Epiphany Star
Newsletter, Church of the Epiphany
June 2021
Clergy Clatter

As we begin pulling ourselves up out of this Covid 19 pandemic, with which we have lived for the past 15 months, I want to reflect on some of my own feelings and fears, lest they just get lost to time. The human mind is blessed with an uncanny ability to forget painful and frightening feelings; thus, allowing us to move on with our lives. In a very short matter of weeks, I’m finding myself sort of puzzled that I was so intensely concerned, and I don’t want it all to fade without at least a cursory recording.
I love New York City. I love the energy, the noise, the people, the lights, the huge scale of everything. And I think the seriousness of the pandemic really hit me hard when I saw pictures of the empty streets, and dark Broadway, and heard the horrifying figures of how many people were dying every day, and saw the refrigerated trucks brought in to hold the bodies. And there were the daily news clips of overcrowded hospital ICU units, and sobbing medical staff, and the governor begging for more supplies and ventilators. This got too close to home for me. And those empty streets in one of the greatest cities on earth, where I have wandered from time to time in blissful awe, haunted me.
In the very worst of it, I began to doubt that humankind was going to survive this. I remember telling someone, “Now we know what killed the dinosaurs – a virus.” I remember thinking that perhaps this is why Neanderthal became extinct. These and many “doomsday thoughts” were very real for me. And the fear of being put on a ventilator kept me awake at night. And I worried continually about family, and friends, and other clergy, and members of congregations I knew. And then I started learning of “Covid deaths” amongst people I knew – dear, wonderful people. I could not get out of my mind the line from “Rosemary’s Baby” where Mia Farrow thinks she is having a bad dream, and suddenly screams out, “This is Real!”
I tried hard to stay calm and stoic on the surface, but I was so afraid inside. I knew that a vaccine would be developed – eventually, but I was not sure how many of us would survive to see it. The fear I felt brought back childhood memories of “Take Cover” in elementary school, when we had to dive under our desks to try to simulate an atomic attack, and the films they showed us as young kids of windows being blown out and people being vaporized. I thought those terrifying memories were long put away, but Covid brought them back.
I am aware that day by day, as life begins to return to normal, these old memories are again moving to the past, the fears are fading, and the old stoicism is again working. And I think that’s the way it should be. That’s what “moving on” is all about. I guess the day will come when I will look back and say, “What was the big deal?” But I wanted to write this before that day comes, because it was a big deal – a very big deal.

Richard +
June Service Schedule

June 6, 2021 - Second Sunday After Pentecost - 10 am - Service outside (weather permitting):

  • Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Celebrant - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Lectors - Anita Colburn
  • Altar - Jim Fisher
  • Flowers - Marcia Cronin
  • Usher - Kathy Moore
  • Health & Safety Officer - Vaughn Coffman
  • Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie
  • Vocals - James Coaxum
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate

June 13, 2021 -  Third Sunday After Pentecost - 10 am - Service outside (weather permitting):

  • Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Celebrant - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Lectors - John Childers
  • Altar - Jim Fisher
  • Flowers - Jim Fisher
  • Usher - Kathy Moore
  • Health & Safety Officer - Vaughn Coffman
  • Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie
  • Vocals - James Coaxum
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate

June 20, 2021 - Fourth Sunday After Pentecost - 10 am - Service outside (weather permitting):

  • Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Celebrant - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Lectors - Jerry Cronin
  • Altar - Jim Fisher
  • Flowers - Joyce Williams
  • Usher - Kenin LaPointe
  • Health & Safety Officer - Vaughn Coffman
  • Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie
  • Vocals - James Coaxum
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate

June 27, 2021 -  Fifth Sunday After Pentecost - 10 am - Service outside (weather permitting):

  • Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Celebrant - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Lectors - Gayle Greene
  • Altar - Jim Fisher
  • Flowers - Jim Fisher
  • Usher - Dan Swain
  • Health & Safety Officer - Vaughn Coffman
  • Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie
  • Vocals - James Coaxum
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate

An abridged video will be on YouTube and will be available on our Facebook and Web Page a few hours after the Sunday service, so tell a friend, and share the love!

The Altar Guild has 2021 Episcopal Church Year Calendars for sale. See Jim Fisher to purchase one.
Vestry Highlights
May 13, 2021

  • Elected the following officers for the rest of 2021: Co Wardens - Brian Pritchard and Jim Fisher. Treasurer - John Greene, Jr. Registrar - Jennifer O'Connell

  • Set the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time of meetings. Set 6:30 p.m. as meal time when pandemic restrictions allow.

  • Reported that the Yard Sale is shaping up.

  • Reported that there will be an August questionnaire dealing with preferences in times of service(s).

  • Reported plans for a cookout on May 30 following the service. Everything will be pre wrapped and in compliance with CDC guidelines.

  • Reported the need for additional Ushers.

  • Reported that next meeting will probably be "in person".

  •  Next meeting June 10, 2021

If you are interested in being an Usher, please contact Kathy Moore at kmoore1234@cox.net or phone 757-647-6606
If you haven't picked up your 2021 Pledge envelopes, please call the Church office to arrange pick up or delivery.

Stewardship Report

Thank you so much for your continued financial support of Epiphany. Your generosity has allowed us to stay current on paying salaries, utilities, insurance and has made it possible to continue our video ministry filled with beautiful music. The videos are enjoyed by hundreds of households each week.

Your pledges will pay for approximately 70% of our 2021 budget. If your financial situation allows, please consider tithing from your federal stimulus check when it arrives. Your extra gift would help Epiphany’s finances during a challenging time. 

Thank you,

In Our Thoughts and Prayers

Sheila Brinck
Jerry Cronin
Kevin LaPointe
Alice Matuskowitz
Bill Maxwell
Sherry Pebworth
Mike Scott

June Birthdays

11 - Kimie Porter
11 - Edmond Thompson
12 - Lisa Kopacz
19 - Wes Irby
25 - Mary Evelyn Scheible
27 - Junie Pritchard
27 - Melinda Youngblood
28 - Anna Cronin
29 - Nakiah Newsom
June Anniversaries

09 - Marcie & Robert Kidd
10 - Kimmie & Jonas Porter
14 - Sharon & Kenneth Barrineau
15 - Mike & Gini Scott
18 - Brian & Junie Pritchard

New Members

Check out the pictures
Following our service Sunday, the Parish Hall will be open to enable you to look at the vast collection of pictures the Anniversary Committee assembled, depicting 100 years of parish life. Feel free to enter and look. Pictures will be up for a while, so if this Sunday doesn't work, visit at a later time. 

For the latest schedule of events, visit our website at