A place where God's love is changing lives . . . Joyfully welcoming all.
Your Parish Newsletter
Stay Home.....Stay Safe
Join us this and every Sunday at 10 AM as we celebrate God's presence in our world.
Hear the Bishop!
How we need to support our Confirmands
Bishop Hughes notes that this year's Confirmands are giving different reasons for seeking confirmation than in previous years. Instead of saying they're doing it because it's expected, most are now saying it's because "I want to know God more" or "I want to take my place in the church." For those of us who've already found our place in the church, Bishop Hughes has some suggestions about how we can support our Confirmands as they find theirs.
Recognizing Our Confirmands
Epiphany and Christ Church want to congratulate and celebrate our confirmands. They had put the work in and were confirmed on Saturday April 22nd at 10am – St. Peter’s, Essex Fells. We are so very proud of our youth.

  • Eva Benjamin
  • Michael Benjamin
  • Jullian Desormes
  • Alisa Phill
Chat & Chew
In recognition of the challenges we face with the maintenance of the church property and the rectories and the cost to us in accomplishing our goals, Vestry members have embarked on a monthly Building Fundraising program.

On May 7, Joyce Ifill will host a “Chat + Chew” luncheon after the 10 am service. The tentative menu will be sandwiches, pasta and vegetable salad, green salad, chicken and cake along with hot and cold drinks.

Special thanks to all who participate and continue to support for the benefit of this worthy cause.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew and the Bartlett/Smith Scholarship Fund are offering scholarships for College Bound Seniors.

For this year's Bartlett Scholarship we request the graduates to write a 500 word essay on 'How the pandemic has affected my life'. Submissions will be due no later than May 19, 2023.  
Essays should be sent to Barbara Hamilton:email hamiltonest@aol.com and the word "Essay" in the subject line of the email.
Calling All Volunteers!
Want to spend time with children this summer? Sign up for our Vacation Bible Camp being held this August.  

We are looking for Adult Teachers (18 years and older) and Teen Counselors (ages 16-18) to guide our young students in an exciting curriculum based on healing God's World. We need some people to help with our gym classes and to be general helpers (ages 14 and up). We are also looking for help with the kitchen (preparing and serving meals) and on-site registration for the 5 days of camp. Your commitment will be to attend a training session before classes start and to be able to teach during the entire 5 days of camp. All volunteers must also take the Diocesan Keeping Our Children Safe training. 

After a 3-year hiatus because of COVID, we are again holding a week long camp, from July 31 - August 4, 2023. The classes will run from 9 am to 3 pm. The sessions will include breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. Classes will be free for students to attend and will be held at the church and parish hall. Our classes are broken down by age group, ages 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12 years of age

Please call the church at  (973) 629-7713 if you are interested in volunteering for any position. Or administrator will share this information and get you on your way to your volunteer opportunity. May God bless you. 
Do you have any gently used Kindles or Tablets?
The St. Paul’s Church Youth Group in Chatham, NJ are collecting gently used iPads, Kindles and Android tablets. The units will be donated to the BlinkNow Foundations Children’s Home and School in Kopila Valley, Nepal. They are in desperate need of technology to enhance their eductation.

About the BlinkNow Foundation
Founded by NJ native Maggie Doyne, this organization in Surkhet, Nepal has built a Children’s home (2008, housing 40+ children), the Kopila Valley School (2010, free education to 400 students), a Health Clinic (2011, Healthcare for school and community) and a Women’s Center (2013, provides education and vocation training to hundreds of women). For more information about BlinkNow, visit their website https://blinknow.org/
Upcoming Events
Holy Eucharist Service-Every Wed
12 pm at Epiphany & Christ Church

Sunday, May 7
Chat & Chew

Sunday, May 14
Mother’s Day

Sunday, June 11
Graduates Recogntion

Monday, July 31 - Friday, August 4
Vacation Bible Camp

Saturday, August 26
International Festival

The newsletter is published once a month. If you have articles, or information you want to add to the newsletter, please submit them no later than the 24th of the month.
105 Main Street
Orange, NJ 07050