Weekly Epistle

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

January 11 and 12, 2025

Watch our services via Video Streaming

Tune in using the link below to tune in to a live streaming of our 10:00AM Sunday Service! Or use this link to watch the service later.

Click Here

If you have children who are visiting this weekend, we ask you to complete a "Social Media Waiver". Click below to submit.

Social Media Waiver




St. Luke's Episcopal Church

info@slecp.org www.slecp.org

Parish Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday

9:00am to 4:00pm

Lunch Hour by Appt. only

The Parish Office is closed on Fridays.


Bulletin, January 11 and 12, 2025

Healing Service Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Can't make it to one of our services? Follow the link to our website (slecp.org) to watch live or stream later, and download the bulletin.

Parish Announcements, Events, and Classes

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Psalm 24:1

A.C.E. is back!

Practical Forgiveness For Groups

Rob Voyle – 4 weeks

  • 1/12/2025
  • 1/19/2025
  • 1/26/2025
  • 2/9/2025 

Learn how to let go of unforgiveness and spite. In this course, author and consultant Rob Voyle uses his decades of experience in dealing with forgiveness and reconciliation to give us practical steps on how we can let go of the pain of unforgiveness and live in wholeness.

Forgiving others can be the most important activity of our lives. 

But it doesn't have to be. Author and speaker Rob Voyle knows a lot about forgiveness. In his books and seminars he argues that letting go of an offense is easier than most people think, if they're able to keep in mind some elemental truths. In this course, Rob unpacks his ideas on forgiveness in these four video presentations: 

1) Resentment

2) Forgiveness Is...

3) Objections

4) Reorientation 

This course is ideal for those who are looking to move past forgiveness issues. 

Here's a video preview:  https://youtu.be/9AqQihZU-94



We're here to help. Contact Becca Farrell at finance@slecp.org to ask your financial question or to make an appointment whether it be about your pledge, giving, or commission budget. She'll be happy to find the answers you need.

Get involved at St. Luke's!

There are many ways to get involved in ministry here at the church. Below are just come examples:

  • Administrative assistance with phones and odd jobs and especially projects!
  • Counting duties on Monday mornings and filing duties with the Finance Office
  • Commission Chairs needed for various ministries.
  • Commission members and volunteers (visit our website and see what's going on!)
  • Hospitality Service on Sunday mornings (sign up in the Gathering Hall)
  • Donate Altar Flowers on your birthday or other special occasion (sign up in the Gathering Hall)
  • and many more...

For more information on ministry at St. Luke's, please contact Lynda at (928) 778-4499 or email info@slecp.org

St. Luke’s OUTREACH Commission



Seeking to serve Christ through serving our neighbor.



Our mission is to bring parishioners together to help others, especially those in need of food, water, shelter, clothing, and educational opportunities.


Each month the Outreach Commission offers service opportunities where we encourage our parishioners to participate:

Outreach Meeting - 4th Monday of the month at 3:00 p.m.


HUSD Faith Based Council meeting 1st Thursday of the month.


Every Thursday 2-4 pm: Drop off donations for Food Pantry


Every Friday 9-12 pm: St Luke’s Food Pantry


Every Sunday at 9:10 am: Sunday School for all ages.


Angel Quilts Meeting… Special Meeting Thursday, January 16th, (usually meets monthly, 3rd Thursday)


Come and See

St. Luke's Sunday School, Kindergarten through Grade 2, continues every Sunday from 9:10 to 9:50 in Classroom H. Bring your kiddos and watch their joy as they learn about God through story and song. I can't wait to meet you!

Miss Tani

And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”

Matthew 3:13, 16–17

Diocesan News and Updates

Statement from Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe

on the death of President Jimmy Carter

I give thanks for the life and witness of President Jimmy Carter, who has died at the age of 100. He was a devoted peacemaker and steadfast public servant whose faithful labor for his country, his church, and the cause of global democracy and human rights has long been an inspiration to Christians across the world.

As a politician and humanitarian leader, President Carter met adversity with resilience and never relented when he saw an opportunity to serve. Whether seeking peace in the Middle East, leading the international campaign to eradicate Guinea worm disease, or building houses with Habitat for Humanity, he eschewed wealth and celebrity in favor of service to God and his fellow humans.

In 2002, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize “for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development.” His legacy will live on through The Carter Center, which he founded with his beloved wife, Rosalynn, and which continues the selfless work they did throughout their lives.

When Jimmy Carter took the oath of office to become the 39th president of the United States in 1977, he did so on a family Bible laid open to Micah 6:8. The nation was hurting and divided in the wake of scandal, and to set forth a new vision, he read the words of the prophet: “He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.”

May we follow his example of Christian service, and may his soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

The Most Rev. Sean W. Rowe

Presiding Bishop

Community News and Updates

Community Food Banks in the Quad City Area are Seeking Our Support, too!

Our food donation program, which benefits three of our area food banks, continues. This has been an on-going program (separate from the St. Luke's Food Pantry) where parishioners can donate non-perishable food items that will in turn be shared with the Prescott Community Cupboard, the Prescott Valley Food Bank, and the Chino Valley Food Bank. 

Your donations of non-perishable food items may be left in the wooden box in the Parish Hall. 

Thank you for your continued support of all our food donation programs!

Pastoral Care

Community Contact Lists

The administration office, along with many dedicated volunteers, has been working to update our Community Services reference lists. Many services are available here in our community for food, clothing, housing, and other needs that folks in our community may need. Download the attached lists and keep them handy so that, with your help, the ministry of St. Luke's continues beyond our front doors.

Community Resource List
Additional Resources Available
Emergency Housing for Seniors

Parish Weekly Updates and Resources

Altar Flower Donations for this week

Gib McIntosh

Please be sure and sign up to donate flowers--the sign-up poster is in the Gathering Hall. When paying by check, please be sure to state "Altar Flowers" in the memo line and leave your check in the offering plate or in the mailbox by the Administration Office.

Hospitality Ministry

Sign up today to serve your church for 30 minutes of a Sunday morning.

Kim and Keith McConnell

STEP UP AND SERVE--If you are thinking of joining the ranks of admired treat bringers, please sign up on the sheet on the Welcome Center table against the wall.

Fellowship is growing as Christ calls.

Host/Hostess Responsibilities

Birthdays and Anniversaries this coming week


January 12 - January 18



January 12: Gib McIntosh

January 14: Carol Warren

January 17: Neil Waterman, Gail Trost

January 18: Margaret Barlow, Lauree Birchmeier, Doris Schoeben






Weekly Attendance

January 4 and 5


Birthday and Anniversary Prayer

O God, our times are in your hands: look with favor, we pray, on your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace. Send your blessings upon them, that their homes may be a haven of peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

This Week's Food Requests:

No salt/sugar canned goods, gluten-free foods, non-dairy beverages (soy, almond, coconut, etc.)

St. Luke's Food Pantry Report

for December 20, 2024

28 Households, 79 individuals (n.r.) Kids 16

and  2 new families

The Food Pantry will be open this Thursday to drop off food from 12:00pm-2:00pm,

and to Pick Up Food on Friday from 9am - Noon.

Come Serve the Lord! Email info@slecp.org for more information or to sign up to serve.

Lost and Found

If you have an item that was left behind, or if you found an item, please email info@slecp.org and report it. It will then show up here. We have also designated a spot for announcements on the Website at slecp.org. Check out "The Bulletin Board" link on the home page.

Thank you for your

continued financial support!

Click here for a one-time or recurring donation. You can also place your offering in the secured locked mailbox outside our parish office.

Thank you so much for supporting St. Luke's Ministries!

Worship Ministers for Weekend of January 11 and 12

and Wednesday January 15


Saturday, January 11, 2025  5:30pm

Celebrant & Preacher: Marc McDonald

Eucharistic Minister: Jennifer Benson


Sunday, January 12, 2025  8:00am

Celebrant & Preacher: Fr. Marc McDonald

Deacon: Kimball Arnold

Eucharistic Minister: Carol Sweeden

Organist: John Euson

Ushers: Kathryn Barber, Sylvia McIntosh


Sunday, January 12, 2025  10:00am

Celebrant & Preacher: Fr. Marc McDonald

Deacon: Kimball Arnold

Lector 1: Mary Ellen Rivero

Lector 2: Lauree Birchmeier

Lector (Prayers): Kerry McClung

Verger: Barbara Sayle

Eucharistic Minister-Crucifer: Beverly Shaw

Eucharistic Minister: Brenda Schwartz

Director of Music: Luana Canty

Organist: John Euson

Welcome Table: Barbara Baker-Rosenberg

Greeters: Open

Ushers: Carol Goldsmith (Head), Rich Goldsmith, Nancy Reynolds, Larry Griffinn

Sound/Audio Tech: Mike Maxwell

Lock-Up Duty: Carolyn Jones


Wednesday, January 15, 2025,  10:00am Healing Service

Celebrant and Preacher: Fr. Marc McDonald

Eucharistic Minister: Nancy Carmichael


 Altar Guild Team

Robin Borok (Capt.), Cynthia Moreno, Betsy Denison

Our Prayer List

It is our practice to keep names on the prayer list for three weeks. If you need to keep them on longer, please make a special request to move that person to the long-term list. There is a black prayer binder located on the Usher's Table in the Narthex in which you can write your prayer requests


You may email your prayer requests to: info@slecp.org

For those in need of prayer:  Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit; give them courage and hope in their troubles, and bring them the joy of your salvation, especially Tizoc Ceballos, Brandon Reynolds, Riley Gillam, Timothy Dunham, Margaret, Jerry Sweeden, M.J., Len, Jeff Haugland, Carol Covert, Vera Mulnix, Emily Baker, Steve Wilson, Jane W., Jaclyn Waterman, Ana Johnson, Karen Robinson, Fred Hanson, Paulie Meyers, Rev'd Susan Schubert, Carl and Carol Anderson, Marion Dunmire, Zibbie Wolter, Larry F., Ted & Barbara Sayle, Bob Haugland, George J., Amelia D., Ron Fifer, JoAnn Jahneke, Ken Saber, Joanna, Michael Orley, Wayne Hallford, Bob Barlow, Steve and Gerri Jarvis, Deacon Nancy Fees, Deacon Kimball Arnold, Nancy Reynolds, Laura Reilly, Ed and Hedy Sullivan, Jacob Whitmire. Linda, Noah, Tom Holliday, Laura Hutchison, Shelly, Pat Benedict, Sara, Tani, Deanna, Tom Cooper, Kate, Dale, Karen Hrushka, Cathy Hoaglund, Sue Prior, Leslie Rose, Vicky Quinn, Hector Figueroa, Jim Clemens, Marcie Harris, Mark Schoonover, JoAnn Savage, Charles Hooper, and Dennis Houser


For the repose of the soul of Arthur Reilly

For the repose of the soul of Emily Wilson (sister of Larry Neece)

For the repose of the soul of Margaret Hoover (Fr. McDonald’s aunt)

For those in our Armed Forces: Brian, Ian, Florian, and Beka.

For all those suffering and who have been affected by hurricanes and other severe weather


Anglican Prayers for the week of January 12 – January 18

Sunday, January 12 – The Church of the Province of West Africa

Monday, January 13 – The Diocese of Lango – The Church of the Province of Uganda

Tuesday, January 14 - The Diocese of West Lango – The Church of the Province of Uganda

Wednesday, January 15 – The Diocese of Langtang –The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)

Thursday, January 16- The Diocese Lebombo - Igreja Anglicana de Mocambique e Angola

Friday, January 17 – The Diocese of Leeds – The Church of England

Saturday, January 18 – The Diocese of Leicester – The Church of England


In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer – Christ the King - Tuscon

In the St. Luke's Outreach Cycle of Prayer – Prescott Area Habitat for Humanity, Café Justo Coffee Growers, Angel Quilts

·        For Bishop Zak and Amagoro Junior Academy

·        For Our Companion Diocese of Western Mexico

Pray for this week’s Birthdays and Anniversaries*: 


As of June 16, 2022, per the Diocese, all COVID regulations have been suspended, with the exception of the following: All non-vaccinated persons wishing to attend live services be masked.

Thank you for your compliance with this request.

Welcome All LGBTQIA+ Friends


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church of the Quad-Cities seeks to create a community where we intentionally welcome all. We foster a climate of purposeful inclusion, an environment where all can feel safe, valued, cared for, and given an opportunity to form meaningful connections with each other. We cherish the diversity of humanity, a diversity that includes differences in sex, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, range of abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, financial means, education, and political perspective.

When we say “All are Welcome” we mean ALL.

We acknowledge...
According to Resolution #2016-3, of the 56th Diocesan Convention:
 We acknowledge the living culture of the Yavapai people, the traditional custodians of the land we stand on, and pay tribute to the role they play in the life of this region.

Due to email problems, we will no longer be publishing individual email addresses.

Call if you need one.

Epistle submissions: info@slecp.org

Submissions for the current week's Epistle are due by noon on Wednesday!

Church Website: www.slecp.org

Contact Us
Facebook  Youtube