September 18, 2020
Convocation Newsletter
(COVID-19 special edition #20)
September 18, 2020
A Newsletter for Members and Friends of the Convocation of
Episcopal Churches in Europe
Please direct any comments to [email protected]
Preparing for Convocation Convention
For a Church Convention
Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in the Convocation Convention for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 20)
Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.
The "Season of Creation" is marked each year from September 1 to October 4, and is observed in many church traditions, including Anglicans, Lutherans, Roman Catholics, Methodists and many others. This prayer and other resources can be found here.

Prayer in the Season of Creation
Loving God, we thank you for the gift of life in all its diversity and beauty. Lord Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, we praise you that you came to redeem all of creation. Holy Spirit, we rejoice that you breathe in the life of the world. Grant us faith and courage to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus as caretakers of, and justice-seekers for, your beautiful and bountiful creation. For the blessing of your people, the sustaining of the earth and the glory of your name. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Pray with us in the  2020 Convocation Cycle of Prayer   available here
Convocation Convention, October 22-24,
now to be held entirely online
Council of Advice - September Meeting
Bishop Edington's announcement: or click on the image above.
The Council of Advice met via ZOOM video call on 4 & 5 September 2020.

Agenda topics and discussions included:
  • Parish and mission congregation reports from liaisons, and discussion on being mindful that communities/parishioners may be feeling isolated given the unknowns COVID has presented.
  • The Bishop and Council agreed to recognize both St. Michael's Thuringia as a mission and Santa Maria a Ferrano as a specialized mission of the Convocation.
  • Task Force updates from liaisons, overview of general content that will be presented at this October’s convention.  Discussion on future of these Task Forces and how to keep the work active after their first year of being established.
  • Final review and approval of 2021 budget that will be presented at this October’s convention. 
  • Agreement to a formal charter for the Finance Committee. 
  • Review of feedback provided to Linda Grenz (who conducted the recent mutual ministry review for the Bishop and Council) from clergy and wardens. Discussion held on how to improve communications from the Convocation office to result in content that is more engaging. (The Council will have a separate virtual meeting in the coming weeks to discuss the remaining feedback for this review.)

Convention 2020
  • Finalized that the meeting will be completely virtual this year, and not in Nice, given potential travel restrictions from the uptick in COVID cases across much of Europe.  Holy Trinity Nice looks forward to hosting the in-person Convocation Convention in October 2021.  Members of the Council will be convening to refine the agenda, so that the program is designed for a virtual format.
  • For Bishop Mark Edington’s formal announcement regarding this decision, as well as other information regarding this convention please click on the following link:
  • The Council of Advice will next meet for an abbreviated virtual meeting on 22 October 2020.

Key dates for upcoming Convocation programs can be found at:

The Council of Advice is a canonical committee that advises Bishop-in-Charge Mark Edington in carrying out his responsibilities in the Convocation. If you would like to learn more about the Council of Advice and its current members, please visit:
Task Forces to Report to 2020 Convention
At the 2019 Convocation Convention in Bossey Switzerland, Task Forces were appointed to examine and four priorities in the coming year. These Task Forces will report to the 2020 Convention in Nice.

In June, these four priorities were examined in considerable depth at the annual Academy for Parish Leadership (APL) sponsored by the European Institute for Christian Studies (EICS). These reports are being finalized and updates will be available in upcoming newsletters.

The four task forces and their chairs are:
  • Refugees and Migrants - Thomas Huddleston (Waterloo), Chair
  • Climate and Creation Care - Stephen Squire (Geneva), Chair
  • Racism and Reconciling the Beloved Community - Stephen McPeek (Wiesbaden), Chair
  • Youth and Children: The Church of Today - Joyce Chanay (Paris) and Caireen Warren (Rome), Chairs
The Cathedral welcomes new Canon
From Dean Lucinda Laird...

Dear people of the American Cathedral (near and far and virtual),
I am delighted to announce that The Rev. Nathaniel (Nat) Katz has accepted a call to be our next Cathedral Canon.
The Canon Search Committee and I interviewed 33 candidates from around the Anglican Communion, many of whom were very good indeed. We had more Zoom calls than anyone should be asked to have, but it was worth it: we unanimously agreed on Nat. We’re excited about what he brings to the Cathedral: all sorts of experience, gifts for ministry, deep spirituality, good preaching, creative thinking, openness, humor and kindness.
Nat will be involved in all aspects of Cathedral life, with a special focus on children, teens, young adults and young families. We can’t wait for you to meet him!

The Rev. Nathanial Katz arrived in Paris on Friday, September 18, and he will begin his ministry soon. He was previously senior associate rector at All Saints' Church in Beverly Hills, California USA.
Fr. Andrew Cooley bids farewell to St. James in Florence, Italy
If you cannot attend this celebration in person, you can join
the farewell event for Fr. Cooley via Zoom - Link Here
The Rev. Andrew Cooley will retire from active ministry in the church on September 30, 2020.

Fr. Cooley was ordained in the Diocese of Colorado in 1985 and continues his canonical residence in that diocese. He served in various parishes in Colorado for 25 years, until he began a new career as a trained interim minister.

Over the last ten years, he has skillfully helped parishes in transition to move to a place to call a permanent priest. His last assignment has been St. James in Florence, Italy, where he arrived on January 1, 2019. After 21 months, the vestry will call a new Priest in Charge in a few weeks time. His work at St. James has been highly valued by the parish, the bishop, and the convocation.

On October 1, Fr. Cooley will head to Tacoma, Washington, USA, where he will rejoin his wife Terri, and where they intend to settle. Terri left Florence in February for a visit to Tacoma, but was unable to return due to the pandemic. Their daughter, son-in-law and grandson live in Tacoma.
Upcoming Convocation Events

  • October 15-18: TEC-ELKB dialogue - held online.

  • November 7-8: Consecration and Seating of the new Archbishop of Utrecht - Deventer NL

  • November 27: COABICE in Paris

Looking to 2021

  • May 28-29, 2021: Mission Fest in Augsburg, Germany
Online Worship in the Convocation
Church of the Ascension
Munich, Germany
Online Worship Opportunities for Sundays and Weekdays

With many of our church buildings closed to public worship, many of our parishes and missions have moved their Sunday and weekday Worship online. Consider taking part in worship with your sisters and brothers in Christ across Europe.
Online and In-Person Worship opportunities may be found here
Convocation COVID-19 Webpage
Information in one place
Convocation COVID-19 Response
Please visit our webpage dedicated to our COVID-19 response, as well as other resources.

If you have things to add please send information to [email protected]
Congregational Plans for reopening churches - see the Bishop and Council of Advice directives on Regathering the Church Prayerfully and Intentionally here
Convocation Communications Committee
Trinité Magazine
Spring 2020 issue
The Convocation Communications Committee (CCC) coordinates the communications of the Convocation. Special emphasis is given to Social Media, and close coordination with the parishes and missions of the Convocation. Existing modes of communication such as newsletters and the website are getting a facelift.

Members are: Thomas Girty (Paris), chair; Felicity Handford, Marc Smets-Tolley (both Waterloo), Walter Baer (Paris), Audrey Shankles (Wiesbaden), Helena Mbele-Mbong (Geneva), Maleah Rios (Rome) and Ellen Hampton (Paris), ex-officio. Others are being added.

The Convocation is now also featured with four pages in the cathedral's semi-annual publication Trinité, covering Convocation events.
Sermons Online

Did you miss Church?

Check out an on-line sermon:

See Bishop Edington's August 16 here - here
See also:
The Bishop's Pastoral Message
from June 5 on YouTube - here

Read: Bishop Edington's op-ed
from June 10 in Le Monde - here
(French and the original English version - here)
Francophone Outreach...
A la radio : le Magazine Anglican
Le « Magazine Anglican », animé par Laurence Moachon, paroissienne de la Cathédrale de la Sainte Trinité à Paris. 
À propos du Magazine Anglican :
Depuis septembre 2012, Laurence Moachon présente le 4e samedi du mois, le Magazine Anglican. Avec l’objectif de faire mieux connaître la tradition anglicane au public français, elle traite de sujets d’actualité culturelle, historique, liturgique ou ecclésiologique dans la Convocation et la Communion Anglicane. 
The Convocation's Francophone Mission
Le samedi à 17h
La Convocation des Eglises Episcopales en Europe vous propose :
la Sainte Eucharistie en français
du 3 octobre 2020
Vous êtes tous et toutes les bienvenues à cette sainte eucharistie en français, présenté par la Convocation des Eglises Episcopales en Europe. La première messe aura lieu samedi le 3 octobre à 17h à la Cathédrale Américaine. Quand vous entrez, vous devez fournir vos coordonnées pour la recherche des contacts.
Regarding Allegations of Clergy Sexual Abuse
Important information on the lifting of the Statute of Limitation regarding clergy sexual abuse...

Let it be known that for three years in the Episcopal Church there is no statute of limitation on clergy sexual abuse. Every diocese has a confidential way to make a report. In Europe here is ours:
"Go forth for God; go to the world in peace; be of good courage, armed with heavenly grace, in God's good Spirit daily to increase, till in his kingdom we behold his face."

                                                   Hymn 347 - Holy Eucharist; Music: Litton 
The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe | 23 avenue George V, 75008 Paris, France
+33 (0) 1 53 23 84 06 | [email protected] |