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October 2021

October Newsletter
Dear EricsHouse Community,

Welcome to October 2021! Fall represents a time for transformations. These wonderful renewing changes occur both in our surrounding environments and within ourselves. The trees drop their leaves and prepare for new growth. We can think of the shedding of something old to make space to grow new life. May we all let go of what no longer serves us to allow hope and healing into our hearts. EricsHouse welcomes you as you are. Please take a look at our upcoming Fall Events, including Hope & Healing Virtual Fundraiser. More information is attached below!

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Letter From Our Founder-
Marianne Gouveia
 Tears and The Power of Giving
and Receiving

On August 17th, I had the upper left lobe of my lung removed due to a cancer diagnosis. This is an undeniably serious surgery and a very long recovery. But I am doing well and my prognosis is great. During my recovery, I had to learn something new. . . I had to learn to receive love and support from others. An organization named “Mother’s Grace” is a group of women whose mission is to “Heal the World, One Woman at a Time”. This amazing group of generous, loving women brought meals to my family and me three days a week. At first, I was uncomfortable, thinking that there are others that need the help much more than I do. In fact, I almost felt ashamed to be supported by women I had never met before. In a conversation with Michelle Moore, the group’s founder, I gently mentioned that perhaps someone else could use the help. She simply stated, “this is what we do”.  

We are taught that it is better to give than to receive. We are taught that it is selfish to receive. The experience given to me by Mother’s Grace is more than just meals. Much more. It taught me a life lesson. And that lesson is to remember that there are two people in the equation – the giver and the receiver. I learned to be vulnerable and to allow the giver to support me and to be grateful for what I have been given.

My first venture out after my surgery was for groceries. In the self-checkout line, I met a man who could not speak English. He was struggling to read the checkout screen. I offered my help – we scanned his groceries and bagged them, but when I went to help him run his card, it was declined. Without thinking twice, I took out my card and paid for his groceries. He thanked me with a sincere look in his eyes, almost tears, he took his bags and left. As I watched him leave, I cried.  He gave me much more than I gave him.

In much the same way that my eyes welled up in tears when I consider how lucky I have been to be a recipient of the love and support of Mother’s Grace, I also consider that the tears I shed for that man in the grocery store were tears of love and of gratitude. I felt grateful for being in that spot in line at that time. I felt grateful that I was given the opportunity to touch someone so deeply. So it is true that in giving that we receive. Not material goods, but with love - love that binds us together. It is our tears that connect us, and it is in that connection that we become whole persons.

October 10th is World Mental Health Day and our 2nd annual fundraiser. In preparing for this event, my staff and I have taken pause at the many lives that have been touched by the hope and positive energy radiated from EricsHouse. Bound together by our tears, we receive love and support. We give love and support to people who desperately need help.

Today, I’m reaching out to ask you to consider supporting our mission. Going into next year, we will face a number of new challenges. With the increased number of deaths by suicide and addiction, we know that our services are needed more than ever.
To meet these challenges, we are asking you to consider a gift during our upcoming EricsHouse World Health Day event - October 10th.

With Love,
Please join us for our VIRTUAL Hope and Healing Fundraiser on October 10thWorld Mental Health Day! We will broadcast live from the EricsHouse facility from 12:00 PM-5:00 PM. Get ready for an afternoon of hope, healing, and celebration as we honor those we’ve lost and bring together our loss survivors who are once again finding joy and happiness in their lives. We have special guests and events slated throughout the afternoon that are both fun but also heart-warming as we hear stories from some of our clients. Our goal is to raise $100K so that we can continue to support people who feel alone in their grief and have nowhere to turn. No father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, friend, or relative should ever have to face devastating loss alone. 

We should all indulge in some comfort food from time-to-time. Cooking brings people together and allows for creative expression. Consuming comfort foods help the body release dopamine which can reduce stress, increase pleasure and be nostalgic.

Take a look at these fun, fall festive recipes from Jan D'Atri's cookbook!

Chicken Pot Pie

CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL RECIPE: https://jandatri.com/recipe/chicken-pot-pie/

Apple Pie Cookies
Servings: 14 Cookies

CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL RECIPE: https://jandatri.com/recipe/apple-pie-cookies/

Join us for the Full Moon Labyrinth Walk. The moon is packed full of energy that is not to be missed. At EricsHouse, we are taking full advantage of this time and invite you to join us in a Labyrinth Walk with Gong. You will be guided to release your burdens and let go of anything that is holding you back as you begin your walk.

There is no charge for this event but you must register to attend.
Zoom Workshop: The Labyrinth As A Healing Space
Presented by Dr. Robin Dilley

Don't miss out on an opportunity to learn more about the magic, healing powers of the labyrinth.

When: October 9th from 11:00-12:30 PM via Zoom.

This workshop is open to everyone however it will focus on life altering physical illnesses, such as cancer, chronic pain, heart disease, diabetes and depression. Depression and other mental health disorders are life altering and often are the cause of physical illness such as diabetes!