year, and are as pretty as I’ve seen them. And the daffodils, narcissus, crocuses, and snow drops – all beautiful. There are things in bloom in my yard that I’ve never seen before. I have no idea from where they came, but they are beautiful.
I almost get the feeling that Mother Nature is rewarding us for a difficult year, reminding us that everything isn’t “pandemic glum.” There’s still beauty around us, still excitement in the renewal of life, and still hope for a better tomorrow. And that’s what Easter is all about. Holy Week and Easter serve as a microcosm for us, to remind us that life is not all superficial merriment, but neither is it all pain and misery. There is a balance, even during difficult periods such as pandemics.
A year ago, when the virus started spreading, and our churches were closed to public worship, I was so sure that it would last just a couple of weeks. How could the church not be open for Easter? It would all end in a week or two. But it didn’t. And we lived through a very difficult and isolated winter. The churches suffered right along with the schools, the restaurants, the business owners, the health care workers – everyone. And now as we begin to move out into the light and fresh air, and a season of hope, the experts warn us that it may not be over, yet. It could take another turn, resulting in the necessity to restrict our movement again, as we see in parts of Europe and South America.
But through all of those words of caution, and sometimes prophesies of despair, there are the flowers, and the budding trees, and the longer days, and the warmer weather. It’s springtime, even in a pandemic. It’s Easter, a new beginning. We may be wearing masks instead of Easter bonnets, and getting shots instead of candy, and social distancing instead of Easter parades, and doing everything we can to protect ourselves and our neighbors, but it’s Easter, and there is hope, and there is caring, and there is the love of God all around us.
Happy Easter. Stay safe. Stay well. He is risen. Alleluia.
Richard +
Holy Week Schedule
Apr 1, 2021 - Maundy Thursday - 6pm - Inside Service - No music. Reflection by Julia Ashby. Communion. Not Recorded:
- Celebrant - Rev. Richard Bridgford
- Reflection by - Rev. Julia Ashby
- Lectors -
- Altar - Jim Fisher
- Health & Safety Officer - Vaughn Coffman
Apr 2, 2021 - Good Friday & Way of the Cross - 6 pm - Inside Service - Stations of the Cross. Communion from Reserved Sacrament. Not recorded:
- Officiants - Rev. Richard Bridgford & Rev. Julia Ashby
- Altar - Jim Fisher
- Health & Safety Officer - Vaughn Coffman
Apr 4, 2021 - Easter Sunday - 10 am - Service outside:
- Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
- Celebrant - Rev. Julia Ashby
- Lector - Brian Pritchard
- Altar - Jim Fisher
- Usher - Jennifer O'Connell
- Health & Safety Officer - Vaughn Coffman
- Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie
- Vocals - James Coaxum
- Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate
An abridged video will be on YouTube and will be available on our Facebook and Web Page a few hours after the Easter Sunday service, so tell a friend, and share the love!
Post Easter April Schedule
Apr 11, 2021 - Second Sunday of Easter - 10 am - Service outside (weather permitting):
- Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
- Celebrant - Rev. Richard Bridgford
- Lectors - TBD
- Altar - Jim Fisher
- Usher - Kathy Moore
- Health & Safety Officer - Vaughn Coffman
- Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie
- Vocals - James Coaxum
- Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate
Apr 18, 2021 - Third Sunday of Easter - 10 am - Service outside (weather permitting):
- Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
- Celebrant - Rev. Julia Ashby
- Lectors - TBD
- Altar - Jim Fisher
- Usher - Chris Colburn
- Health & Safety Officer - Vaughn Coffman
- Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie
- Vocals - James Coaxum
- Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate
Apr 25, 2021 - Fourth Sunday of Easter - 10 am - Service outside (weather permitting):
- Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
- Celebrant - Rev. Richard Bridgford
- Lectors - TBD
- Altar - Jim Fisher
- Usher - Kevin LaPointe
- Health & Safety Officer - Vaughn Coffman
- Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie
- Vocals - James Coaxum
- Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate
The Altar Guild has 2021 Episcopal Church Year Calendars for sale. See Jim Fisher to purchase one.
Vestry Highlights
Mar. 11, 2021
- Reported that Parish Hall can now be opened to view 100th anniversary posters. Wear a mask and observe social distancing. Worth visiting.
- Reported that the ashes of Rachael Ward and Rebecca Ward will be buried at Forest Lawn on May 8th at 11:00. Members invited to attend with masks and social distancing.
- Approved holding our delayed Congregational Meeting and Vestry Elections outside April 25th (May 2 - rain date) following the 10 a.m. service.
- Reviewed and approved the 2020 audit.
- Reviewed and approved schedule of Holy Week services.
- Approved continued recording of services through April - to be re-evaluated.
- Approved holding next meeting in person with masks and social distancing.
- Next meeting April 8, 2021
If you are interested in being an Usher, please contact Kathy Moore at kmoore1234@cox.net or phone 757-647-6606
If you haven't picked up your 2021 Pledge envelopes, please call the Church office to arrange pick up or delivery.
Stewardship Report
Thank you so much for your continued financial support of Epiphany. Your generosity has allowed us to stay current on paying salaries, utilities, insurance and has made it possible to continue our video ministry filled with beautiful music. The videos are enjoyed by hundreds of households each week.
Your pledges will pay for 69% of our 2021 budget of $134, 583, leaving us to find nearly $42,000 from other sources. If your financial situation allows, please consider tithing from your federal stimulus check when it arrives. Your extra gift would help Epiphany’s finances during a challenging time.
Thank you,
Tina Wright, Stewardship
Sunday Morning Service YouTube Schedule
Looking for Readers for the Wednesday taping of the Sunday YouTube Services. If you are interested, please contact the office at 757-622-7672
Apr 11, 2021 - Second Sunday of Easter - Morning Prayer:
- Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
- Celebrant - Rev. Richard Bridgford
- Lectors - TBD
- Altar - Jim Fisher
- Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie
- Vocals - James Coaxum
- Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate
Apr 18, 2021 - Third Sunday of Easter - Morning Prayer:
- Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
- Celebrant - Rev. Julia Ashby
- Lectors - TBD
- Altar - Jim Fisher
- Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie
- Vocals - James Coaxum
- Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate
Apr 25, 2021 - Fourth Sunday of Easter - Morning Prayer:
- Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
- Celebrant - Rev. Richard Bridgford
- Lectors - TBD
- Altar - Jim Fisher
- Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie
- Vocals - James Coaxum
- Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate
Be on the lookout for emails giving the details and links for the services on YouTube featuring our favorite priests, Richard Bridgford and Julia Ashby.
In Our Thoughts and Prayers
Sheila Brinck
Jerry Cronin
Kevin LaPointe
Mike Scott
Family and friends of Nell Steckman
We pray for the repose of the soul of Nell Steckman
Sing a New Song to the Lord: A Word from the Bishop about Singing
(and also about Books of Common Prayer and Children’s Formation)
Beginning with Palm Sunday, congregational singing is now permitted for OUTDOOR services. Members of the congregation must continue to socially distance and should wear their masks even while singing. Congregational singing should be limited, when possible, to fewer verses in hymns, antiphons only for the Psalm (while a quartet/octet may sing the verses), and/or a brief version of the Sanctus or Agnus Dei. Singing is still not permitted for indoor services.
It is now also acceptable to move BOOKS OF COMMON PRAYER back into the pews for use. Use should be limited to one service only and if a book is used during one service and another service is taking place that same day, that book should be removed from the pew and replaced with a different prayer book for the next service. However, in churches that have only one service per Sunday, the Books of Common Prayer may remain in the pews from week to week.
Regarding CHILDREN’S FORMATION, the Health Advisory Panel is encouraged by a recent study from the CDC that has reduced the physical distancing requirement for children from six feet to three feet. They still note, however, that physical distancing with adults should remain at six feet. While Children’s Formation is currently on hiatus, the panel will begin exploring safe ways to resume Children’s Formation hopefully to allow for Vacation Bible School this summer. Please stay tuned.
Virtual Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, April 2
The Diocesan Liturgists are producing a virtual Good Friday service, which will walk the Stations of the Cross. Like the Christmas video, it will feature different parishes from across our diverse diocese. The Bishop encourages churches to include this as part of their Holy Week services. The video will be available on the diocesan YouTube channel by 8 a.m. on Good Friday, April 2. NOTE: Joe Ritchie and James Coaxum are featured!
Online worship in Southern Virginia
Churches in Southern Virginia are offering a wide range of opportunities for regular online worship - Sundays and weekdays, from Eucharist to Compline to "Pop-up Prayers". Click here for a listing of ongoing virtual worship opportunities.
April Birthdays
3 Tina Wright
4 Laurie Coffman
5 Otto Pebworth
5 Linda Swain
8 Chris Boswell
8 Lori Bergmooser
9 Ed Coleman
10 Betty Ann Christiansen
16 Rosie Cronin
17 JoAnne Davis
20 Gini Scott
22 Larry Bergmooser
April Anniversaries
29 Ron Brasswell & Lem Apperson
Time for Vestry nominations!
There are 3 Vestry openings. If you know of anyone who you would like to represent you on the Vestry, or would like to nominate yourself, click on the link below for the Vestry Nomination Form, fill it out and mail or drop off the filled form at the church office mailbox. Elections will be held April 25th following the 10am service. (Rain date: May 2nd):
Check out the pictures
Following our outside service Sunday, the Parish Hall will be open to enable you to look at the vast collection of pictures the Anniversary Committee assembled, depicting 100 years of parish life. Feel free to enter and look. Masks required! Please observe social distancing. Pictures will be up for a while, so if this Sunday doesn't work, visit at a later time.
For the latest schedule of events, visit our website at
Church of the Epiphany
1530 Lafayette Boulevard
Norfolk, VA 23509-1112