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Weekly eNews for March 8, 2024

  • Front Door Codes Now End with the # sign
  • Daylight Savings is THIS SUNDAY
  • Did you donate stock recently?
  • Sign up to help with the Holy Comforter Dinner - 3/13
  • Lenten Quiet Day - 3/16 RSVP
  • Parish Workday - 3/23
  • Sign up for a part in the Passion Gospel
  • Holy Week & Easter Schedules & Signups


There’s a new keypad at the front door. Your four-digit code will still work, but instead of pressing the star (*) key after you enter your four-digit code, press the (#) key instead.

Unfortunately, this upgrade has nothing to do with the lock mechanism that has not been working consistently. Parts are on order, and we hope to have the door repaired very soon.

Daylight Saving Time

Second Sunday of March

Daylight Saving Time begins THIS Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 2:00 a.m.

Be sure to set your clocks forward one hour (i.e., losing one hour) to “spring forward” when you retire on Saturday Night.

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Unknown Stock Donation

Epiphany received mid-February a substantial check from a stock donation, with no donor information. If you made a stock donation not yet reflected in your giving record, please contact the parish office.


Holy Comforter Quarterly Wednesday Dinner

3/13—Holy Comforter is a unique worshipping community in the heart of Atlanta. About 60% of this congregation lives with mental illness. We will prepare a meal during the afternoon and take the meal to the church, leaving at 6:00 p.m., prepare to serve after the 6:30 p.m. service. After serving, the volunteers join the parishioners for dinner. Contact Jeanette Hanson for more information.

Help make the Meal for Holy Comforter
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Lenten Quiet Day

Be still, and know

3/16In the midst of a changing world, as nations and kingdoms totter, the psalmist invites us to “Be still, and know that I am God.” During the season of Lent, we are invited to reflect on the reality of our current context as we anticipate the renewal of the Resurrection. This journey takes us through the wilderness. Yet even in our wandering, God sustains us. Please join Rev. Carmie McDonald and Rev. Amy Dills-Wright for a time of returning and rest using art, music, and poetry to still us. The Lenten Quiet Day will take place at Epiphany on Saturday, March 16 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Cost is $25 and includes lunch and supplies.

Register for the Lenten Quiet Day
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"before the cock crows, you will deny me three times." Mosaic from the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, 6th century


Passion Gospel

Palm Sunday, March 24

3/24—On Palm Sunday, many voices read the Passion Gospel. Parishioners who will be in person on Palm Sunday are invited to sign up for roles.

During the liturgy, you’ll speak your lines from your place in the pew (no acting required!). 

Sign up for a role

This Sunday at Epiphany

Worship with us

at 10:00 a.m.

  • Children's Chapel takes place during the service.
  • Sermon Recordings are posted on Mondays.

Livestream:  YouTube Link | Zoom Link

Bulletin for 3/10/24

Formation for all

at 11:30 a.m.

Adult Formation:

During Lent we are engaging with Bishop Wright’s five-part Lenten series to help guide us in this season of sacrifice and self-examination. The theme of this year’s series is “Letting Go.”

Week 4 - Letting Go ... of Condemnation

Link to the Study Guide >>

Children's Formation:

Please register your children for formation classes.

  • Room 205 – Godly Play children (3 years old through 2nd grade)
  • Room 206 – 3rd and 5th grade

Youth Formationwill not take place on Sunday

There is NO Youth Formation after the service this Sunday (3/10), due to the Hunger Walk, in which the Episcopal Youth Community is participating. If you'd like to learn more or participate, you can click HERE or email Ivy May.


Pick up a UTO box or Envelope

make a practice of thank offerings during Lent

In 1889, two Episcopal women envisioned a way to collect small thank offerings in homes as a personal expression of gratitude. Today, UTO contributions from Episcopalians around the world support more than 5,300 Episcopal missions and ministries. UTO boxes/envelopes are in the Gallery. Make checks out to The Episcopal Church Women, noting UTO in the memo. Ingathering will be Sunday, April 7.

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A Booklet from Living Compass

free in the gallery, just a few left!

If you are looking for a Lenten devotional to read as a spiritual practice during Lent, pick up one of the Living Compass booklets in the gallery: Living Well Through Lent 2024: Practicing Forgiveness with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind.

Prefer a digital practice? A free PDF version is also available at You can also sign up to receive a daily email of each reflection for free.

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Hunger Walk

Support the Episcopal Community Foundation who, in partnership with the Atlanta Community Food Bank, fundraise to end hunger, then walk, run, and volunteer at this annual community event. If you'd like to learn more or participate, you can click HERE or email Ivy May.

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Youth Group

This Sunday (3/10) is a SPLIT Youth Group! Middle Schoolers (6th-8th grade) will meet from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m., BOTH Middle and High Schoolers will eat dinner together from 5:00 to 5:30 p.m., and then High Schoolers (9th-12th grade) will meet from 5:30-6:30 p.m. With any questions, please reach out to Emily Elder / [email protected].  


Contemplative Practice

2nd Sundays at 5:00 p.m. in March & April

Come gather with us for a time of reflection, meditation instruction, and gathering with others seeking a more grounded way of being in the world. Led by Bobbi Patterson, Elizabeth Ura and Amy Dills-Wright.


Now Showing in the Gallery

Epiphany’s Art Ministry welcomes acrylic paintings by Lorraine Kimsey for the month of March.

Remember, 25% of all sales benefit Epiphany.

New Payment Method: Please sign up on the price sheet then use the QR code to make payments.

Other News & Upcoming Events in March


Easter Candy Donations Needed

Please consider donating a bag of Nut-Free candy to Epiphany for our Easter Egg Hunt. You can drop off candy at Epiphany during regular office hours or on Sunday mornings, in the bin beside the front entrance. We need all candy by Tuesday, March 26. No candy with nuts or peanut butter, please!

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Donate by Tuesday, March 26


Easter Flowers & Music Signup is Now LIVE

You are invited to make an offering for Easter Flowers and/or Music in thanksgiving or memory of a loved one. Click the button below to list your intention. You can choose to pay online from a link on that page, or mail a check to the church.

Submissions received by 9:00 a.m. Monday, March 25 will be listed in the Easter Bulletin.

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Easter Flowers & Music


MARCH Non-Food Pantry Drive

The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) sponsor a pantry drive in March and October for Emmaus House for items not covered by the Food Stamp Program. This time for the month of March, they are collecting bar soap and liquid hand soap. Collection bins are in the gallery.


ComplineThursday Evenings online

from 7:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. on Zoom

During Lent this year, we invite the whole parishand especially our younger familiesto consider praying Compline once a week (or however often makes sense for your schedule).

A short, family-friendly Compline prayer session will be held every Thursday evening during Lent, from 7:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. over Zoom. Please click on the meeting link on our homepage to join.

Click here for a Compline Coloring Book >>


Young Family Monthly Service Project

3/19—In coordination with Children & Youth Ministries and Community Engagement, service project activities for children, youth, and families take place once a month from 5:00 to 6:15 p.m. followed by the Family Eucharist Service.


Family Eucharist Service

once a month

3/19—The Tuesday Family Eucharist Service for the month of March will take place on March 19 after choir practice at 6:15 p.m. in the parish hall. Arrive by 6:00 p.m. if you’d like to eat pizza together, or come at 5:00 p.m. to take part in the Family Service Project. RSVP for the pizza to Emily Elder.


Parish Workday

Saturday, March 23 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

3/23—Please save the date for a work day that we will have on Saturday from 9:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. We hope you will be able to join your fellow Creation Caregivers of the Earth Guild and the Buildings & Grounds Committee as we spruce up our lovely grounds and interior spaces before Holy Week. All ages and all skill levels are welcome!

We will provide snacks and beverages, but you will want to bring your reusable water bottle so we can avoid single-use plastics. If you have them, bring your work gloves, pruning shears, loppers, spades, clippers, and garden shovels. 

March 24—Palm Sunday • 10:00 a.m.*

Weekday Morning Prayer • 9:00 a.m. (Zoom only, request link from office)

March 25—Contemplative Anointing Service • 6:00 p.m.

March 26—Tuesday Morning Prayer • 7:00 a.m.

March 26—Emmaus House Stations of the Cross

March 27—Noonday Prayer • 12:00 p.m.

March 27—Eucharist with Healing • 12:15 p.m.

March 27—Tenebrae • 7:00 p.m.

March 28—Agápe Supper (RSVP) • 6:00 p.m.

March 28—Maundy Thursday Liturgy • 7:00 p.m.*

March 29—Good Friday Liturgy • 12:00 p.m.*


Palm Sunday

3/24—The narrative account of Jesus’ last days is read at the service.

We will gather over in the meadow, the grassy area off the paved parking lot, and process to the nave with our palms.


Morning Prayer

3/25-29—Morning Prayer takes place each morning at 9:00 a.m. on Zoom. The login Link is not public.

Contact the parish office for login information.

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Holy Week Contemplative Anointing Service

Monday, March 26 at 6:00 p.m.

3/25—Right before Jesus’ final entrance into Jerusalem, he stops in Bethany where Mary the Magdalene anoints him with costly perfume. In honor of this act of love, we offer a service during Holy Week where we remember that anointing, and Mary’s presence accompanying Jesus at his crucifixion, at the tomb, and at the resurrection. The liturgy, written by the Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault, includes readings, contemplative chant, silence, and anointing one another. As we remember Christ’s anointing and experience our own, we are drawn more deeply toward the heart of divine love and place Mary the Magdalene back in her rightful place as a central figure in Holy Week as one of Jesus’ apostles.

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3/27—Tenebrae (Latin for shadows) is a contemplative service recalling the Passion of the Christ in music, verse, and light. Join us at 7:00 p.m. 

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Maundy Thursday "Agápe Supper"

3/28—Maundy Thursday “Agápe Supper,” begins at 6:00 p.m. with foot washing and liturgy immediately following. The Supper requires reservations. Click the button to reserve your seat by 9:00 a.m. on Monday, March 25. Childcare provided up to age 4 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.


The deadline to order fish is 9:00 a.m. Monday, March 25.

Reserve a seat at the table
Help with this event


Good Friday

3/29—The Good Friday Service takes place at 12:00 p.m. The offering for the day will go to the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem. Note “Good Friday” in the memo.

Easter Sunday – March 31

The Great Vigil of Easter • 6:00 a.m.

Easter Day Services • 9:00 a.m.* & 11:00 a.m.*

Easter Breakfast • 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.

Easter Egg Hunt • 10:15 a.m.


Great Vigil of Easter

Join us for the Great Vigil of Easter at 6:00 a.m. to begin our Easter celebration. There will be incense at this service.

Remember to bring bells to ring and plan to stay afterwards for champagne and strawberries.


Easter Sunday Services

Easter Sunday liturgies will take place at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Please bring a flower from home to flower the cross in the courtyard.


Easter Breakfast

Easter Breakfast will be served from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. Please sign up with your table ready breakfast dishes to share (fruit, sweets, casseroles, and other savories). Parish Life will provide biscuits with jams and jellies, ham, and beverages. Include a card listing dietary/allergen comments (i.e., meat, dairy, gluten, nut ingredients). No charge/donations welcome.

RSVP for Easter Breakfast
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Easter Egg Hunt

Gather your children (up to 5th grade) in the church nave after the first service for instructions and we will dismiss for the egg hunt from there at 10:15 a.m. Please bring your own baskets.

Looking Ahead (after Easter)


Summer Advocacy Internship Program

Interfaith Children’s Movement (ICM)

Deadline 4/1ICM’s advocacy program is open to youth ages 13 to 18. Youth learn how to tap into the power of their faith to make a difference in the world. Application deadline is April 1.

For more information contact Kay Lee.


Feeding Ministry

Meals served 2nd Fridays of the Month

4/10-12Volunteers cook in the Epiphany kitchen and then serve the meal at Gateway Shelter on 2nd Fridays. Sign up to help shop, prepare, cook or serve the meal this month.

Help out with the Feeding Ministry
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Vacation Bible School

Registration is open

6/10-14—Save the date and register for this year's VBS, which will take place from June 10 to June 14. We will once again host VBS with St Bart's and Holy Trinity Parish.

Register for VBS

Ongoing Meetings & Programs


Altar Arrangements & Sanctuary Light Sign Up

  • The Arrangements at the Altar are given to the Glory of God and in thanksgiving for all of God's gifts, by Craig McDonald

  • The Sanctuary Light is given to the Glory of God.

Altar Arrangements & the Sanctuary Light can be given in honor of an anniversary, birthday, or in memory of a loved one. Visit to reserve dates that have meaning for you.

NOTE: There are still some open dates for the month of March. Thanks to everyone who signed up after last week's appeal.

Sign up for Altar Arrangements or the Sanctuary Light


Epiphany Book Group

2nd Mondays at 7:00 p.m. - parish hall, sometimes Zoom

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All are welcome to join the Epiphany Book Group on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Check the schedule for meeting locations each month. Contact Linda Ryder-Wolf for the meeting link. All are welcome!

Book selections for 2024


  • March: The Accidental Saints, by Nadia Bolz-Weber at Epiphany
  • April: Ordinary Grace, by William Kent-Krueger at Epiphany
  • May: Cover Her Face, by P.D. James - at Epiphany
  • June: Remarkably Bright Creatures, by Shelby Van Pelt at Epiphany
  • July & August: No Meetings
  • September: The Unanswered Letter: One Holocaust Family’s Plea for Help, by Faris Cassel at Epiphany
  • October: Democracy Awakening, by Heather Cox Richardson at Epiphany
  • November: Still Fooling ‘Em, by Billy Crystal on Zoom
  • December: Appetizers & Dessert at 5:30 p.m. and pick books for 2025 at Epiphany


Community of Hope's Circle of Care

Last Mondays at 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. • parish hall

Members gather to pray, learn, and provide each other with mutual support as they reflect on their emotional and spiritual responses to pastoral encounters. If you or a loved one would like to receive a pastoral visit or home communion by one of the trained caregivers, please contact Ann Fowler.


Men's Breakfast Group

Tuesdays following the 7:00 a.m. service

The Men’s Breakfast Group gathers for breakfast and discussion afterward the Tuesday morning service and are typically on their way by 8:00 a.m. For more information contact John Yntema.


Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

2nd Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. in the parish hall

The ECW meets on 2nd Tuesdays in the parish hall at 10:30 a.m. Our guest speaker for the month of March is Drew Benton, Gateway Center Director of Community Engagement—the center the Feeding Ministry cooks for each month. This month we are eating in, so bring your lunch. All women of Epiphany are invited to attend. For more information, contact Robin Hairston.


Choir Rehearsals

Children & YouthTuesdays in the Music Suite upstairs

Please register your children for Children's Choir

  • Choristers (pre-K-2nd grade) meet Tuesday evenings from 5:00 to 5:30 p.m.
  • Junior Choir (3rd grade-unchanged voices) meet from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. and Sundays from 11:20 to 11:40 a.m.

Adults & YouthWednesdays

  • The Epiphany Ringers rehearse from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Choir Loft.
  • Our all-volunteer Epiphany Choir rehearses from 6:45 to 8:30 p.m. in the Music Suite.


The Grief Pastoral Care Group

1st Thursdays at noon on Zoom

The group meets each month for a healing and faith-based conversation around grief and loss, led by parishioners Megan Fraijo-Paul and Nancy Thompson, both trained psychotherapists. Please contact Megan, or Nancy before attending the first time.

Prayers of the People

For members who are bidding our prayers: Lisa Gray • Wayne Urban • Rob Godsall • Kim Boswell • Brett Boatright • Laura, John & Sarah Keys • Robin Hairston • Audrey Banfield • Beth Towers • Mary McCall Cash • Wende Crowe • Judy Jarady • Sally Brockington

For friends and family: Mickey Aull, family of Cristin Davis • Bruce Henderson, brother of Brent Henderson • Sherri Sharpe, cousin of Terri Lawrence and Julie Ryder • Melissa Keating, friend of Linda Ryder-Wolf • Susan & Zandra • Norman Lindgren and Steve Macciocchi, friends of Susan Scott & Rob Godsall • Richard Gable, relative of Susan Scott • Sara Kolhbrenner, sister of Susan Moody • Mary Donovan, friend of Laura & John Keys • Erin Bauslaugh, friend of Laura & John Keys • Betty Tuzzolino, aunt of Loren Williams • Jeff Smith, family member of George & Liefy Smith • Jan & Emily Corder, friends of Liefy & George Smith • Dave Hunter, family of Liefy & George Smith • Eric Getchell, friend of Jeremy Davis • Maril Revette Stratton, friend of Marjorie Timmer • Kristin Shinall Runnion, family of Doug Runnion• Gary Davis, father of Jeremy Davis • Diana Lawrence, niece of Terri Lawrence & Julie Ryder • Dave Tipton, brother of Pam Tipton • Isabel, granddaughter of Mike & Beth Towers

For members who desire our continuing prayers: Jewel Allen • Rod MacLeod • Sally McClintock • Chris Miller & Ron Hutcheson • Tom Mundy • Pat Spivey • Ann Rowles • Shirley Sugden • Wayne & Judy Urban • Larry Wilcox • Kathy Walmsley • Colleen

For those who have died: Judith Mason, friend of Nancy-Laurel Pettersen • Mary Carol O’Shea, sister-in-law of Kathleen Rinehart • Floyd Parker • Alma Fuller • Bonnie Mitchell, friend of Nancy J. Thompson • C. J. French, uncle of Lisa Daily • Walt Lowe, former member and friend of Kristin Mann • Robert Boyko, husband of Susie Boyko • William Kemp, friend of Jeremy Davis

For those in the armed forces: Stewart Mundy

For those celebrating birthdays for the week 3/10-16: Sydney Powers • Brett Boatright • Robert Cunningham • David Draper • Pat Graves • Remi Keane • Gus Braswell • Dorsey Howarth • Natalia Kertscher • Bobbi Patterson • Suzanne Yoder

For members adopting a child: Jessica, Duane & Abram Burns

For racial justice: We give thanks for Harriet Tubman on the anniversary of her death. We pray that, like her, we will have the vision and courage to stand against oppression and injustice. 

For our endangered world: For the Bald Eagle, who continues to rebound since the banning of DDT.

Did we miss your anniversary or birthday? Send the full date of your anniversary and/or your date of birth to the parish office so that we can update our records.

The weekly parish notices are published Friday mornings at 7 a.m.

The submission deadline is Wednesdays at NOON.

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