Episcopal eNews from Northern Indiana

Renewal of Ordination Vows and Blessing of Holy Oils

Date: March 23

Time: 10 a.m. (EDT)

Where: Cathedral of Saint James (South Bend) 

Please join us for the Renewal of Ordination Vows and Blessing of Holy Oils. Bishop Doug will be presiding and Bishop Catherine Waynick, resigned bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis, will be preaching. A reception will be provided afterwards. Please use the QR code above or click here to RSVP indicating the number of people attending and any dietary restrictions.

For the past several years, this service has been held on a weekday prior to Holy Week. This year, we have moved this service to a Saturday morning in an effort to make it more accessible for laity to attend. We hope to see you there!

Church Buildings for Collaborative Partnerships

Phase 2 (CBCP2)

The Church Buildings for Collaborative Partnerships project is continuing thanks to a second Thriving Congregations grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.* “CBCP2” will provide new resources for all Indiana Episcopal congregations to maximize your property for parish use and community connections. CBCP2 will also feature customized capacity-building support for 20-25 selected congregationswith the potential for capital grants. Any Episcopal faith community in Indiana may apply to participate - details will be announced in April. To read more, click here.

* This is a matching grant opportunity. Both dioceses are working now to secure the required match to continue CBCP2 for three years.

Safe Church Training

As you may know, Safe Church Training is vital in keeping our programs and activities safe for all. This training is mandatory for anyone working with children or vulnerable adults, for all paid staff, anyone in charge of a program or activity and for all vestry members. Everyone should be holding annual meetings by the middle of February. During those annual meetings you may be electing new vestry members, so we want to provide those vestry members or anyone else that needs it with the opportunity to complete this important training. We will need to limit these training sessions to 25 participants to make them more manageable. Of course, we also are happy to consult with any clergy in the diocese who are interested in leading training on their own.

Reminder: If you have lay people in your congregations that have taken the in-person training within the last three years, they will only need to complete a refresher course online to stay current. The online refresher course is now available on the Praesidium Academy website. If you didn't receive an invitation to sign into this website you will need to contact us for assistance.

The registration link is below. Participants must register for these training sessions no later than the day prior to the training. Please send this information on to anyone that may need the training.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact Cindy Spice at [email protected].

Saturday, March 9, 2-5 p.m. (EST)


Cindy Spice

Missioner for Safe Church/Background Checks

The Big Provincial Gathering

Registration for the BPG is open!

Visit this page for all of the details!

There are a variety of events happening this weekend, so we invite you to review the schedule and participate in the parts that interest you!

Thursday, April 25-Friday, April 26 - Pre-Event Trainings

  • Civil Discourse
  • Exploring the Doctrine of Discovery
  • Mental Health First Aid - for Adults and for Adults working with Youth
  • Messy Church
  • SoulShop
  • Tell Me the Truth About Racism

Bishop Doug

Thursday, April 25, 6 pm ET

Walking the Potawatomi Trail of Death: A Conversation with Bishop Douglas Sparks

Join us on Thursday, April 25 at the Cathedral of Saint James from 6-7:30 p.m. (EDT) for a reception featuring hors d'oeuvres and refreshments. Discover and be inspired by the stories shared by the Rt. Rev. Doug Sparks about his pilgrimage experiences during his sabbatical. This complimentary event is hosted by Bexley Seabury Seminary, and everyone is invited to attend. Registration for this event will be found on the BPG registration page. If you are not attending the BPG and would like to attend this event, please contact Ash Love, Director of Institutional Advancement, at [email protected].

Friday, April 26, 1 p.m. EDT - Synod

A gathering of all interested in the activities of the Province.

AND - We are thrilled to welcome Julia Alaya Harris, President of the House of Deputies, who will be speaking at Synod

Friday, April 26, 4 p.m. EDT - Choir Rehearsal

Interested in joining the choir for our 6 p.m. Eucharist? The rehearsal will be at 4 p.m. before the Eucharist, and the music will be sent to you by March 15 so you can be prepared! Please sign up here.

Friday, April 26, 6 p.m. EDT - Eucharist and Announcements

Saturday, April 27, 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EDT - Workshops

If you have any questions, please contact

The Rev. Heather Barta [she/her/hers]

Coordinator, Province V


[email protected]

Webpages to review:

Clergy News

2024 Spring Clergy Conference

Date: May 13-15, 2024

Where: Lindenwood Retreat and Conference Center

The theme for our 2024 Spring Clergy Conference is Living a Jesus Shaped Life. The Rt. Rev. Geoff Woodcroft, bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Rupert's Land in Canadian Province of Manitoba, will be leading our sessions and preaching at our Wednesday Eucharist. View the agenda here.

Register by April 15

Save the Dates

2024 Fall Clergy Retreat

Date: October 14-16, 2024

Where: Lindenwood Retreat and Conference Center

Youth News

Save the Dates

2024 Youth Summer Camp

Date: June 9-15, 2024

Where: Camp Alexander Mock (Milford)

Staff applications are now open. Email [email protected] for more information.

2024 Senior High Mission Week

Date: June 30-July 6, 2024

Where: St. Barnabas-in-the-Dunes Episcopal Church (Gary)

Office of Government Relations

Action Alerts

The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations (OGR) identifies opportunities for Episcopalians to participate in our democracy. Click this link to find an action alert that you are passionate about and send a message to your members of Congress.

Province V News & Events

The March 2024 Province V eNewsletter

can be found here.

EDNIN Province V Executive Board Representative:

The Rev. Cn. Terri Bays, Ph.D.

The Philadelphia Eleven Online Streaming Event

The documentary, The Philadelphia Eleven, will be available to stream online on March 8 at 8 p.m. (ET). The film will be available at kinema.com. Tickets are $10 and all proceeds will benefit the film’s distribution. After the showing, there will be a live panel featuring the Rev. Dr. Carter Heyward, the Rt. Rev. Nedi Rivera, the Rev. Nancy Wittig, and Margo Guernsey. The panel will be moderated by Katie Sherrod. If you would like to host a showing, either online or in person, please visit the Philadelphia Eleven website. A short form is available to fill out, as well as additional information on cost, upcoming screenings, and some FAQs.

Using Picture Books for Racial Healing

Picture books offer an excellent way to discover, discuss, and share stories about topics that many people did not study in school but that are crucial to the work of repairing, healing, and seeing God in each other. Registration is open for Dismantling Racism training sessions taking place in the coming months. Miriam McKenney leads the trainings, which take place on Zoom. 

A training course occurs during one month, so you only need to sign up for one.

  • April (10, 17, 24 from 1 to 3 p.m.) Sign up here.
  • May (15, 22, 29 from to 8 p.m.). Sign up here
  • June (4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13 from 12 to 1 p.m.). Sign up here.
  • August (14, 21, 28 from 6 to 8 p.m.). Sign up here.

Email the Diocese of Southern Ohio's Director of Dismantling Racism Miriam McKenney to learn more.

Creation Care Conference

Spiritual Resilience in Days of Trouble

September 12-15, 2024

Nazareth, KY

  • Registration opens June 1
  • Schedule outline and retreat leader biographies are published here.

Kristin Uffelman White ordained and consecrated 10th bishop of Southern Ohio

The Rt. Rev. Kristin Uffelman White was ordained and consecrated as the 10th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio on Feb. 17 at the Greater Columbus Conventio...

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Northern Indiana parish imposes 'Ashes to Go' as Episcopal churches mark Ash Wednesday

In this suburb of Chicago, Illinois, the Rev. Cathy Carpenter, priest-in-charge at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, spent the early morning of Ash Wedne...

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Michigan bishop calls for 'courage and compassion' to end gun violence

One year after a gunman shot and killed three students and injured five others on Feb. 13 at Michigan State University in East Lansing, three new gun safety laws take effec...

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News Around The Episcopal Church

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry to receive pacemaker to treat irregular heartbeat

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is scheduled for surgery March 1 to receive a pacemaker as part of his treatment for atrial fibrillation, or irregular heartbeat, a condition...

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Episcopal priest returns to 'Jeopardy!' to compete in Tournament of Champions

The Rev. David Sibley's four-day run on "Jeopardy!" in October 2022 has earned him a spot in the show's Tournament of Champions, and Sibley, an Episcopal priest in the Dioc...

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Presiding bishop announces Title IV transparency webpage detailing cases against bishops

The Episcopal Church, on Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's direction, updated its website to launch a series of informational resources Feb. 22 intended to increase th...

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'Heartland' climate change documentary premiers in Kansas Episcopal cathedral

"Hot Times in the Heartland," a documentary film on climate change and its impact on Kansas, which has seen decreased farm income as low rainfall yields shriveled crops and...

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Episcopal support helps Diocese of Jerusalem, Al Ahli Hospital respond to suffering

The Episcopal Church's United Thank Offering and Episcopal Relief & Development have announced new funding for the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and its Al Ahli Arab H...

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Western Oregon church hosts residential huts in parking lot as part of its housing ministry

The parking lot at St. John the Divine Episcopal Church in Springfield, Oregon, has about 50 parking spaces, but with an average Sunday attendance of about 30, the congrega...

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Please email any events, articles, or notifications you desire to be

included in the next monthly enewsletter to Canon Christopher Hillak,

Missioner for Communications and Operations, by March 25. Thank you!

The Episcopal Diocese
of Northern Indiana
117 N. Lafayette Blvd.
South Bend, IN 46601
(574) 233-6489
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